
They all got into their cars and turned on the engines, they waited for the countdown which was hovering right above their heads to get to zero so they could race, they realized Luna's aim to get them to race with her after she told them to pick their cars.

"You guys better have fun."

Luna screamed while bringing her head outside the car window.

Anna looked at her and smiled.





They started moving at sound breaking speeds, the cars had been modified and even the energy cell it used had power comparable to an atomic bomb so as soon as the cars got to moving they broke the sound barrier in a few seconds.

Alex and Luna were leading with Anna, Ava and Aya right behind them. Anna switched gears and her dodge charger tires to the ones which made more contact with the ground to increase the amount of electric traction and her speed started increasing. she moved forward and came close to Alex and Luna's vehicles, Ava and Aya were still behind and they weren't trying to take the lead so early, they were biding their time.

Luna brought out a hand and waved at Anna who was closing in on her.

"You're gonna have to do better than that Anna." She smiled while screaming the words to Anna.

Because of how fast they were going Anna didn't hear her. So she brought spoke to Anna using the communicator in the band.

Anna smiled and said.

"Them I'll just have to do better."

Alex kept advancing forward until she had taken the lead, Because the track was so huge, Luna had reduced the size of the track they were racing on but it was still big.

Anna increased her speed by increasing the traction on her car again.

She was just about to pass Luna when she felt something from her right which was where Luna was, Luna had pink fire burning on her hair.

Anna looked closely, 'No, that was actually her hair.' Anna thought to herself.

Luna turned around and looked at Anna, She still had a smile on her face but her eyes were a deep red with pink smoke coming out of the sides of her eyes.

"Watch this." She mouthed to Anna.

At that moment, it was like the Cars had slowed down, Luna held her steering wheel tightly and the pink flames all over her sprung out and the car she was in also caught the fire coming from her but the girls beside noticed that the cars she was driving was unscathed

The car was still on fire and with the pink fiery hairy, she looked like the Angel of Fiery destruction.

Anna an the other girls looked at her with varying expressions, they realized that this race wasn't gonna be as easy as they thought.

The next moment, the same thing happened to Aya and they realized that she had copied Luna's power, the only difference was that her flames were white.

Aya's speed increased and She was moving faster, getting closer to Luna who had taken the lead, she was just about to pass Anna when a wall popped out from the ground and she had to brake.

"Oh sorry." Luna said to them through the communicator. "It's also an obstacle course."

"Now she tells us." Aya said, which made everyone smile.

When Aya hit the brakes, her sister also passed her and was in the running for the lead, Anna and Alex were side by side trying to catch up to Luna who was still in the lead, Aya had already recovered and was driving just a little bit behind her sister, her speed was also increasing.

Alex just used her force field to cover her car and she drove through the brick walls in there way while the wrecking balls bounced over her force field.

At the first turn, the rate at which the obstacles came out of the ground increased, there were walls with spikes on them and they all swerved and dodged them, then a wrecking ball appeared out of nowhere and swung itself in the middle of the girls splitting them and almost hitting Anna who just dodged a wall that popped out of the ground in front of her.

Luna was still leading and she smiled and said.

"No hard feelings if you guys don't win, we can always try again next time."

'We'll see about that.' Anna thought to herself.

Aya and Ava looked at each other for a moment and nodded then turned and focused on the race again. Alex just continued driving, no expression could be seen because of her mask. Of the other cars that were being driven by robots two had been destroyed by the Spikes that came out of the ground.

At the other turn there was a ramp which led to a tube, the walls of this tube could be driven on, Aya and Ava were driving on the top of the tube, Luna was driving straight on the bottom while Anna and Alex were driving on the sides of the tube. Lasers suddenly appeared in the tube criss crossing, layer over layer, it destroyed the remaining car belonging to the robot and now it was just the girls racing. Anna had increased her speed and the electricity flowing through her car made it shone with a bluish hue surrounding it.

"Last run everyone, this is the final lap." Luna said to everyone through the communicator.

"Laps, you didn't even say anything about laps before." Ava said.

"I know right, isn't it much fun when you don't know what's coming." Luna replied.

"Typical Luna." Anna snickered.

The holographic projection above their heads changed to final lap, Ava and Aya tightened their grips on the wheel of the cars and they took on expressions of determination.

The final lap had a lot of obstacles on it, there was even a more wrecking balls, with a giant robot standing on the road to prevent them from passing, there was also a ramp on the two sides of the road.

Ava and Aya pressed a button on the holographic dashboard on their cars and the speed of the cars increased, there was blue electricity coming out of the of the cars. Alex saw this and activated her own which made her car to also move fast. Anna didn't need to do this as her car wasn't one that had short bursts of speed. They caught up to Luna who had changed back to her less fiery appearance, they were all in the same line and swerving and avoiding all the traps that were strewn out on the track. They were getting closer and closer to the finish line when Luna's car increased in speed and broke out of the deadlock but Anna had been waiting for this and increased her car's speed in tandem with Luna which made them cross the finish line at the same time, with Aya, Ava and Alex crossing a second after them.

They stopped the cars and the cars dematerialized after they came down. Luna walked up to and hugged her tight, Anna just stood there not knowing what to do. Even the others were confused as to what could have brought this on.

"That was awesome, let's do this again, but with more traps and obstacles next time and with random cars without addendums."

Luna said in one breath after letting go of Anna.

"Ermm sure." Anna replied.

Luna looked at the others and waved then she led them out of the room.

"Well that was fun." Alex said.

"Yeah we should totally do that again, but maybe in space and we could call it the space race." Ava said with a glitter in her eyes.

"That name sounds a little bit cliche, don't you think."Aya said to Ava.

"No no it doesn't."

"Hey Anna, We should spar sometime." Luna called out to Anna who was watching the banter between Aya and Ava.

Anna turned to look at Luna who had a playful smile on her face.

"Yeah sure, that be cool."

"Alright Ladies, we'll have some more fun later."

Luna said to them, she waved at them while walking away and she turned a corner while shouting.

"Have fun."

"Well we should all go, now am really tired." Ava said.


"Eto Grey."

Eto stood up when a buff man with brown sideburns and black hair walked into the commons where he shared with the other guys.

"Come with me, and wake up your friends."

Eto didn't know what to say so he just did what the man said.

He walked to Jake's room where he was playing chess with Sam and then he walked to Karl's room where he was playing videogames.

"Really man, this the training you said you were gonna do." Eto asked him.

"I've trained, Now am training my hand, eye coordination." Karl replied without taking his eyes of the holo screen in front of him that covered the entire left wall.

"Come on, we are being called."

Karl quickly dropped his controller and walked out the room with Eto, Jake and Sam were already waiting for them. They came outside the common and started following the man who waited for them with his back turned towards them. He led them to a spaceship with the ramp down and turned to them.

"Suit up."

"You have a mission, Briefing will be done on the ship, Good luck."

He said and walked away. They stood there for a bit until Karl said.

"What was that."

"I guess we are about to find out."

Jake said and pointed to the ship.