Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Long Lost Love

Professor James Hudson got out his laptop and scrolled through Regency miniature portraits of young society ladies from that period. He picked out one and looked across at the young lady sitting with a young man, on a small side table. This was the centre of Old Slippery's attention.

He was taken aback. There was no doubting this. The resemblance was definitely there. The professor had found a miniature portrait of Francesca Theodora Robertson on his laptop. She was a noted beauty of the Regency period. She did have Scottish origins and was famous for her flaming red hair.

The young lady sitting opposite with a small group of people had become a regular at the Bull. The same young man seemed to be always with her. From this, the professor assumed this must be her boyfriend. Old Slippery was indeed fixated with her. This was beginning to be noticed by other regulars in the Lounge Bar Restaurant.

The press contingent had gone as had several others including the inspectors. I waited a bit longer as I wanted to know what this was all about?

Pamela Parsons was still there and was also likewise intrigued.

"Well, James what do we have here?", leaning over and asking the good professor.

He then told the few of us that were left the story behind this. That included the two Majors who seemed to be permanent extensions of the Lounge Bar sofas.

It transpired that the Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom had indeed fallen madly in love with Francesca Theodora Robertson. He had assiduously courted her. He was quite a charmer and knew the correct etiquette to use in courtship for the period. She had seemed very interested. He did propose to her.

However, none of this was a society secret. Her father was an extensive landowner on the Scottish /English borders. He wanted a good match for his daughter. He craved a proper title such as 'Lord Robertson'. This match would definitely not give him that. The Right, Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom had been in the military as a Captain and was given the title 'right honorable' as a result of the gallantry he had shown earlier on in his life with the various French wars.

The Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom was a member of 'Le Bon Ton' and belonged to the 'Almack's club. It was an important feature in the Regency period. This was for the aristocracy only. Good manners and etiquette were always required. The Old Ghost did come from an aristocratic family.

However, once leaving the army Old Slippery soon took up his dual role as 'dandy' and highwayman. All his aristocratic privileges were forfeited. This 'ne'er do well' could never be married to Francesca Robertson. Her father soon found out about everything. She was forbidden to ever see Higginbottom ever again. She too was broken-hearted. However, not long afterward she found an excellent match and promptly got married and her father got his title of 'Lord'.

Old Slippery was devastated by this. The professor wondered if this really did precipitate the ghost's descent into violence as a fully-fledged highwayman?

The young lady in the Lounge Bar Restaurant bore an uncanny likeness to the original Francesca Robertson. Using the excuse to get another round of drinks in, the professor had a quiet word with Sid and Beryl, They had a pretty good all-round knowledge of their regular customers.

Yes, the young lady was also called Robertson. There was the same flaming red hair for starters which was not dyed. Too much of a coincidence? Her boyfriend came up to the bar ordering a small whiskey and a lemon sorbet. The professor outlined the situation, plus invited the two of them to join the meeting.

Yes, the young lady was the direct descendant of Francesca Robertson. Both the young couple knew the family history and the story of the love affair with the Highwayman. They were increasingly concerned with the attention they were both getting from Old Slippery. 'Flecks' of red would sometimes appear in Old Slipppery's eyes when he looked across at the boyfriend.

Of course, the Old Highwayman was following all this intently from his chair. It was now up to Sid to sort this out, as the Detective Chief Inspector had left the pub.

He got into a 'telepathic' conversation with Old Slippery and laid it firmly on the line. This young couple was good regular customers at the Bull. They were clearly both deeply in love. It was very sad what had happened to the Old Ghost but that was a very long time ago. Did Old Slippery want to ruin this relationship because of jealousy if he started to overreact? Beryl was looking very sternly in the direction of the Old Ghost. She pretty well got the gist of what was going on.

The matter was resolved. The Old Ghost made a formal bow in the direction of the young couple, They reciprocated with a bow and a curtsy.

The rest of the patrons of the Lounge Bar Restaurant were a little puzzled by all of this. Pamela Parsons used the excuse for ordering a final mineral water for a quick chat with Sid.

Sid, Pamela Parsons, and Professor Hudson were worried yet again about the reaction of the press if they got wind of all of this. There were a few in the Lounge Bar Restaurant who could pass this on.

Pamela thought this could play to their advantage. However, would the young couple want to be roped into yet another Old Slippery media scrum? It had the potential of being a very sweet story though.

She would give some thought to this. Kevin and Sandra had carefully recorded all of this and Professor Hudson had sent them a copy of the original miniature. They too could see the striking resemblance.