Episode 13

Felicias held his mentor's hand. He and Tibeden had spent several days weeping over Titen's crumpled body. The monks claimed that Titen wasn't dead, that his soul had traveled to the Land of Ancestors, but neither boy knew what that meant or its significance.

Titen was wrapped in a full body cast, the three hundred foot fall breaking nearly every bone in his body, including his jaw. The monks had shaved his head and taken him down to the lowest floor of their building where a set of pools of various colors existed. Felicias and Tibenen had watched as the monks dipped Titen's entire body in the gold pool, they submerged him for several minutes and pulled him out, repeating this until Titen began coughing and fighting them. Once he opened his eyes, the monks pulled him from the pool and began bathing and wrapping his body.