Beat Down II


When the ship got hit, I started hearing sounds.



It sounded like someone was hitting the roof of the space ship. I looked up and saw dents in the ceiling of the space ship, I was a bit surprised, I didn't know what was happening outside but because it was punching, I guessed it couldn't get in. My mum held my hands in hers.

"It's gonna be okay Hiro, It's gonna be okay."

I heard her say this after coming close and whispering in my ears, she shifted back and smiled at me, I tried smiling back but it was kind of hard, I was scared, I thought of almost everything that could go wrong here.

The ship falling.

Whatever is out there coming in here and killing everyone.

The ship exploding.

My head exploding.

That last one just came out of nowhere, then I heard of the guys that came to pick us up, the one that has the axe strapped to his back using magnetic locks, speaking to the grey haired one which I guessed was their leader but I wasn't really sure.

He shook his head after hearing what the one with the axe said but a moment later, the one that hadn't spoken since we met him actually spoke up.



"Let's go to the roof, we'll just walk there."

He said it so casually that he had to endure the look from everybody present on the ship.

The grey haired one nodded to him and they both walked to the rear door.


That's what I heard after they both went and stood at the door and the door opened for them, I guessed it was a command given to the ship's A.I.

They climbed out one after the other and they were out of sight, the rear doors closed right after they left to prevent the air pressure from dropping any further and making it hard to breathe.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard sounds coming from the roof, I guess the fight had begun and the fall of footsteps moved from the front to the back, then the ship got hit by a force that blew the lights and even the ship's A.I malfunctioned.



[Power offline.]

[Engine failure.]

[Rebooting system.]

[Reboot failed.]

[Using power from backup battery pack.]

[Rerouting power to reboot main controls.]

[Reboot in progress.]

[Reboot completed.]

[Autonomous piloting Disengaged.]

[Manual pilot Activating.]

It felt like we were falling and I couldn't even hear half of what I think the ship's A.I said, the only wrong about the thought that just ran through my mind was that we were actually falling.

That's when I opened my eyes and saw the guy that carried the axe jumped forward to the pilot seat that had remained empty until now when he sat there and took the control bars and pulled up, I think that's what he did cause I saw him leaning back.


[Outside the ship, on the roof.]

After the Stroper flew down and landed in the middle of Eto and Sam, they flew backwards at the same time and managed to avoid the hit that if it was really aimed at them, they wouldn't have been able to avoid this and they knew that they may have died of that had hit them, they steadied their bodies and ran forward to attack while the ship was falling, they didn't know what happened to the ship's A.I, but judging from the speed of descent that they were experiencing, they guessed that the A.I malfunctioning must have been caused by that purple shockwave that they saw after the Stroper had landed, It was now clear that she wasn't taking them seriously before, but now she was serious in killing them, Her body started lighting up with purple lines running through every limb she had and even the black scar had a purple shimmer to it, she moved and this time her speed was so fast that Sam and Eto could only watch as she kicked Sam's sword away and cut Eto's gun in two, Sam's sword flew and fell down to the planets surface, Sam quickly jumped back to avoid being so close to the Stroper, when he saw her from the corner of his eye, noticing she was already behind him, He raised his arms to his chest to block the kick heading his towards his chest, when the kick hit his forearms he heard the sound of bones cracking and he coughed up blood while falling back and landing on his back.

Eto saw his gun get cut in two but he quickly ditched it cause it wasn't that important, he quickly moved back to but he used the movement technique his mother taught him and avoided a long arm with razor sharped claws that were glowing a faint purple which was headed for his neck.

He quickly increased his distance by jumping backwards and saw his silent friend being kicked backwards and falling down on the ship's roof with a heavy this, blood was dripping from his mouth, he took a closer look and saw that his arms were a bit deformed, The Stroper jumped up and straightened it's figure which was heading straight down for Sam's head, Eto ran towards the Stroper and tackled it before it hit Sam with both of them rolling of the roof of the ship before falling of the edge to the planets surface, Eto saw that the ship was already steadied and was continuing it's ascent to leave the planet, He tried teleporting but he couldn't teleport, his figure just faded and appeared in the same place. He looked at the Stroper who was falling not to far from him and closed his eyes, he tried, he willed himself to teleport, He already knew that it was because of how close the Stroper was to him that made him unable to teleport, he just couldn't tell what made them have that effect, Even when he fought with the one that had extra pair of arms, he also couldn't teleport.


Sam opened his eyes at the moment when Eto dived at the Stroper and fell of the ship with it, He screamed in his mind but he stopped himself before thinking in his mind.

'He can teleport back, that's why he did that, He doesn't make decisions without thinking it through.'

Little did he know that Eto just jumped and tackled the Stroper without even thinking, all he had wanted at that moment was to save a friend.


He closed his eyes and willed his powers to break out of this inactiveness, he felt like his powers had been caged and he was in the process of breaking the cage, he felt it like a burn in his chest, in his brain where he pictures the location he wanted to teleport to which was inside the ship, he knew Sam would have crawled back into the ship and even if he could teleport, teleporting onto or into a moving object was hard in itself so he focused, and he with closed eyes, he couldn't see the crack that had appeared over the face of the Stroper that was falling, Even the purple shimmer had dimmed considerably.

He felt himself on the cold hard floor of the ship, He opened his eyes and saw the heads of his teammates and even the little boy looking at him.

'Hell yeah I did it.'

He thought to himself.

"Good, you're awake."

Karl said to him and he noticed that Sam, Jake and the little boy were looking at him but the lady was not there, he was about to ask when Sam who saw the confusion in his eyes spoke to him.

"She's flying the ship, the A.I is still trying to fix the damage but it'll take time we don't have and we clearly can't land to fix it."

Eto nodded his head and tried to sit up at which point he was hit with a major headache, he had to grit his teeth together to prevent himself from screaming out, He slowly sit up and found his seat. Then he asked the others.

"Did anybody bring food supplies, I need some water."

Jake brought out a water bottle and gave it to him, he drank it all and asked for another at which point Jake said.

"Did you even check your spatial storage, all your supplies are there to."

He checked and found two water bottles, two pieces of cake, A plasma magazine and a forcefield projector, He took out a bottle of water and drank it all, the he asked the lady piloting their Spaceship.

"How far are we before we can warp out of here."

"We first have to get out of this."

She replied without looking back, Eto didn't understand what she meant as they had just escaped from and enemy that had almost killed them, But he kept his thoughts and walked close to the front and when he saw the sight that greeted him, his jaw fell open and he couldn't help but scream in his mind.
