With me unable to control my feelings, I screamed that and didn't feel bad about it. "Sweetheart, you need to stay in bed. But all you need to say is the magic words and I will help you" so I nodded and let him carry me back into bed. " Dad, please get rid of him. I don't want him in a room with me anymore" With those words he nodded at me and two giant men came in and punched him causing him to fall and letting them to carry him away. I was not worried about them cause I thought they were the hospital staff. Than Mom looked at me and said " we are good to go now" I nodded and stood up to get into the wheel chair to get out of the hospital. Once we got out of the hospital I noticed that those men from ten minutes ago where sitting by the car. I waved at them and smiled, they both looked away and then waved at me. I was curious who they might be but I know it was not my business. " So Sweetie, you will be doing school from home until you are completely okay" I nodded and got into the car. I was looking out the window on the drive back to the work house then fell asleep.