
Mommy! Daddy!? Please don't leave me! Help me, please! I didn't do anything wrong! Please, don't let them take me. I'll behave and listen please don't leave me. I don't wanna go with them. It's not my fault, it's not me! The last thing that rang through the air was my ear-piercing scream.


Phoenix POV:

I awoke with a jolt, covered in sweat and tears. That dream, more like a nightmare, has been haunting me ever since I can remember,

but the thing is it feels so real, Like I've experienced it and suppressed it so much, that it is coming back in my most peaceful state. My parents are living a few blocks away from me, and they have never given me away, so there is no way of telling where that dream came from.

Sighing I get up and walk into my bathroom to get my morning routine started. Looking into the mirror, I am meeting the eyes of a person whom I no longer recognize. My eyes are sunken in with bags underneath, and my skin isn't the usual glowing chocolate complexion. I honestly need to take a serious break from work and go on a much-needed vacation but I can't, duty calls, so with that being said I turned on the shower putting the temperature to it's boiling state and got in.

After my 20 minute shower, I head into my walk-in closet wrapped in my pink fluffy robe to look for my outfit of the day. Looking at the third rack I found my favorite white pantsuit along with my white undergarments and decided to pair it with my nude pumps then adding a bag and I was ready for work. Once I was ready I headed down towards the kitchen where I know my chef is making my coffee with a buttered toast to go with it.

"Good morning Alberto, thank you for breakfast," I said with a wide smile. 

"Of course hun but please start eating more for breakfast," he says with a sigh.

"I'll try. Please call my chauffeur and let him know I am ready to go," I reply while gathering my breakfast to leave.

"Yes ma'am."

With that, I walked out to the front of the house and right on time to see my driver pull in front of me. He got out, smiled towards me, and opened the door for me to be seated. I let out a small thank you and waited until he got to the driver's side and pulled out of the driveway. The drive to the office was usually long but with this traffic, it would take longer, so I closed my eyes and decided to loosen up for a moment.

"Hello, my love."

I quickly snapped my head towards the sound of the person's voice, he had concealed himself in the corner of the seat where it is most dark and shielded his face.

"Who are you? Ho-how did you get in here? Drive-!"

"Sh sh sh, it's alright my love," the masked man says and with that moves from the corner into the light provided through the window.

He was beautiful, no he was majestic and magnificent with a dark aura that you didn't have to be close to him to feel. Yet when you see his face, you are taken back because it doesn't match, you wouldn't have guessed this was the man behind such a feeling and chills. His hair was a mix of brown and blond and it was so fitting, I could imagine running my hands through his hair feeling the soft tresses glide through my fingers.

His face was handcrafted by god himself with his sharp and defined features. But god those eyes… the brightest of blues you will ever see. I was so mesmerized by them that I could have swum and never worried about drowning. I would have gladly let him take me to the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean as long as I get him. All of sudden he gets on his knees in front of me making my heart rate go through the roof. 

"Wha- what are you doing?"

He uncrossed my legs and trailed kisses up my legs starting from the top of where my heel ends and making his way up, getting so close to my clothed center. I was drenched and I know that he knew by the way he looked straight at it and licked his lips.  His lips got so close and I was panting and anticipating his warm breath on me but all that came was a brush of cold air. 

I closed my eyes savoring the feelings he sent through my body making me shiver in delight. I awaited it, his mouth on me, to see just how good he could please and pleasure me. Yet nothing, what felt like hours was only seconds and it never happened.

A knock on the door made me frantically close my legs and look around the back of the car to only be met with nothing but air. What in the absolute world was that? Phoenix pull yourself together.

"Ms.Ruiz we have arrived at the company," my driver said while opening the door and holding his hand out for me. I was still seated and when he noticed my bewildered expression he raised his eyebrow in question. I gave him a reassuring smile so he would know not to worry but little did he know that my mind was racing a million miles a minute.

"I will call when I am ready," was all I said to which he nodded and I proceeded to walk to my building with a clear sight of my flustered state. So I rubbed my sweaty palms on my outfit while also smoothing it out and