The Stroper's ship's surrounded the planet and as Eto and the others left the planet's atmosphere, what they saw was an armada of Stropers ship's with some of the smaller drone ship's taking some of the planet's inhabitants to the bigger Stroper ship's, What Eto didn't understand was why the Stroper's had to bring so many ships to take over this small planet which doesn't even have a space fleet or solid defenses, it seemed like overkill.
In one of the Stroper ship's.
"You're sure she's here."
A Stroper that looked very human like with the only difference being a tiny purple orb embedded where his left eye was supposed to be, he was greened skinned and with the aura of authority oozing from him, even the Stroper that was kneeling in front of him couldn't stop shaking.
"Yes my liege, Our scouts spotted her with the boy."
He paused and waited for a response from the Stroper that was standing. The silence stretched on and he continued while holding his breath.
"We have them in sight my liege."
The silence stretched on again and then he spoke to the to the one kneeling.
"Capture her and the boy and kill everyone else."
He turned around and walked to the floor to glass window that showed him the view of the armada from behind, His purple eye shined in excitement.
The Stroper that was kneeling nodded.
"Yes my liege."
Gamila's face was scrunched up, she furrowed her brows when she saw the Stroper armada preventing them from leaving. She steeled herself and gripped the control bars.
She controlled the ship and accelerated, the Stroper attack ship's started heading towards them and Eto and Karl started shooting at them while the Stropers also returned fire, She evaded and dodged all the lasers that were been shot at the ship, Hiro was seating on the sit behind her with the seat belt bound tightly over his body to prevent him from falling off.
The Stroper attack ship's flew towards them while shooting at them trying to destroy them, they were aiming for the thrusters of Eto's spaceship which were on the wings, Eto and Karl shot at all the Stroper space ship destroying some while others swerved and dodged then turned around and started flanking them, some of the Stroper space ships dropped photon bombs on their path, Gamila dodged them and barrel rolled right through an electric net that was in front of them while Eto and Karl shot at the Stroper space ships that were trying to block them from flying through.
"How long guys."
"Almost there, the fugging algorithms are complicated."
Jake replied to Eto's question, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, he looked at Sam who was typing code on the Holo screen hovering in front of him, scattered around them were Holo screen that were hovering and running simulations and calculations at the same time.
Karl and Eto continued shooting at the Stroper attack ship's that were flying towards them, their numbers kept on increasing and they were almost boxed in when Gamila shot the soliton pulse cannon beneath their ship at the blockade and shattered the shield they formed because of the formation they had built.
They passed right through and the bigger ship's were moving in to block their path, Their ship almost hit one of them when Gamila barrel rolled and avoided the ship, she flew the ship over their ship and Eto shot at some Stroper space ships that were on a collision course towards them, some of the Stroper ships were drones without pilots so they were trying to crash into Eto's ship to prevent them from moving forward.
In another Stroper ship.
"What are those fools doing, It's just one ship."
A voice screamed out and started giving commands to the subordinates around it.
"Get them, Send the drone ships, Use the plasma nets if you have to, just capture them."
The voice screamed at them.
In another Stroper ship.
The Stropers on this ship looked womanly, with masks on their face which looked similar to the mask that Alex always put on.
"Let them get away but, don't let anyone know it was us."
"Yes Miss Arafell."
In front of Eto's ship, a plasma net to block them and incapacitate their ship, before they could stop themselves from hitting the net, it disappeared and they passed through with confused looks on their faces.
"So we're not gonna mention that."
Karl said after the silence had stretched for a while.
"Don't jinx it man."
Eto looked at Karl who was as confused as he was.
"How's it coming guys."
"Thirty seconds ."
Sam said without looking away from the holo screens scattered around him.
Eto nodded and looked in front where Gamila who was flying the ship had gripped the control bars very tightly till her hands were reddening.
In front of their ship some of the Stroper ship had very questionable destructions when debris from other ship's flew towards them and destroyed them.
In another Stroper ship.
"Ughh what's going on."
"Space debris sir."
"How is it space debris, how bad are the pilots in those ship's."
The voiced shouted at his subordinate who was kneeling on the ground, the subordinate held his breath cause he knew his superior was really prone to torture when angry so he kept quiet and waited for him to shout it out.
"Send the Tangents."
"But sir...."
"I didn't ask for your permission."
He left the room and did as he had been told.
In the Stroper ship in front of Eto's ship, a hatch opened and a different set of fighter space ships came out.
These one had three wings on both sides with laser cannons around the head of the ship were the pilot was positioned, this was all they could see before the ship turned into a blur and started moving towards them.
Eto knew that their ship wasn't fast enough and if they got closer and closer, they might not make it out of here, The Stroper space ships shot at them and it felt like the shots were gonna hit them at the same time.
[Warp drive enabled]
[Course plotted]
[Engaging warp]
Eto smiled when he heard that cause as soon as it was said, they entered warp and disappeared from sight and all the plasma shots that had been fired at them hit each other and spiraled into an explosion that destroyed all the other partially destroyed Stroper space ship.
"How did they escape."
A voice echoed in the confines of one of the Stropers space ships. It punched the wall and it sank in cause of the force that was used. The Stroper turned around and screamed at his subordinates.
"How did they disable the space lock."
The subordinates cowered before their leader, they were too shaken to say anything or even respond, their minds were frozen in fear.
The leader caught one of them by the neck, He raised this Stroper and squeezed the neck until it snapped, he continued squeezing even after the Stroper was dead, he squeezed until he felt the anger from failing to capture that spaceship dissipated but slightly.
After seeing this, the other subordinates looked a him too scared to even think of replying.
He shouted out again.
"Howwwwwww, Tell me howww."
"S..i..r, the space lock was disabled by someone from our side."
He punched the one who said this and the head whipped backwards and the neck broke. He looked at the remaining three subordinates with a fiery gaze waiting for them to reply.
"It must have been someone from the other ship's."
"Yes, Yes From the other ship."
They stuttered while replying to him, he just continued looking at them in silence with fiery red eyes, it looked like he might kill another one of them, but he just walked away from the bridge and retreated to his quarters where he faced the mirror which was in the center of the room, the mirror was in the shape of a Decagon, the mirror had studded tips with black gems embedded in it, the surface of the mirror was black with ripples on it that seemed to breathe, it floated above the ground and was as big as the Stroper in front of it. He looked at the mirror which had a black surface and a face that looked like his face but with the black surface covering it came out of the mirror.
"You failed."
He bowed his head and paid obeisance to the face in the mirror, he kept silent after remembering what happened the last time he spoke out of turn, now what he had to do was listen to the face speak.
"You will find them and bring them to me."
He looked at the face and nodded quickly, the face sank back into the black surface of the mirror, he left the room and walked back to the bridge where his subordinates had already cleaned the blood on the ground and removed the bodies.
"We're leaving."
He sat down at his seat, and the ship warped and disappeared from sight leaving the other Stroper ship's behind.