Chapter 3
Part 3: Training with Lamb-Chops?!
"How were you able to stop it?! HOW?!" Her aura appears around her as she gets grabbed by the shoulders and tossed by a tall buff man with dark skin, Jake notices that they are all wearing roughly the same uniform, a similar techwear outfit underneath.
Ada catches herself and looks up at the man "Lashard! Don't you dare touch me!"
"Calm yourself little girl.." The man says as he rubs his facial hair, as he glows with black grayish aura. "Leave the boy alone."
Ada scoffs as she stands up and brushes her shoulders off, she stares at Jake then Lashard. "I'm getting my answers one way or another.." She leaves the room murmuring.
Lashard looks at Jake and helps him up. "You okay boy?" saying patting him on the back.
Jake gives a nervous chuckle "Yeah, but I'm Jake so you don't have to call me boy."
Lashard laughs "Alright boy! Now, let us see what you can really do, also call me Lamb-Chops not Lashard." he walks out of the room going down the hallway that leads outside.
Jake goes to follow him, but stops and turns around. He looks at the Pod that Evie is in noticing that it is still humming and hissing, he sighs "Well i guess it's just me huh?" He smiles and follows Lamb Chops down the hallway. He catches up to him and asks "So where are we going?"
Lamb Chops opens the door for Jake to get outside "We are going to the training field so we can see what Type you are, boy."
Jake looks at him "So many things to learn, alright..what's the Types?"
Lamb Chops laughs "You humor me boy, i assume Dasean didn't tell you what the types are? He must've been distracted by Ada's antics. The Types are these 7 that have been discovered so far, you have the Attack,Defense,Speed,Support,Summoner,Healing,and the rarest kind which is the Magick. There's only two that have Magick that we've had in our known records..Ada and a retired old man."
Jake looks intrigued by what Lamb Chops said "Yeahh that's cool and all but i don't have any powers."
Lamb Chops looks at him like Jake is stupid "Boy! Dasean has told me what happened and I'm thinking you are a Late Bloomer, someone who has powers but who has yet to awaken it."
Jake gets hyped up with excitement "So what you're saying is that I may have powers!?!" he starts jumping around and yelling "Ayyyy Ayyy Okay!!!"
Lamb Chops sighs "Dasean what did you get me into?...But yes boy that's what i'm saying." Lamb Chops and Jake reach a huge field that has people fighting and training with each other, people are using machines to help them dodge and defend themselves. There are even small robots that appear to be copying their opponents fighting style.
Jake looks around in awe "I've never seen this before, i heard of it but to see it is something else entirely."
They continue to walk further into the field and reach the center and Lamb Chops pulls out 2 guns he had hidden in his jacket and lays them on the ground. He looks at Jake "Alright come at me boy."
Jake looks at him kinda annoyed now "Hey it's Jake can you get it right?" Jake puts his hands up to get ready to fight Lamb Chops and all he sees is Lamb Chops smirking at him. "Don't underestimate me!" He charges Lamb Chops for a direct punch to his face slugging him. Lamb Chops doesn't even move a muscle.
"Is that the best you got? Well I'm sure you're not an Attack Type...i didn't even feel your punch, i thought you stopped." Lamb Chops laughs after saying this. He then grabs Jake's arm and tosses him into the air and punts him across the field as he goes rolling, crashing into some sandbags.
Jake gets up slowly and throws up, he looks at Lamb Chops and thinks "Why did i rush him? He's huge! Bigger than me!! I have to think of a way to move around him..I must be faster than him if i can just get around him i ca-" Jake sees in a sudden flash that Lamb Chops disappears and starts looking around "What the hell?! Where did he go?!"
"You should be thinking faster in a battle boy." Jake hears behind him as he sees Lamb Chops swinging his arm at him to send him flying.
"Duck now!" Jake says to himself as he barely dodges Lamb Chops swing. He moves under him and crawls on his back covering his eyes with his hands. Lamb Chops tries to grab Jake as he moves around blindly.
"Get off me boy!" He grabs Jake's shirts and swings him down to the ground ripping it as he falls to the ground. "I've been playing around with you too much, lucky for me I don't have to beat on you. I'm a support type afterall. Hey! Travis get over here!"
Jake gets up and pulls the rest of his ripped up shirt off. "Wh-" in a sudden flash of light he sees a man with white skin, wearing glasses, with dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes.
"Sup Chops. This the new kid?" he says with his hands in his pockets nudging with his head. Jake notices he seems to have lightning sparking off his body.
Chops nods and fixes his jacket "Yeah, I want you to fight him while I watch. I want to see how good he is and his type." he puts one of his hands up "Oh and go easy on him, just don't try to kill him okay?"
Travis nods and takes off his glasses as he looks at Jake, his face now turning serious "Hey Chops..hold this." the instant he says this he vanishes into a streak of lightning charging towards Jake.
Chops grabs the glasses and sees Jake getting pummeled by the flash of light. "Oh, already quick to go at it it seems."
Jake is getting knocked everywhere, the world seems to be a blur for him as he only hears Travis talking.
"If you don't do anything you're going to die kid." another barrage of attacks sends him flying across the field.
Jake is barely conscious as he is thinking about what has been happening in the first couple of days. "I can't...I can't even compete on these guys' level.." he then starts thinking about what happened to Evie. "But I refuse to let that happen again..I swear on my own life.." Jake files into the ground and crashes creating a crater while smoke and dust goes everywhere.
Travis appears next to Chops and grabs his glasses "I think I may have gone a little overboard." He puts his hands behind his head and watches the smoke start to clear him. Suddenly the ground starts to shake as they look down. And Travis smirks "Hmm..look who decided to wake up.."
The smoke gets dispersed by the wind as Jake slowly stands up with white primal markings appearing on his body. Jake looks up silent and focused.
Travis throws his glasses off. "Chops boost my defense now!" without a moment of hesitation Chops holds his hands up to as Travis glows with a dark aura around him. The instant that happens Travis goes flying back as Jake is now standing next to Chops, and as quickly as he came he vanishes like a white streak.
Chops looks impressed and curious. "His eyes….it looked like I was looking into space."
Meanwhile, as Travis files back he looks and sees Jake blitzing towards his revving back another fist. "Oh shi-" he dodges the punch as Jake's fist causes a shockwave that destroys everything in its path. Jake stops moving and looks at Travis.
"Wait a minute kid it was just a training session, we were trying to see what T-" Travis defends himself as Jake starts throwing punches as Travis blocks most of them. Travis thinks to himself "This kid..what is he?" Travis gets grabbed by his neck and sent into the air and punted back into the field. He goes tumbling and drags his feet across the ground to stop himself.
Everyone is watching the fight happen and confused about what's happening until they see a sudden flash of white light charging at Travis as he braces himself for the impact. A Lot of Defense Types make walls and barriers to stop the Jake, but he keeps busting through each other barely slowing down.
Ada appears and aims in the direction that Jake is charging towards and shouts "Circe's Slumber!" As on the last wall was a dark pink aura. Jake breaks through the wall and stops right in front of Travis instantly falling asleep.
Travis, Ada, and Chops gather around him and look down as they see the white markings on his body disappear. They look around and see that the entire field is almost completely destroyed.
Travis wipes his head "Well...what type is he Chops?"
Chops looks in disbelief "I can't believe he is..two or maybe three types in one."
Ada smiles at Jake being impressed "Counting what happened earlier with me, he has Defense, Speed, and Attack….truly one of a kind."
Chops picks Jake up "Let's get the boy and take him somewhere he can rest."
Chapter 3 End>