
Anna woke up to a bang on her door, She jumped up quickly and landed on her feet quickly getting into a battle stance, She watched the door which could turn transparent or opaque depending on the owner's command or setting, The transparency of the door could be changed to show a one way view where she'd be able to see what's outside without been seen or to be able to see inside, she gave the command to turn the door transparent on the outside so she could see what was on the other side.


When it turned transparent, there was nothing there but she could see the disturbance in the air and she knew that there was something there just a moment ago.

She picked up her katana then walked towards the door still wearing her pajamas, she opened the door and did a front roll into to the commons where herself, Aya, Ava and Alex had their rooms, it was a circular room with floor to ceiling smart glass windows that showed the darkness and vastness of space with some stars twinkling in and out like they were just illusions, Orion's belt was just to the left, but Anna couldn't focus on all this details now because she heard the sound coming from outside the room, it sounded like something was hitting the window, but this was apace.

Bang, Bang.

She whipped her head and looked at the windows but there was nothing there, the sound kept increasing and increasing with the decibels of sound being increased visually until she could even picture the sound jumping at her face. Anna moved closer and closer to the window and placed her hand on it slowly, she moved her face closer to the window with her nose almost touching it, there was a drop of sweat sliding down her nose, as she was about to turn away, she saw a blur outside the window then her reflection which she just realized wasn't there before, she was about to move away when a hand came out of the window, she looked at the hand and realized that her reflection was trying to pull her into the glass window, and the smile on her reflections face was one of joy after finding someone that you have been looking for, the only difference in which she noticed was that her reflection had white hair and the hair was moving like she was in the water, it bobbed up and down slowly.

"Am dreaming."

Anna didn't scream but she was definitely shaken, Even though she was afraid, she tried the most logical thing that came to her mind, she used her katana to stab at the glass to try to break it, but it just plunged into the glass like the glass was made of water, she quickly let go of the katana and it disappeared from sight while the glass was still there.




She heard her name and the voice calling her name sounded familiar, she had heard this voice before but only in her mind so hearing this voice now was interesting to say the least, She heard the voice saying something again, but the words that were been said lost all semblance of meaning before hitting her ears which was kind of strange, she could hear conversations that take place even if they were 60 feet from her so her not been able to hear what was been said only added to the strangeness she felt ever since she heard the sound of something hitting her door.

"Stop resisting, it's kinda hard to pull you out of this place."

The voice sounded out again and she heard it clearly this time, the voice spoke in a pleading tone and Anna just resigned herself, she knew that this was a dream and she wouldn't die even if she fell in the sun, The only thing she hoped that shouldn't be true was that this shouldn't be the work of Nightmares(parasitic life-forms that feed on the fears of others).

Her reflection pulled her into the glass and she awoke on her bed with her hair all over her sweat covered face, she looked around and found everything the same way she left it, even Ayanelle was on her bed sleeping or at least pretending to sleep.

' Ayanelle, but I didn't bring her here, I kept her at home.'

Anna thought to herself but she knew that Ayanelle was really here, then she thought back to the voice she heard in her dreams and made the connection that it must have been Ayanelle's voice, she moved closer and poked Ayanelle on her head.

Ayanelle raised her paws and covered the spot where Anna had poked her.

"Oh come on, Ayanelle, I know you're not sleeping."

Ayanelle continued sleeping.

She picked Ayanelle up and whispered to her.

"If you don't wake up, There's not gonna be M&M's for you again."

Ayanelle opened one of her eyes while keeping the other closed, she looked at Anna with her rainbow colored eyes and said to her in her mind.

"Okay fine, am awake."

Anna smiled and said to her.

"What are you doing here Ayanelle."


"Go on, Go on, Am listening."

Anna looked at Ayanelle's eyes.

"I followed you when you left your planet, I hid in your mind."

"You can do that."

Ayanelle nodded then continued.

"One of the first things a Kirin learns to do is to mimic consciousness and since it's instinctual, I could do it, but that was the first time I did it, so it was painful and I had to recover while hiding out in your mind, that's why I woke up just now and you were dreaming and I indirectly affected your dream while in the process of waking up so I went in to pull you out."

Anna listened with rapt attention, Her eyes were glazed and shining with intrigue as she listened to Ayanelle.

"Wow, that's pretty interesting."

Anna picked up Ayanelle and hugged her.

"I missed you too."

Ayanelle looked at Anna with her rainbow colored eyes and said.

"Great, Can I get some M&M's now."

Anna laughed and gave Ayanelle some M&M's while she stood up and went to the bathroom, she washed of all the sweat on her face and body, switched clothes and climbed back on the bed the she carried Ayanelle and sat cross legged on her bed.



When Eto saw the spaceship that he just remembered where here, he almost screamed out.

When they came through the first time, their cloaking device was still operational but now with the ship's A.I still carrying out repairs, the cloaking device was disabled, and it wouldn't be easy to get away from so many spaceships.

"What do we do."

Karl asked.

Eto calmed down visibly, all his friends were looking to him and he thought it out running through simulations in his mind where they flew at their fastest speed and warped before they got captured or even blown up.

"Jake, How fast can you calculate the algorithm to enable us use warp without the ship's help."

Eto asked jake, while still thinking and jake looked at him and replied.

"twenty minutes."

Eto furrowed his brows, Looking at the space ships floating ahead who hadn't attacked them yet, he knew twenty minutes was too long, it would only take the Stropers less than three minutes if they really wanted to capture or destroy them.

"If we work together, we could get it done in five minutes."

Sam said while still looking at the space ships in front of them.

Eto smiled and looked a Karl.

"You're in charge of the guns Karl, Show me the hand eye coordination you were bragging about."

Karl smiled.

"With pleasure."

Ego looked to the pilots seat where Gamila was.


She nodded knowing what he was planning on doing. she gave some commands to the ship's A.I .


[Shield regeneration complete].

[Shield activated].

[Warp drive Undergoing repairs].

[Six minutes estimated time until the system will be fully online].

Gamila waited for the shields to come on, she was still thinking about the Stroper that had disabled their warp drive, and also torn through their shields, why didn't she just disable our engine, She pushed the questions out of her mind and focused on what she was about to do.

Karl had already activated the guns and was sitting on his sit with an excited expression on his face, he was inside a spherical ball with a greenish outer color and plasma guns on both sides and even on top. This was the hologram that controlled the guns outside the spaceship.

Jake and Sam where hunched over the one of the holo screens in the ship with an interface and they were calculating the coordinates for where they would appear when using the warp drive. The ship's A.I was also diverting some power to help the calculation proceed faster. Eto went to his seat and the same Holo sphere that covered Karl had also covered him, He held the Holo guns and his vision changed to enable him see outside the ship.

' Here we go.'

Eto thought to himself.