Chapter 39

Chapter 39: The Meetings Are Back Again

Maybe it felt a bit like that old movie/film classic 'Ground Hog Day' where the same day is forever repeated. With the meetings, they always seemed to start in September. Well, this meeting restarted in late September.

All the usual members were there. Pamela Parsons booked a nearby table for the genuine British press and media representatives along with media from around the world who were starting to take a genuine interest in all these proceedings.

They would take part in the first meeting and be observers in the second. All initial copy would go through Pamela Parsons and her newly formed company for vetting.

Somehow everybody was accommodated in the Lounge Bar. After Jane the barmaid had polished Old Slippery's chair, he duly appeared, resplendent in yet another new costume. There were excessive white ruffs and gold braiding on his cloak along with totally OTT peacock feathers adorning the top of his three-cornered hat. He was absolutely playing to the audience. The Fashionista were in seventh heaven. Cells and associated movie cameras were gleefully recording all of this.

The assembled world media collectively dropped all their jaws. Sandra and Kevin were of course all there to 'officially' record all this. The media and press had an array of suitably sophisticated cameras and recording equipment. They too were thoroughly recording everything.

Professor James Hudson moved over to the 'press table' and gave them all a potted history of the 'Old Ghosts' exploits, both in the Regency and now in the Bull Pub. "Feel free to record all these ladies and gentlemen."

The professor stated that the Old Ghost was an insatiable exhibitionist during his lifetime. The 21st Century now gave him limitless possibilities. There he was, the 'dandy' in full flower. Needless to say, Old Slippery had taken a particular interest in this new party and was playing everything up to the hilt yet again.

Again the Old Ghost was freely probing all their minds. This was a strange experience. Nothing could be hidden from him, no thoughts, and nothing from their past.

The CNN reporter wondered if he would broadcast any of this? It all seemed a bit too much.

"Got something juicy to hide?" The Detective Chief slid across and asked smirking. Old Slippery leaned across from his throne with a huge smirk. The Old Ghost shot a few gems across to the 'Chief'. Yes, this particular gentleman, the reporter, had put 'it about a bit' and did not want his wife to find out. Of course Old Slippery had been trawling around in the reporter's mind. This kind of endeared this particular reporter to Old Slippery who had of course been known for many 'adventures' in his life.

The Detective Chief Inspector leaned across again.

"He kind of likes you because of this." The reporter did not what to make anything of this for obvious reasons.

The Detective Chief Inspector then told the assembled press and media that they had all passed the test. The Chief then went onto tell them that if any of them had been a threat to the Bull you would all know straight away. There would be red flecks in Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom's eyes. This would have been extremely dangerous.

One press member asked:

"I have heard that this has been the case with some of, shall I say, the less scrupulous members of our press brethren?"

"Certainly that has been the case." was the Chief's reply.

This was the cue for Professor Hudson to relate the historical record. The pattern had been pretty consistent. Old Slippery had always felt the need to defend the reputation of the Bull Public House. During his time the Bull Inn was thronging with 'low life' of all kinds. Woe betide anyone who stole, picked fights, or 'bad-mouthed' any of the then Landlords or Ladies or any staff at the Bull Inn. Justice was often delivered quickly through the use of Old Slippery's rapier sword. His speed as a swordsman was legendary. Be it in a formal duel or a sudden response to a perceived threat, often a quick thrust to the heart settled matters.

The Professor said this was still the case now. He also explained the role of telepathy. How the Detective Chief Inspector along with his sister Dr. Amelia Smith, and Sid the landlord was able to communicate with Old Slippery telepathically. This was invaluable as a way of diffusing tension. The Old Ghost did listen. The relationship between the Chief Detective Chief Inspector and Old Slippery was essential during the meetings of the 'Slippery Jake Committee'. Yes, there now seemed to be a direct line to a 'Higher Power'. Professor Hudson too being a direct descendant had the ability to directly communicate with Old Slippery.

Pamela Parsons then outlined the next stage, The meeting of the committee was about to start. Please do not interrupt. However, Pamela asked the assembled press and media representatives to pass her notes of possible questions. Please keep these succinct. She added that every effort would be made at the end to answer these

The meeting then started.

More religious matters were discussed. A new member had been invited along for that particular meeting.

Professor Sanjeet Singh was a specialist in particle physics from London University. He had heard that the original cape and sword was able to be 'lifted' from the heavily padlocked trunk below to miraculously appear on Old Slippery, flawlessly in combination with his other ghostly attire when he was sitting on his 'throne' in the Lounge Bar Restaurant above.

