As soon as the presentation had finished I stood and made my way to the head of the table to give the closing speech. I was flustered the whole time getting there due to Adonis's excessive amounts of unnerving staring but I put my feelings to the side in order to close strong.
"As you've seen, my company is attempting to evolve in economic growth and transition to an increase in the number of goods as well as services produced per head in the population over a substantial amount of time. Hopefully, it can be done within the next four to five years, and with your help, it can be shorter," I paused and waited for any questions, and with none coming I continued.
"Our evolution project is scheduled to begin within the next three weeks and costs $40,800 million dollars in renovations across the country. Of course, it will increase once we expand globally but that will be dealt with once at that stage. Before I end this meeting entirely, are there any questions for me?"
Adonis had raised his hand midway showing he had one and ugh did it annoy me. Why must he be the only one to have a question after our encounter that clearly wasn't pleasant.
"Yes, Mr. Petrov?"
"Let's say I agree to join this project or any other gentleman here, how do you plan on accommodating us to fit and help with such a vigorous task?"
"You would be accommodated by becoming an overseer and being head of the project alongside me of course. You will be allowed to shift anything that does not meet the standards of what we are accomplishing or add to it, as long as they are run through me. We would then work on weekdays or weekends either in my office here or the one located at my home."
Once I was done no one else held questions so I dismissed them and they stood to leave.
"We will make our decisions accordingly and will be back to you as soon as possible."
As everyone began leaving my assistant cleaned up the room and I left to go into my office. Upon entering I felt another presence in the room, one that was not pleasant but still exciting and familiar. Looking towards my chair I see a foreign man sitting on it as if he owned it and he most certainly did not.
"Excuse me, sir, I think you have walked into the wrong room, better yet the wrong building."
"Oh, I most certainly have not Phoenix Rose Ruiz. I've been in the shadows as your protection from things you do not know, but it may be time for you to return before he gets you. You need to return back to our realm but it's not that easy."
Okay, now, I was worried about his health, protection? From who exactly? I've been perfectly fine and if anything he is the one that people need to be protected from. What the hell is he talking about? Another realm? Last time I checked there was only earth, heaven, and hell. I stood there frozen in my spot because he knew my whole name!! Not just that, the whole time he had not opened his mouth but I still heard him.
"Come, my queen, someone is coming and he is not welcomed," the man seethes out.
Before I could protest my office door swung open and there stood a deliciously looking angry Adonis. Oh thank god, he's here now he can take this man out. I let out a gasp when I looked into his eyes that seemed so much darker than before. They were the same way I saw them in the meeting room, that red with black. He let out a low warning growl towards the man holding me.
"Cyrus let her go," Adonis said slowly with an underlying threat in it.
"Oh but I think not brother, you see I know her every move and you will not harm what is mine and what is important to the kingdom."
Are they really talking about me as if I'm not in this god damned room!! I have no clue what's going so one of them better start fucking talking.
I didn't even have time to finish blinking before I was shoved to the ground and Adonis held this Cyrus guy by his neck against the wall as if he weighed nothing.
All Cyrus did was grin clearly unaffected by Adonis and his unspoken threats. Cyrus's eyes turned completely black making me shrink back before he vanished into thin air. How the fuck?! This was too much, I hope all of this was a dream. The last thing I saw was Adonis and his red and black eyes before I let the darkness consume me whole while I gladly let it.