Episode 14

[Titen stared into the void and the void stared back. He wasn't sure if he'd been sitting in the same place for seconds or years. When he tried to count the moments that passed, they disappeared as quickly as they'd come. If Titen tried to gaze at his hands, he saw nothingness, but he knew they were there. He couldn't cough. He could not eat. He could only be.

Titen Moore.

A voice, one he couldn't place, echoed in his ears. The perception of sound in this place was strange. It was as if sound was a living thing that could crawl into your ear and plant seeds in your brain. They called out to him constantly. Never saying more than Titen Moore.

But that was not who Titen wanted to die as. He owed everything he was to Lord Fredery Godrun. A wonderful parent and mentor, Titen wanted to travel to the Godrun ancestry line. He prayed silently that they would call to him instead.