What form of matter transformation was taking place? How could solid objects re materialize some distance from their point of origin.?

Old Slippery then demonstrated this. The sword, sword holder, and the rich red cape materialized on the Old Highwayman. This was in combination with his ghostly full pantaloons and ghostly flowing cravat.

Professor Singh watched all this with his mouth wide open. Sandra and Kevin duly made a detailed recording which the Professor was to analyze for hours afterward. Ice changes to water when heated and can move if it is then turned to steam, but this?

A very detailed discussion then took place between Professor Singh and Old Slippery. As usual Detective Chief Inspector John Higgins was 'piggy in the middle'. As the discussions got yet more technical so the good 'Chief' started to 'zone out'. He had to receive the information from both parties, but as usual, had little or no idea what was being said. However, he had become very good at his job and accurately conveyed what was said.

The good professor was flabbergasted. This ghost's technical grasp of the subject was flawless. Plus, Old Slippery would not give a direct answer but only indicated if the professor was on the right line of enquiry or not. The Old Ghost was also a conduit for the 'Highest Being'. It was right that questions could always be asked, however coming up with complete answers was the job of the inquirer. That would take years more of detailed research and deliberation.

Professor James Hudson later told Professor Sanjeet Singh that this was typical of the way these meetings were conducted. They were extremely useful and helpful in directing research. This applied equally to religious and social matters such as Climate Change. The 'Supreme Being' or the 'Great Why', knew full well what the answers to all these matters were. Humanity had to work hard and cooperate to make progress. These sessions were there to facilitate this process and to show the 'right paths' to take.

The assembled journalists and members of the media fraternity were amazed by these interactions. It was the first time they had seen up close one of these meetings with the Old Ghost. Notes were duly passed to Pamela Parsons. She assured the journalists etc that all these matters would be attended too as quickly as possible, as some needed technical answers from some of the committee members.

There were also media people with enough of a technical background to understand the gist of what was being discussed. However, just like the Detective Chief Inspector, pretty well all of this was going over the 'top of the heads' of everybody else.

Maybe there was yet another TV documentary in the offing? Certainly, this was not a headline copy that could be 'banged out' overnight. They all promised to send copies of their proposed articles to Pamela Parsons for vetting first. There was a veiled threat there. If anyone failed to do this and published independently, they and their organization would not be welcome back at the Bull.

Old Slippery who was still there, picked up on this. He smiled sardonically. "Ah my good lady, you are learning. It does not pay to be always so accommodating."

This too was duly noted by Sid, Amelia, and the Detective Chief Inspector. The Chief leaned across to Pamela smirking.

"Old Slippery is impressed with you, a bit of 'leverage', nice one!"

Pamela broke into a bit of a laugh.

There was then a religious discussion. All the regular committee members were there representing all the major religious faiths. There was a general discussion around the topics of morality, karma, reincarnation, heaven, and hell.

The Chief having fortified by another excellent pint of the Bull's best bitter, sat relaying the messages backwards and forwards, via Old Slippery, a 'Higher Body'. and the assembled religious parties.

Again the press was staggered by all of this. There was no animosity amongst any of the religious parties present, quite the opposite.

Again this was considerable 'food for thought' for the assembled press. The clock swung round rapidly. It was now 4.30. Inspectors, John Franks and William Russel now made one of their now rare appearances. They updated Beryl on the happy news that they would soon to be fathers. This delighted the new barmaids too. Beryl thought to herself, " Och aye, here we go again. More wee bairns."

The two new Detective Inspectors had been moved away from the 'orbit' of the Detective Chief Inspector. He was certainly a brilliant police officer. However, some of his methods were a worry to his superiors. He got results but a what cost? He was really suited to his present role here in the Bull. A number of the higher ranking police officers were more than happy he had become rooted here.

The two young officers had been taken under the wing of a Detective Inspector who played strictly by the book. There were no short cuts. With families on the way, both these young men wanted security and did not want now to take any chances.

Needless to say, Humphrey and Percy were there.

"We miss you young John and William.." This came from Percy.

"Too many dodgy calls from your old Captain?" Yet another cricket image from Humphrey.

This produced a smile from these two young men.

Yes, they missed the Bull.

"Yes, a fine innings this afternoon and a good 'Lord's' crowd."

Percy was relating to how successful the meetings had been.

It was at this point that Professor James Hudson noticed something that had been puzzling him for the last few weeks at the Bull.

Yes, when Old Slippery was present he was always leering away at the young ladies and some young men in the bar. One young lady had become a real fixation for the Old Ghost. There was more to it than his usual prodigious lust, still there, from beyond the grave.