I woke up in my bed, still in the hospital dress but I was comfortable in it. I heard a knock on the door. " Come in" then a little boy came in and looked at me." Ma'am, are you okay? I saw Aunty and Uncle bring you into the house." I noticed he couldn't have been older than seven years old and he said Aunty and Uncle but I never knew I had a younger cousin. " I'm Gena, I am your cousin. I am staying here until I am better." I spoke softly and smiled so I would look like I was approachable instead of aggressive and angry. He was just a little kid anyway. He seemed to be nervous to be near me so I patted beside me so he could sit beside me, he ran up and sat next to me. After a while talking though he fell asleep so I decided to do the same as I fell asleep the little boy started to hold onto me like something was going to happen to him so cuddled him too.
In the time that Gena and the little boy were sleeping in her room, a sudden burst happened in the common area. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??" a teen boy yelled at Robert. Robert just mumbling and slowly getting up to fight the teen boy. "Hmmph, since you have no idea who you are talking to I will inform you of the manor and lords of the home. I am Cole, I work with the Lord of the home. This manor is the Fifth Vemon Mafia's Grandfather, Lord William The fifth. The Lord has his family at the estate for a while but you are no longer apart of the family so I will show you the door." Cole seemed angry and was not going to let Robert in the rest of the home until Lord William said otherwise. Robert finally stood up but within seconds Cole spun and kicked him in the high caff causing him to fall on his necks. With the desire, Cole picked up Robert and throw him out of the manor, not wanting to displease the Lord's family or the workers around the building. But with the front door slamming, it woke up Gena and the little boy. " What was that?" she looked at the little boy, then to the door. " I'm sure it is Cole dealing with an intruder or fighting with Max." Gena looked at him and decided to go check out the noise but got changed first so she wasn't exposing herself to everyone. " Okay, I'll get changed and we will see what the noise is..." she paused noticing that she never asked the little boy his name. " Mattew, that's my name but everyone calls me Mattie." I nodded and went to my closet and changed into Navy print camo joggers and a black turtle neck with red Jordans. With everything done she went to the noise.