
Episode 5


«This is your fault...»

«You don't want to see your daddy angry do you?»

"AHH !!" HELP ME!!" I screamed desperately. I hit my head over and over again, that voice ... I needed to shut up.

"Hello? Is there anyone at home...? Is something wrong?" Asked the person at the door.

"Help me... Please..." I whispered brokenly and my speech became difficult. Everything looked dark. When I tried to breathe, my chest and throat ached. My chest swelled up and down fast.

"I'm going in..." I heard him say. I couldn't answer, I felt like the water was starting to drown me.

My hair was combed by the water, I was crestfallen, expelling spoiled air from my mouth. I was having more and more difficulty seeing, breathing, and even moving.

"Is there someone in the bathroom?" Asked the person, who was clear since she was a girl.

"Y..sss ..." I tried to answer, "ah ..." I complained in pain.

The girl suddenly opened the curtain and screamed when she saw me:

"Oh, for God's sake!" She helped me sit up, "Do... Dominick?" She screamed my name in shock and amazement, I couldn't identify her voice. I know she was in trouble, but her hands were tender. She reached her hand under my armpit, forcing me to stand up. I closed my eyes, dizzy, as the girl guided me, me with my arm on the back of her neck.

"But what happened?" She asked in amazement without understanding anything. "Sit down, come on..." she helped me to sit on the couch.

I started to breathe normally, or so I was trying and I opened my eyes to see him: "Emily?" I asked, amazed, still stupid. She put a smile on her mouth, «so cute», she nodded. "Thank you very much." I said, still a mess. "And how did you get here?" I asked, playing innocent.

"It's just... she greeted my neighbor's... I live next door." She pointed in the direction of the side.

"Excellent." I laughed, still stunned. "You might be thinking I'm insane…" I laughed.

"Don't." She answered right away, "maybe you're just a boy with problems..." she answered simply, she approached me, "I wish we were friends, so we could talk... Okay?"

My breathing steadied. I looked at him and said: "Those who have been screwed with me have said that I am a monster, a beast ... I would not want to expose you to my friendship."

"You're alone ... and if you talk about this I'll tell everyone that you're a fagot whore ..."

"Do not. I've been involved with many…" she insisted again, forming a smile on her face.

"How much hype for so little band." I replied smiling.

"Don't fuck around." He nudges me slightly, letting out a laugh, "I'm serious..." she laughed and I smiled back.

«I blew air out.»

"Yes... Thank you..." our gazes were fixed.

"So can we be friends?" She insisted. She knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't refuse me.

I rolled my eyes: "Okay, okay, you win..." I replied, "then don't tell me I didn't warn you."

"Well. He looked at me and gave an amused laugh."

"I ..." I looked at myself, I was still in my underwear, "I'm going to wear something..." I said.

"Okay, I'm going." She announced, standing up.

"Do not stay. I'm alone here... I'm bored." I intervened, turning my gaze off, pouting, he looked at me with pity and surrendered:

"Oh! Don't make such faces at me! Okay, I'll accompany you."

I got up and ran to the room: "Thanks, I'm coming." I will not be long.


I opened the door and rushed in to put on my clothes. I don't know why this happens to me next to him... He's so ... So ... special? Will I be in love? What does she provoke in me if I barely know her? Why do I feel this way?

I stood with my back against the door on the inside side of the room.

«Emily... Emily is your solution»

"Dominick...?" She called out to me from outside.

I jumped up and went to put clothes on as soon as possible and between messes I said:

"I'm coming out... Wait for me..." I said as she jumped into my pants, «Oh, I feel like the woman right now»

"Ahmnm..." I interrupted opening the door with a fake smile, she remained motionless with wide eyes, I leaned on the edge of the door and she smiled at me:

Why was she surprised?

I analyzed how she was dressed: she was wearing comfortable clothes, say a tracksuit and a blouse above the navel, her wavy blonde hair gave a touch of perfection that had her whole being, her fleshy lips lit up in a red passion that made me fall in love for a second, more and more of her.

"When can we go on a date?" I asked, making her blush.

"Um..." she laughed, "in what way?" She asked me, showing her nervousness. Am I doing the same to her?

"Depends on how you take it" I replied, "I guess as friends..." I rolled my eyes, ignoring it. "Of course."

"Right." she said in bewilderment and unconvinced, she scratched her head. I think I'd better go" and she turned around.

"DO NOT!! Wait!" I tugged at her arm making our bodies come together. She was paralyzed, wide-eyed "so beautiful", she felt her rapid breathing, her heart would rise from her chest at any moment. I was i just like her, she needed it. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds, then my lips. «I think I won't be able to resist it» I began to approach slowly; apparently he wasn't doing anything she didn't want to. He already felt her breathing closer and closer, coming out of those apple-colored lips.

She reacted suddenly, leaned back and said very nervous: "Ah, mmm, I think I..." she stammered, "I'm going. I'll... See you." she turned around and he ran off towards the exit.

«I'm in love.»

I smiled taking out my teeth and went back to my room, falling on my bed, slamming the door.

Sweet afternoon


Sweet night

I lay in bed for hours. Thinking of that girl. "I don't know, I couldn't stop thinking about her, her beauty... This is something... Unique."

