Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Yes, It Is Them Again: The Media

It is clear as this tale has developed that the real enemy at times was not Old Slippery, but elements of the press and media, particularly the British press and media. Not all though, Pamela Parsons, for example, had shown that some could be on the side of the angels.

Maybe it was a form of natural selection or evolution as this new subspecies had definitely evolved, the 'female snake'. 'Sellars the Snake' was easy to spot. The classic dubious hack in the dirty raincoat furtively sneaking around or slivering around, the Lounge Bar looking for juicy pickings. The first batch of 'female snakes' had been quickly dispatched. This new brood were a lot more sophisticated.

They could be 'high flying executives.' They ordered fine wines and cuisine in the Lounge Bar Restaurant. They appeared to be writing notes and using Dictaphones for their work. At first, Beryl and Sid were very happy with these new additions. 'Added value', high spenders, merrily adding to the 'bottom line'.

Some newspapers and media outlets thought that a more 'upmarket' surreptitious approach could really work. They also thought Old Slippery would be too distracted by their feminine charms. It was the 'love affair' that had brought them in, around four ladies were moving in and out at any one time.

Pamela Parsons suspected something was going on. She had got in contact with Sandra Robertson and told her to ignore any advances from the press. This, unfortunately, had already started with unsolicited emails, text messages, and phone calls, plus of course hanging around her front door 24/7. The press had of course quickly got hold of all the young ladies' details. Big figure sums had also been promised by some outlets, 'if she told all?'

Professor Hudson had some of his students complaining they were being harassed by the press as well.

Two of the new 'lady snakes' had been present with Sandra Robertson and her boyfriend when the discovery was made. They too noticed the reaction of both Old Slippery and Professor Hudson. Somehow they learnt about the miniature of Francesca Theodora Robertson. An ancient unrequited love affair, social class, and jealousy, this was all too much for the downmarket English press. They thought they had hit gold. Some of the other media thought so too. This had leaked out on the web. Plus this produced some lurid headlined in some of the Red Tops.

Classy Lady Dumped Old Slippery

His Long Lost Love Returns

Old Slippery Was Not Good Enough For This Posh Totty

Of course, the Old Highway Man 'clocked'/knew who these ladies were straight away. To say he was angry was an understatement. He really wanted to 'dispatch' these young ladies as soon as possible. This had pressed too many 'buttons.' Slighting the descendant of his long lost love was more than he could bear.

It was the next day, Saturday and the Detective Chief Inspector was round like a shot. He explained everything to his wife, She was very worried, Sid and Beryl were frantic. Pamela Parsons also turned up with a few representatives from the reputable media.

Of all the issues and incidents that Detective Chief Inspector John Higgins at the Bull had to deal with, this was by far the most difficult. He could not obviously send in an armed response unit. Judicial heart attacks and body pains seemed a difficult one to get away with. These young ladies were super fit, gym using, non-smokers, and moderate drinkers. So Old Slippery could not readily pull those tricks again. Both Sid and John Higgins used all their telepathic communication skills to try and keep Old Slippery calm. Two of the lady 'reporters' were in the Lounge Bar Restaurant. The Old Highwayman's eyes were going red. There was shaking in the room that people had started to notice.

Professor Hudson and the two Majors were there too, needless to say.

"How to counter a full-on 'Ian Botham' attack?" Percy commented. The Professor being a cricketing devotee himself concurred. Ian Botham could be devastating in attack as a batsman.

Professor Hudson added. "The Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom could unleash his full fury on these young ladies. This was sometimes the case during a stagecoach hold up when his 'blood was fully up.' There are accounts of him 'dealing' with devious and evil young women in The Bull with a quick thrust of his sword straight to their hearts. He had no compunction whatsoever either."

This would again have devastating consequences for trade in the Bull if this were to happen. There he was, in all his finery, Old Slippery. He had his 'actual sword' slung across his chest. It seemed to be glistening, ready for action. The House Ghost was itching for quick and summary justice. What was more worrying he had his whetstone with him? He was intently sharpening up the blade of the rapier.

Something had to be done and fast. The 'Chief' lent over and had a quick word with Pamela. The two of them went to see the three reputable journalists. They then all approached the new 'snakes'. It was put to them that their lives were in imminent danger. This was no joke. If they refused to leave voluntarily the Chief Detective Inspector would arrest them citing public safety issues immediately. If they produced any 'sick' copy and plastered this everywhere, their careers would be in ruins. These other journalists would see to that. They had real potential, but crawling around in the gutter was getting them nowhere, plus now this was a life or death situation.

The young ladies duly got up and left. Percy and Humphrey showed their approval.

"Good defensive action from the team." was Percy's response. The regular Lounge Bar drinkers and diners murmured their approval. As usual, they had a pretty good idea of what was going on.

Old Slippery was less than happy. He wanted a quick and painful retribution. Both the Chief and Sid told him telepathically this was not an option. He somehow relented and understood in time.

A sensitive article was produced on this whole incident in one of the colour supplements of a quality newspaper. Sandra Robertson and her boyfriend were more than happy with this. The new 'snake ladies' did see the error of their ways. They soon made quick progress as reputable journalists. None returned to the Bull consequently.

Both Kevin and Sandra were present to record these events as well. They always found the time to attend if anything was important.