After Eto, Karl, Jake and Sam suited up and got into the ship. They sat down side by side and a Holo screen appeared in front of them and displayed.
The ship flew out of the docking area and activated the warp drive.
[Primary mission:An important individual has requested for pickup from planet NOWA in sector U01. You will proceed to the individual's location and extract the targets.]
[Caution:Individuals must be protected, reports have been made that the planet NOWA has been invaded by Stropers.]
"Interesting, I've heard of the Stropers before but I haven't seen one." Jake said while pushing up his glasses.
Karl looked at Jake and waited for him to continue. Jake stopped talking and Karl had to nudge him on his shoulder.
"Go on, What are they like."
"Oh, I thought you've heard of them before?" Jake asked Karl.
"I may have heard of them before, but I wouldn't mind listening to you telling me a little bit about them."
Karl replied to his question with an uninterested look on his face.
"Their six feet tall, with webbed feet, bat like ears, And besides their very ugly."
It was Eto who replied to Karl's question.
Sam just sat down, his eyes closed and and his legs crossed, he was meditating. He took in a deep breath and breathed out again and fire engulfed him, it was all around him, Strangely though the fire didn't burn anything.
Eto, Jake and Karl looked at him with varying expressions, there was surprise, reverence and Intrigue, The last one was obviously Eto.
Eto stretched his hand towards the fire, but he didn't feel any heat even when his hand got close to the fire, so steeling him self, he put his hand into the fire and instead of his hand getting burnt, he felt a cool sensation like the feeling someone would get if a cold breath was blown onto their hands.
Sam opened his eyes and the fire faded away, the temperature in the ship had reduced a bit which was strange because fire is supposed to be hot but in Sam's case, his fire was cold.
When he opened his eyes and saw all of them looking at him like there was something strange on his face, he tilted his head backwards and asked.
"So you didn't know what just happened to you, your body, your fire?"
Jake asked him.
"No, Did I burn something again?"
"No, you didn't, How do I put this."
Jake said while putting his chin on his palm.
"Your fire was cold." Karl said to him.
Jake and Eto whipped their heads towards him and Eto said.
"Really man. Oh that's all you have to say."
"Yeah, I know that when I get really really good at controlling my flames, I'd be able to change the temperature anytime I want so maybe that's what happened but I still haven't gotten it yet, it only happens when am meditating."
Sam replied.
"Well that sums it up." Jake replied and they went back to been silent while Sam went back to meditating.
When they came out of warp just outside planet NOWA. They saw huge ship's shooting at pods at the planet. while they saw all this, the ship's A.I said in a monotonous voice.
[ Planet NOWA is been invaded by the life forms identified as Stroper.]
"Well this is bad, I knew we were gonna have to fight this guy's soon, I didn't think they'd use so many ships and it's a full on invasion at that."
Karl said while looking outside the glass windows.
"Turn on camouflage and begin descent to planet NOWA."
Eto gave the command to the ship.
The ship disappeared from sight and evaded the pods that were been shot at the planet below.
When the pods got close to the surface of the planets, they opened and Stropers a dozen at a time came out of the pods, it's like the pods were spatial storages and when the pods opened they poured out like a flood.
The ship took them to the location where the Targets where identified to have been. The ship took them to a forested area where there was a house and outside the house were three Stropers, they were trying to get into the house but a forcefield surrounding it prevented them from moving any further, they just stood there hitting the force field trying to break through it.
When Eto's ship approached the house it disabled the camouflage and the ship appeared some meters away from the house. Karl immediately jumped down from the ship which was in the air forty feet from the ground. Eto and Sam shook their heads when they saw him running towards them at them, Jake jumped right after him with his gun in his hand.
Karl threw the axe he held at them, this axe was different from the one he used when taking the test, this axe had a plasma blade.
Jake head shotted two of the Stropers while he was jumping from the ship. The axe Karl threw cut into the head of the remaining Stroper, the axe flew back to the hand of Karl after the Stroper fell to the ground dead.
All this happened in less than five seconds.
The ship landed and Eto and Sam stepped out. They moved forward, but the force field was still up and covering the house.
Eto used the communicator to contact the person in the house. A lady with green skin appeared in the holo communicator.
"You're here."
"Yes Ma'am."
Eto replied to the lady who cut of the communication, the force field came down some moments later and the Lady walked out with a boy of about Fourteen years, He walked out with a shy expression, he hid behind the lady while keeping an eye on the four guys standing in front of their house with three dead Stropers in between them.
"We better hurry, There's no time to waste, they must be heading here now."
Gamila said to them.
"Okay, let's move out, package secured."
Jake said.
"Who made you boss jakey." Karl said with a smile on his face.
"Why, you Karl, you just called me boss."
"Stop it you two, we are leaving."
Eto stopped the banter happening between Jake and Karl before Karl could reply.
They started moving towards the ship when a Stroper jumped at them and landed in front blocking their path, Sam and Jake shot at it at the same time, it fell down dead with two holes where it's eyes used to be.
"Pick up the pace, we need to move now."
Gamila shouted out, after which they heard a guttural roar coming from all directions, They ran and they trooped into the ship, As Eto was about to jump into the space ship, a Stroper came out of nowhere and tackled him to the ground, this one was bigger and had an extra pair of arms, he tried to teleport and found out that he couldn't teleport, Sam, Jake and Karl shot at the Stroper but the bullets bounced of it's skin, In the time the bullets hit it Eto saw a shimmer coming from it's skin, He realized that there was a force field covering it and on the neck of the Stroper was a silvery metal, it was embedded right under it's chin.
The Stroper roared at Eto and bounded forward to hit him, he sidestepped and cut of an arm with his katana with the plasma blade that cut right through the force field, the Stroper roared in pain and looked at Eto with anger in it's eyes, Karl threw his axe at the Stroper, It saw this and jumped up then threw itself at Eto again.
'Seems like it hasn't learnt.' Eto thought to himself while counting down the seconds until the Stroper came within cutting distance,
When the Stroper came close to Eto with two of it's three remaining arms stretched towards Eto's legs and neck, Eto shifted back then pushed forward with his right foot and lunched at the neck of the Stroper with his plasma blade pointing straight at the neck of the Stroper, it cut right through it and the head fell to the ground with green blood sputtering out of the neck, it fell down and died, After it died the shimmer on it's skin and the silvery metal embedded in it's neck faded away and the Stroper turned into a puddle of green blood.
"Eto, We have to leave now."
Karl shouted in an agitated tone at Eto, Eto looked at him and nodded, As he teleported into the spaceship and looked outside while standing on the ramp, He saw more Stropers like the one that just attacked him bounding towards where the other one had died, they couldn't count them cause of how many they were but if they could, they guessed the numbers would be up to 60.
As the ship was flying away, it camouflaged itself and passed a very strange Stroper which looked female, it's features were also very different, it had a slender body with a full chest and the ears were smaller than the others. it screamed in the direction of the spaceship, it threw a purple orb that was on it's hand with, the orb was turning inside out every second and it hit the ship and the camouflage disappeared.
It jumped...