
Cyrus POV:

He took what I held most dear to my heart. One of the three things I would die for, Phoenix being one and our daughters Victoria and Anastasia being another, lastly protecting our kingdom. He fucked my wife. My one and true love, my mate. I cannot and will not breathe because I know the first breath of air will be excruciating and will open the flood gates.

I need to stay strong for our girls. But I can't get over the feeling of her pleasure in the form of agonizing pain. Like needles poking into my skin everywhere, a white-hot branding iron of betrayal down my throat, my heart sinking and slowing down 'till it beats no more and time standing still keeping me trapped in said pain.

Flashes of their sex bombarded my head over and over again. To say I am dead is an understatement...All this because I was chosen to rule and got Phoenix along with a loving family and thriving kingdom. If only father had shown him his true worth and loved him as he did me. 


"C'mon Adonis you have to pin him down," I shouted out to him.

"I can't do it, he's too heavy and five times my size," Adonis said while clearly struggling.

It was a warm day in hell not like it wasn't warm but you know what I mean. Anyway, our father, Billie, was training me and Adonis for when we take over since we are already older now with me being 18 and Adonis at 17. We wanted to finish our training early so we could find our mates sooner.

I had already pinned down my opponent minutes ago and now I'm standing with dad waiting for Adonis. Glancing at father I could tell he was irritated and disappointed in him and I hated it. I hated always watching father beat down on Adonis physically and mentally.

"Stop!" Father yelled out. 

"Adonis come here."

"Yes, father?" Adonis said upon reaching us.

"Adonis you are weak. You can't even accomplish anything without the help of your brother or me. It sickens me, no YOU sicken me. Where's that Ember that's deep within your soul? Why couldn't you be more like your brother? You're a disgrace to this family… I wonder what your mother would think about what you've become." 

"Father!? How could you say that to him?"

I was beyond shocked and bewildered at what father had just told him. Yes, Adonis struggles but that should be okay because not everyone can be the same. I truly do not know what has gotten into our father for him to act and speak in such ways.

"He deserves this since he's so weak. Or would you rather me beat it into him?"

I of course mumbled a quick no father which signaled his leave. Once he was completely out of sight I went closer to Adonis so I can apologize for what his father had just said to him but he stopped me by raising his hand up to my face. 

"Don't," was all Adonis said before walking away.

My brother is the only one I have and he hated me at that moment and it broke me.

Hatred, anger, hurt, and loneliness was all that could be seen in his eyes. As he walked away from me he took a fraction of my heart and soul with him and even though we lived together it felt like we were miles and miles apart.


I snapped out of my memory yet still reflected on it while walking to my girl's room. Ever since then, he didn't want to be near me at all, but that's not what made me truly lose my brother. It was the day of our father's death that tore us apart completely. But I'll save that story for another day.

Right now I need to go see my beautiful and precious girls.  Walking out from what used to be me and my wife's room, I walked down to the 3rd floor of our palace and towards our girl's room. Before entering I knocked and was met with two beautiful come in's. Opening the door I see my girls playing around with their dolls and the sight warms my heart.

"Daddy! We missed you so much, where have you been?" Victoria said.

"Dadda pway me," Anastasia says to me.

"Girls I can't play right now but when I get back we can play all you want, okay?"

"But daddy we want you to play with us, Please!"

They both put their best pouts and doggy eyes and I almost, almost caved in but nope I'm strong.

"We will play later girls but right now I have stuff to do, more like get over your mommy," I mumbled the rest so they won't hear but to no avail they heard clear as day. Damn these demon Genes of ours.

"Mommy?Mommy's home!?" Victoria screamed.

"Mama Home?!" Anastasia said while waddling over to me.

"No girls mommy's not home yet," I said with a sad smile.

"We miss mommy. When is she coming home, daddy?"

"Ya me miss mama"

"I miss mommy too girls but I promise we will get her back okay? You know what I'm going to cancel all my plans and spend a day with you girls. How does that sound?"

"Yay, we will go get ready daddy."

"Ok but don't take forever girls."

With that Victoria took Anastasia's hand and walked into the closet to get themselves ready. Today will be about family even though we are missing the most important part but it's going to all be ok.

I, Cyrus Minorelli, vow to get my wife and our family back. If I have to kill my brother to get her back then so be it but this now means war.