Chapter 4: I have Three Types?!

Chapter 4

Part 4: I have Three Types?!

The machine stops hissing and humming and Evie wakes up the machine, she steps out and breaks her cast off. "This machine really works wonders.." she looks at her screen.


Occupant: Eve Andromeda

Status:Low Tier to High Mid Tier


Type: Defense

Evie sighs "I was hoping for something's better than nothing i guess." she looks around and notices that Jake isn't around "Where did he go?" Suddenly she sees Lamb Chops carrying Jake with Ada, and Travis following behind him. She rushes over and moves between Travis and Ada. "Jake?! Is he okay?? What happened?!" She says in a panic. Travis gets her attention.

"Is this your friend? He'll be okay, but if you need someone to comfort you I got you." He says smiling at Eve, she looks at him annoyed and ignores his words.

Ada makes a gag sound "Travis stop hitting on every single girl that joins the Agency!" She moves Eve in front of her "Your Jakey will be fine Eve, he was just training with Lashard and Travis and things….well things got a little too fast."

Eve nods and follows them into a room that had a sign that said 'MedBay', they lay Jake onto the bed. They all look at each and then at Evie. Travis sighs and scratches his head.

Travis looks at Ada and Lamb Chops "Okay guys who's telling her?! Cause i'm not really good at keeping everyone saw it!" Lamb Chops flicks his head interrupting him.

"Stop Travis! Since you want to talk so much you tell the girl!" Lamb Chops says as Travis looks nervously at Evie.

"Okay..Evie..soo your friend Jake here..he's uh.." He chuckles nervously "HeE HAS MORE THAN ONE TYPE!!" He gives out a sigh of relief. "That feels soo much better."

Evie looks even more confused as all three of them stare at waiting for a reaction. "Okay..and?"

Ada is taken aback by the response "OKAY AND??? That's your reaction?!?!" she seems to not be able to process what Evie said and is just walking back and forth murmuring "This girl really don't know...she doesn't..that's impossible….okay okay" She takes a deep breath "Girl! See look! A person can only have one Type..ONE!!! Not two! Not three!"

Evie nods as Ada goes on her rant. "Soo that means..Jake is special then right? I mean it would explain what happened with you earlier, normally only a Defense Type will be able to block something like that."

Lamb Chops and Travis look at Evie and then each other. Travis blinks blankly as Lamb Chops smiles and laughs

"Well she's smart! That's for sure! Good job girl!" he says laughing.

Ada just sighs and shakes her head as Dasean walks in smoking another cigar. A nurse walks behind him "Dasean sir! You can't smoke in here!"

Dasean sighs "Yeah yeah I know, i'll put it out soon." The nurse shakes her head and walks in to check on Jake "Is he injured, or is he just here to rest?"

Travis looks at her "He was fighting me so he may be mes-"

The nurse looks up smiling "Nope he's fine, not a single scratch on him. He's just dirty, but we can let him rest here." she walks out of the room and Travis follows her "Hey wait but can at least tell you about this awesome battle we did!?"

Dasean chuckles as he leaves "He needs to chill out doesn't he? Anyways how's Jake doing?"

Lamb Chops turns to Jake and explains "Well...the boy awakened his Types going against Travis. He overwhelmed him and pushed him back hard, he even told me to buff him with my defense."

Dasean stares intensely at Jake "Yeahh, I think I heard some of the other agents talking about that, but I changed their mind so we should be fine...what did he have over him again? Some weird marketings?" he says putting out his cigar.

Ada nods "Yeah, they seemed to have wrapped around his arm and was leading towards his back, they were a glowing white color."

Lamb Chops grabs Dasean's shoulder "I almost forgot..his eyes..when i looked into his eyes it looked like i was looking into the universe moving itself."

Daseans's serious face remains as he continues to look at Jake's resting body as he thinks to himself "What exactly are we dealing with here?" He leads everyone out of the room, moving them to the center building that came from originally "We'll let the nurses watch over him for now, if he's not hurt then we have nothing to worry about." He notices Evie's worried look "Right Evie?"

Evie nods "Y-Yeah..right.."

They go inside of the building heading towards the Evaluation Room. Dasean leads them and says "I brought you guys here to see some newcomers we have today, since they didn't suffer any injuries their evaluations were a lot quicker. One is from down south and the other is a transfer agent. Oh right, i almost forgot….Evie they are going to be on your squad with Jake."

Evie seems to be taken out of her worried trance "A squad? But we just started..shouldn't we train some more to see who we'll be good with?"

Ada looks at Evie smiling "No darling, we don't have time for that anymore, you saw what happened a few days ago. We can't afford to let the monsters get an upper hand on us again, they are getting smarter and working together."

