

After I packed up everything, Mum showed me some interesting stuff on her holo watch, she showed me where we would possibly be heading to, It looked like a giant hourglass made of metal that was floating in space, it just hung there unmoving and unshaking, it was there like a beacon in the darkness of space, like a mark on the Arrow of time.

Mum told me that today will be the day we leave, I and mum left the house to go and drop the supplies we wouldn't have to use at the shelter, the food at the shelter was almost never enough so we took some of our food there.

As mum and I started walking back home, the alarm sounded to alert the people living on this side of the planet of another invasion by the Stropers, Mum held my hand tight, Brought out a hoverboard from the spatial storage on her neck.

"Hiro, get on."

I got on the hoverboard and she jumped on and started flying towards our home, if the planet wasn't under attack right now, this would have been really fun, but as of now when we started running just to get home, all I wanted to do was actually get home.

A pod fell right in front of us and the dust and rock it kicked up when it landed blocked my view from seeing what happened cause the next thing I knew I was falling and then I landed on something and realized my mum had caught me, she was on the ground with blood on her forehead, and some bruises on her arms, I was a bit scared for myself, for my mother, but I knew she'd get us out of here, she always did.

She turned around and looked at the pod that fell in front of us, the pod was behind us now, the door opened upwards with a hiss and a roar greeted us with a Stroper running outside to greet us with sharp fangs and razor sharp claws, mum shot at it twice and it fell down with a hole in it's head and an extra hole in it's mouth.

After she killed the first one, more came out of the pod, it felt like the rush of waves in the sea cause that's how the Stropers were rushing at us. it was endless.

Mum put me on the hoverboard that had returned to her side and was hovering there.

"Escape mode. Armor on."

[Command confirmed].

[Escape mode activated].

[Armor activated].

Mum said to the hoverboard, it spread and covered my body from my head to my toes, it felt a bit itchy having all those metallic paths crawling over my body cause that's what they were nanobots, it formed and exobot or a body fitting mecha over me.

It flew into the air with me and launched itself in the direction of our house, I screamed for my mum asking and screaming for answers as to why she'd do this. it was no use as the suit muffled my voice preventing me from voicing out my thoughts, then I heard my mum's voice from the communicator in the house.

"I'll be right behind you, I can't fight well while trying to protect you."

I understood what she said and calmed down on the outside but on the inside I was fuming.

' why am I so weak, why am I so weak.'

I questioned my self over and over again but I got no answers.


After sending Hiro away in the Gamila turned to face the Stropers which had increased in number and were now facing her with 48 eyes brimming with bloodlust. She looked at them and a smirk appeared on her face.

"Well, come at me, you ugly faced turds."

She screamed at them while taking out two plasma swords from her back, but her plasma swords had black blades which was strange in itself.

The Stropers jumped at her at the same time not caring if they hit each other or not, she watched them calmly as they came close to her, she swung her blades in an X shape and black waves came out from her sword and cut through the lines of Stropers in front, she killed eight at the same time and injured some others behind them.

The swords changed back to blue plasma blades she ran forward into the incoming wave of Stropers, she swung her blade and cut a Stropers hand off then she jumped up in the air with a twist and lobed of the heads of three more, she threw her swords in the air and brought out her guns, she shot at the Stropers and gave each of them a headshot while still running forward, she killed eight more with the shots from her handguns then she put her guns back into her holsters and caught the swords she threw in the air, she swung the swords which had turned black again in a vertical slash and cut through the remaining five Stropers that were bounding towards her without fear even after seeing their comrades die before her. she put her swords into the sheath at her back and jumped up into the air and brought out another hoverboard, she looked up and saw more pods falling from space and sped off to her home.


Mum is gonna be okay, I kept telling myself, after that exobot or hoverboard brought me home, a forcefield came out of the pyramid ornament in our house and covered the entire house, I looked out the window waiting for mum to come when I saw five Stropers heading in the direction of our house, I think they saw me because they came and started hitting the forcefield trying to break it but they couldn't, I just closed my eyes and willed them to go hoping that it would work when I heard the gun shots, I opened my eyes and saw my mum on her hoverboard hovering just behind them, in her hand was a plasma rifle and she had shot at the heads of the Stropers which then exploded, I was happy to see her well and safe. she moved forward and the forcefield opened for her and she came inside and hugged me.

"Are you okay, Are you hurt."

She asked and I felt a bit flustered cause I wasn't the one who just fought through a horde of Stropers and came out unscathed, even the blood on her hair was gone.

"Am okay mum."

"Okay good, we'll be getting out of here soon."

she said and kissed me on my forehead.

She went into the kitchen after asking me if I wanted to eat something which I said yes to. what, don't think of me like that, a guy has gotta eat no matter the situation.

I was looking outside the window cause I heard some Stropers pounding on the forcefield again, there were three this time, then I saw a man with an axe jumped out of the air and cut through one of them while I think the other two Stropers got shot by a gun because I saw another guy with glasses who looked quite chubby and he held a gun when he jumped out of the air just like the other one, then two more guys walked up to the two who jumped out and one of them had grey hair with a young face, he couldn't have been over twenty.

Some moments later mum looked at her communication beacon and the guy with the grey hair appeared on it.

"You're here."

She asked him to which he replied.

"Yes ma'am."

She cut the connection and said to me.

"We're leaving."

she switched of the force field and picked up the micro pyramid and put it in the spatial storage on her neck.

I nodded and I carried my bag and I took my mum's hand and walked out the door.

I saw them as soon as mum opened the door, they looked at me and one even waved at me, I hid behind my mother and she spoke to them.

"We better hurry, there's no time to waste."

The chubby one and the one with the glasses exchanged some words before the one with grey hair told them to stop, the one with a flaming karan just stood there silently.

a Stroper appeared out of nowhere in front of us and the one with the axe and the one with glasses shot at it.

When we all climbed into the space ship, the grey haired one was attacked by the Stroper and I could see the expressions of shock on the faces of the others, it became more clear when they shot at it and the bullets bounced of, but the one with grey hair didn't look flustered at all, he just faced it and cut of some of it's arms with his plasma swords and cut of it's head.

The one with the axe called his name which I guess was Eto and told him to hurry, he appeared in the space ship after he heard that, it startled me when I saw him disappear and appear like that, we looked down and we saw where he was standing just some moments ago overrun with more than 50 Stropers who were all roaring.

We were finally leaving when the the ship got hit by something.