Twilight was taking over everything; dusk was falling. The attack on my head was slowly returning just as my parents arrived:

"Good evening... Dom, we're here." Mom announced to herself and I didn't answer.

You know?

I have been thinking for a long time that these gentlemen, those who claim to be my parents, are not. I don't know, it's inexplicable, but I think so. I feel that something inside me is crying out for me to look for the past that I don't remember much about today.

There are so many things that have happened...

I remember very little about myself...

I want to get out of the house ...

I put on a black sweatshirt, grab my black fur coat, and leave the house without saying a word; To my surprise, outside was Ethan waiting for me with his hand leaning at the door.

"Sun! What's up brother?, "he greeted me, opened the hand he was holding, giving me a high-five.

"How long have you been there, stupid?"

"Well, he would have knocked on the door if you hadn't gone out through it." He made the obvious with his eyes, "Well, come on, do you want to come to a party?" He asked me putting his arm on my shoulder.

I smiled and looked at him askance:

"We are best friends for a reason... you always know when I need to." I said rubbing his hair.

"Ha ha. You see." He was behind me. "Are you coming on your motorcycle or with me?" He asked, pointing his fingers between him and me.

"I'm going on your motorcycle, and you," I pointed out, pressing a finger to his chest, "you're going on mine..." I said, "take it easy, I'll take care of her."

"Okay, I'm going to get your motorcycle." He said giving me with an open hand on the back.

I looked around, the new moon was beginning to be seen through the clouds, the whole neighborhood was in a funereal silence. I looked to my right. I saw something unexpected: "Emily", he was looking at me from the glass window of his house, he quickly hid when he realized that he had seen him. I don't know if she was me, but she still surprised me.

He still saw him, it was her, her silhouette was captured in the window of her house even though she could not see him directly.

"Come on, let's go." Ethan spoke, handing me the key to his motorcycle.

"Where are we going, bro?" I ask him as he started the motorcycle. "You haven't told me yet..."

"It's a party at the Nigth Club Rossy here in Madrid. Today they inaugurate the arrival of new girls. And we won't miss that."


I went to his motorcycle and we went to the Club. I followed Ethan until we got to the place, Ethan stopped and I stood behind him, I watched the atmosphere: lots of people, spectacular lights and some flashy music.

"What's up, bro?" I read his lips, not hearing anything because of the noise.

"He's great." Let's go inside.

The music was contagious, my whole body began to vibrate when I was inside, I wanted to dance, although I knew almost nothing.

"Hey, Ethan!" I called out to him.


"We'll meet you outside, okay?" I told him, he smiled and nodded as he lost himself among the dancing people. I began to dance moving my head and shoulders to the sides, I was getting excited. On a platform there were several girls dancing between the tubes, making money, while they cheered and fondled them.


Now? No, please...

Everything around me began to spin, the figure of someone coming towards me among the people and raising his hand against me to hit me.


I covered myself with my hands to avoid an invisible blow. I couldn't understand where these flashbacks came from that were taking over my mind.


No... no, not now…

I ran like crazy pushing everyone and got to the bathroom; I did not look at anyone, I came to a sink and threw water in my face in despair. I heard footsteps behind me.

«This will be your punishment for not wanting to obey me»

"Is something wrong uncle?" Asked a girl who was here. It was just her and me.

"Help me. Help me, please..."

"Sure, what's up?" How can I help you? She asked me worriedly approaching.

"Have sex with me… Please ..." I begged him, leaning on her back.

"What do you say, dude? You're kidding, right? Damn, are you kidding me ?!" She screamed, everything began to darker.

"Please..." I insisted pleadingly. I began to feel short of breath, and I feel fear and as if I was going to die.

"Oh, for God's sake!", she whispered and kissed me, both entering one of the service bathrooms, kissing her lustfully, squeezing her short hair. I lifted her onto the toilet tank, lowered my pants and continued kissing him. I tugged at her blouse, pulling her breasts out of it, brought my mouth there and began to lick them like candy.

She began to wail slowly; her nipples were small, but I'm satisfied. I took out my cock — without stopping to lick her tits — and took hers off her "her skirt" from hers, —a nice way to come to a party—, I put it from one of hers and she complained; my entrance was fast and my thrust alike, she began to bite my ear while she let me hear her moans.

Our movements began pleasant, she ran her tongue over my ear and I turned on inside even more than before, I brought my arms to her thighs and raised them, so that my swing was faster. We were both completely aroused, she was lamenting, but with pleasure. I looked at him for a second and smiled at him; she smiled back at me even more mischievous.

"Oh yeah! Fuck!" She screamed.

"Oh my God I'm going to come!" I kissed her and said:

"Thanks, now I owe you my life, baby."

"It was a pleasure… you make it divine." She laughed, biting her lip.

«At first she didn't want to... But she liked it»

I came out of the bathroom, she behind me, I looked at her while she buttoned my pants: she was thin, her boobs were small, skin white as snow and so much that she seemed pale. Shorthair and her eyes were prominent black. Her (she seemed like a rock lover, the way she saw her eyes).

"How old are you?" I asked, heading to the bathroom.

"Nineteen. you?"

"Eighteen." I lied.

"I hope to see you again another day." She blurted out her comment, walking out of the bathroom.

Why was her face so familiar to me?

Have I seen her elsewhere?

Is not possible…


Sweet night.