War II


We left the shelter some days ago and went back home, all the bodies that were outside had all been removed. Interestingly enough, our house wasn't broken, everything was in the right place, the only sad thing was the glass that was broken. I quickly replaced it after finding the replacements.

After what happened the last time with the invasion and the Stropers attacking our planet, My mum decided that we were going off world. It was interesting to say the least as I've never been off this planet or anywhere else for that matter.

She told me after we got back that she was going to call in an old favour and we'd leave in a few days.

After I fixed up the broken glass, I called after my mother, But I didn't hear a reply, I went to the kitchen were she was before I went to fix the windows. I found food on the table in the kitchen and a note.

"Went to pick up some supplies, Be right back."

I put down the note and are the food, Mum could always make the best meal no matter what we had at home, that's not to say we didn't have enough, we just couldn't eat extravagantly.


In a forest.

A lady with green skin wearing a combat outfit with a black dagger on her left leg and a plasma gun on her right thigh. She walked through the forest which was strangely quiet, she kept a straight face and kept walking, when she got to a tree that looked dead, she placed her palm on it and there was a blue light that shone and scanned her palm, then a hatch opened up behind the tree with a hiss.

She walked into the hatch and followed the ladder that took her down, she walked until she came to a dark room. The moment she stepped into the room, the lights came on, and weapons were lined on the wall from plasma cannons to plasma swords, There was even a mecha suit in the room. The lights kept on flickering.

She walked up to a Holo portal(It superimposes the avatar of the person you want to talk to making it look like they are really standing there.) She stood by the side of the room and waited for a minute before stepping forward and picking a Holo band embedded in the wall. The moment she removed it, The red lines running from it to the Holo portal came on and a person wearing glasses appeared in the room, it was just a holographic projection but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference, the person looked at her and smiled.

"Hello Gamila." The hologram said.

"Hi sis." Gamila replied to her sis.

"Still angry at me, it's been 14 years, clearly you still can't be mad."

"I need a favor." Gamila looked at her with a sad expression on her face.

"What happened."

"Another attack."


Gamila nodded and looked at the hologram of her sister with a face filled with emotions.

"I need to get off world, I need your help to get my son and myself out of here."

Gamila's sister nodded her head as soon she heard what Gamila said.

"I'll send someone to come get you."


"Hey Gamila."

Gamila looked at the eyes of her sister when she heard her name.

"I'll see you soon."

Gamila nodded and ended the transmission, she wasn't one to hesitate when she wanted to do something.

She took her spatial storage which was the size and shape of a cross shaped pendant, she put it around her neck and pressed a button and everything in the room dematerialized and flew into the pendant on her neck. All that was left was a black duffle bag with some food and clothes in it, it also had a long black blade in it, the blade shimmered cause of the reddish lines that crisscrossed around it, the lines appeared and disappeared every few seconds. She picked up the duffel bag and put it across her shoulder, she walked away and the lights turned off. She walked up the stairs and when she came outside the tree, it dematerialized like it was never there, the particles were scattered away into the air.


After I finished eating what mum made for me, I went upstairs back to my room and looked out the window, it looked different than a few days ago and if I didn't see all the bodies I wouldn't have even have believed that a bunch of people died her some days ago, well maybe the blood gave away but am sure as hell not gonna keep on looking out this window.

I left the window and climbed my bed, the moment my head hit the pillow I closed my eyes and slept off throwing myself into the dreams I've been running away from cause I never understand what they mean.

It's always the same dream, I'm a baby this time, my perspective always changes, am a baby sometimes, a woman, a man, different identities but always watching the same thing and waiting for the same outcome, the explosion which isn't like all others, no it isn't like all others, it's black and dark and that's how it always ends, no screams, no destruction, just darkness that can be felt.

I woke up looking around, my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I hear the clitter clatter of plates downstairs, it's coming from the kitchen. Mum's back.

I walk down the stairs and almost tripped when I got to the bottom but I caught onto something that steadied me and I walked into the kitchen, I saw mum seating on the table, there was something different about her.

'She's wearing a necklace.' I thought to myself.

"Hiro." She called to me.

I walked up to her and sat at the other chair by the table. she looked at me with a smile and continued.

"We'll be living in a few days so get ready."

I was excited to finally leave this planet even though so of my happiest memories were here.

"Where are we going mum." I asked her.

She ruffled my hair and said.

"It's a surprise."

I nodded and went to pack my things even though i knew we wouldn't be living right away.


"When are we going to attack again."

A voice sounded out in the darkness. The only thing visible in this darkness was red beady eyes that darted from left to right as if waiting cautiously for an enemy to appear but no enemy appeared.

"Patience is what you should really work on, and not when to attack." Another voice said in the darkness.

"But I want to attack now."

The first voice screamed out loudly like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Then go ahead and see what the Queen does."

The second voice said with a calm voice.

The other voice visibly lowered and became silent.

"At least, you're quite now."

Getting no response from the first voice, the first one screamed loudly.

"Say something, you know we attack in a few days and we are the only two commanders here."

The second voice paused then continued again.

"We need a plan and we can only come up with one cause Voracil has gone to capture another planet."

The first voice shouted back loudly.

"Let's attack now."

clearly the first one had forgotten all about the threat from the second voice.

"I still don't understand why I was paired up with you to take this planet over, Dumb brute that only knows how to fight and scream."

The second voice taunted and the first one shouted back.

"Fight me, Fight me."


On a spaceship that was hovering over the ground on an unnamed planet that had explosions happening around it, a man lied down on the roof of the spaceship with a black hat with swirls around it that would make anyone who looked long enough be disoriented or hypnotized, The man suddenly opened his eyes, His eyes were a blazing white without blemish and filled with fury.

He disappeared and appeared inside the spaceship, he flew the spaceship out of the planet and activated the hyperdrive which moved at speeds of light to his destination.

"This time, This time I'll make it right."

He said to himself.

"we'll see about that."

A voice sounded out.