They enter the room and see two guys, one wearing a techwear type of ninja outfit with a hood. He has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes with glasses, he has a sword that is wrapped in a cloth. The other is wearing something similar to a tech wizard-like robe. He has a big satchel next to his pod, and he has brown hair with light grey eyes.

Evie looks at both of their screens wondering what type they are. She looks at the one with dirty blonde hair first.


Occupant: Xander Miyamoto

Status:Low Tier to High Low Tier



"Oh a Speed Type that's good...what about the other guy?" She says looking at his screen.


Occupant: Leslie Vocator




Evie asks Dasean "Hey..he's a Summoner Type right? Why is his rank and status not showing up? Is the computer messing up?"

Dasean looks at the screen " is a Summoner Type, well those Types are very finicky. They can be very useful or borderline worthless. We will have to see what the kid can actually do before we determine his status and rank ourselves. The computer can only do so much."

Xander grabs his sword from the wall and looks at Leslie "So, we didn't really have the chance to talk but it's nice to meet you. I'm Xander!..uh Leslie is it? I know you don't typically bow" he holds his hand out for a hand shake.

Leslie looks at it and shakes it "Nice to meet ya! Nice to meet you Xander" he let's go of Xanders hand and Leslie turns to see everyone in the room "Sup!"

Everyone waves slightly then Dasean walks up to them "Alright you two, meet Evie she'll be your defense on your squad. So if you are too scared to face the monsters head on she will protect you. Right Evie?"

Evie nods "That's right! I have your back!" she says smiling at the two boys.

Leslie speaks up "Wait a minute hold on..isn't there supposed to be at least 4 people per squad where's the other person at? I'm just not trying to get played here."

"I think that would be me right?" Everyone here's behind them. They turn around and see Jake standing there looking at them smiling softly. "What's up guys i'm Jake, nice to meet y'all."

Xander looks at him "Hmm…" he walks towards Jake and looks at him from all angles "What are you? Your Type i mean…"

Jake laughs "Well actually...I thought i would be just an Attack Type but i'm actually three Ty-"

Just before Jake could finish what he was saying Dasean grabs him by his hair dragging him out of the building "OWWWW!! DASEAN LET GO!" Dasean murmurs under his breath "You talk to me kid..I need a smoke.."

Xander gives a skeptical look "He said what? He had three Types?"

Evie shakes her head and her hands at him "No no no!! He said three kites!! He is pretty me i've known him since we were little he has a weird thing for kites.."

Leslie shrugs his shoulders "The man just likes kites leave em alone."

Outside of the building Dasean lets Jake go. Jake rubs his hair and looks at him "Hey man! Why did you go and do that?!"

Dasean pulls out the half smoke cigar. "Don't tell people that you have more than one Type. They don't need to know, everyone who saw your fight earlier thought the same thing but I managed to let them think you were only an Attack here's the deal."

Dasean's golden aura appeared before him brighter than last time. And Jake takes a few steps back from the presence of it. He thinks to himself "This pressure....he's actually serious for once!"

Dasean walks towards him "I'll be training you myself. I'll put through the training I had to do to become who I am today. So,no you won't go with your squad until you've had enough control of your own powers. I'll be assigning them Travis for now." The overwhelming aura from Dasean seems to shake Jake to his core and he nods in agreement. Dasean smokes from his cigar and the aura disappears "Good..if you refused i would've had to kill you..I can't let you go unchecked around here."

Jake chuckles out of fear "So..uh when do we get started?" Jake watches as Dasean walks past him still smoking from his cigar.

A car pulls up and Dasean opens the door for Jake "Somewhere we can train without drawing attention to ourselves." Jake gets into the car and Dasean closes the door. The car starts to drive off and Jake rolls down the window and looks at Dasean.

"Wait aren't you coming?!" Jake says to Dasean

Dasean smiles and waves at him "I'll meet you there, I have to pick up some things."

Jake leans back into the car and relaxes, then his stomach growls "I hope it's food cause man i'm starving.."

Somewhere In the Middle of Nowhere.

In a small cavern that is only lit by velvet candles, a huge demonoid looking creature approaches kneeling to a throne that holds a woman wearing a small lightweight spiked armor. She has white hair and white eyes with black lipstick and she stares down the creature "State your business." she says to the creature causing an echo throughout the cavern.

"M-my Queen..we found him...we found your-" As soon as the demonoid creature was about to finish, all life seemed to drain from it as it withered and collapsed on the ground.

"I already knew that..What did i tell these fools about coming in here with news that I already knew." She smiles devilishly "Oh my baby brother...we shall meet again!" She giggles to herself as she calls in some more servants.

When they arrive, In unison they kneel. "Yes My Queen!"

She takes a step off the throne, darkness and corruption emitting from her. "This task is simple, some of you will gather the other acolytes for the Sea God..and the rest…" She giggles before she finishes "Raise Hell."

Chapter 4 End>