Phoenix POV:
I've been locked in Adonis's room for about 5 hours and still, there has been no sign of when he will make an appearance to speak to me or provide more food. Throughout the time though, the hellhound has been sitting in the corner watching me and Pandora has been talking to me. If you forgot Pandora is my demon's name.
"Pandora what are you doing?"
"I am restoring a few links that have been broken between us and others while your memories were blocked."
"Oh ok, that sounds boring. But can I ask you a question?"
"It is boring but I need to do it, what's your question?" She said while chuckling.
"Can you put me to sleep because I'm tired of looking at the same four walls."
"Alrighty, goodnight Phoenix talk to you in a few."
With that my body got heavy and my eyes started to close on their own accord and I drifted into sleep.
I'm walking more like drifting endlessly in a black abyss. Nothing but me and my thoughts. That was until the hellhound that has always been watching and following me appears out of thin air like literal poof here he is.
"Phoenix, we have to discuss what happened to your family. Specifically, your parents."
"Woah Woah Woah can we please first talk about who, what, where, when, why and I'm always seeing you everywhere?"
"Okay, I am your hellhound. Your demon, you, and I all bonded so that makes me loyal to you and only you. We bonded at birth which was 4 years before your parents had made the biggest mistake in their life. The day you were taken from your parents was because of the same threat we face today that wanted to kill you except it was led by someone different. The first person was killed by your parents but they also died due to severe injuries. You as well as I were taken to live among the dragon realm. We grew up with Lauren and Dimitri, who you met at the club but as soon as Pandora made a greater appearance within you we were taken to the demon realm. The people you thought were your parents are actually your aunt and uncle, who are demons."
"So you're saying my parents died while killing the person who started the war, I grew up with dragons, moved to the demon realm and was taken care of by my aunt and uncle?"
"Yes, essentially now let me finish when you were 20 you met your mate, Cyrus, and moved into the castle. After then you and him wed, had kids, and ruled peacefully. That was until the war was brewing up again and since all they wanted was you, you decided to have your memories taken and get sent to live amongst humans. Hence why you are here. However, what you did still caused major conflict in the demon realm which ended up with the castle being burned."
"Wait so Adonis and I never got married or had kids?"
"No you had one kid together, Victoria, but you guys had only been engaged."
"So he fucking lied to me! He had told me Cyrus is trying to steal me from our kingdom, started the war, and made me disappear hence why he had to get me again."
"Phoenix, everything he has said to you has been a lie, don't ever believe what he says, understand?"
"Yes, I got it."
"Now as I was saying, here we are in a worse predicament tha- Phoenix. You must wake up."
"What why? Can you just finish because I want to know?"
I jolted upright just in time to hear the door open and guess who it is, go ahead I'll wait. Adonis, that's who and he was clearly upset. There was something off about this anger though, it was a sinister type of anger that I can't really explain.
"Get up and get dressed now, we are going to the mall to get you new clothes because I'm tired of giving you my clothes."
Woah who the hell pissed in his fucking cereal?
"Did you hear me!" He yelled at me and I don't know if he knew but I don't take that shit lightly.
"Oh hell no, I know he did not just yell at us! I will scorch his body with just one look! Phoenix let me out," Pandora growled out to me.
"No Pandora I will not. Now calm down!"
She called down a significant amount but I still felt her rage simmering through my veins, waiting for any opening to strike at the man she deems a threat to me and my family. Yet it wasn't just her rage that fueled me, it was also my own. Since this life literally is being thrown at me there has been so much pent up tension and anger that has done nothing but constantly stoking the fire within me and standing here watching Adonis attempt to control me was only making its flames grow higher, allowing it to lick and caress my insides and burn me until it consumes me and takes over.
For his sake, I hope he stops because he might not be alive in a few seconds but before I could answer Adonis, there was a sharp pain to my scalp. He grabbed my hair and roughly made me face him.
The pain he forced onto my scalp only furthers my drive to kill him, rip him into tiny pieces and feed him to my hellhound.
"Did You Hear Me?" He said with a death glare set in his eyes.
He pulled tighter causing a gasp to escape my lips and black dots to cloud my vision. I couldn't take this pain anymore, it was just too much from my angle.
"Yes Yes, please let go," I whimpered out.
"Good now hurry up."
He dropped me to the ground and turned with an analyzing gaze before smirking at what he had accomplished. If it weren't for the splitting headache he inflicted on me I would beat him to a bloody bull. Yet with that, he walked out of the room and left me to get ready, and lord it was so hard to place the shirt over my head and fix my hair but so I wouldn't have to endure that again I pushed it aside.
Once I was done, I headed down to where he was and told him I was ready, he led me to the car and we drove off to the mall. When we got there, he told me to get everything I needed while handing me his black card and going to the food court. I could use this chance to escape but that thought was shut down because I saw his little rouge dogs watching me from places around the mall. Great just great, note the sarcasm. So I headed to Victoria Secret, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, American Eagle, and Dsw. Once I got everything I started making my way to the food court when a small voice caught my attention.
I instantly knew who it was without a doubt or question and that scared me. I turned around and saw a little girl that looked like a perfect mix of me and Cyrus.
White spots clouded my vision and pain in my head wouldn't allow me to think about the name I just blurted out. That's my baby. My firstborn. She's here, right in front of me. I stood there analyzing my daughter until Pandora pushed through, sharing control with me. I felt my eyes shift to one being the normal brown and another being black with the enticing and intimidating red.
"Our baby! We'll be together soon, it's just a matter of time."
All of a sudden I was yanked back by my hair by one of the rogues.
"Sir, yes it's me chase, I have gotten her now."
Was what he had said before Adonis made an appearance.
"Let me go or I will rip your head from your body and feed it to my hellhound!"
With that I noticed Adonis walking towards Victoria with another rouge who's name was Theresa and threw her against the wall and slash her arm with their claws. She let out an agonizing scream and that was when something snapped and all I saw was red.
"My baby! You will all pay with your lives!"
Cyrus had now made an appearance and was looking at me and his daughter. But I knew he was not going to come for me. He charged after Adonis but was knocked over by Theresa and was getting his face beaten in by her.
Adonis walked to me and pulled me up to only throw me across the floor causing me to bang my back into the wall breaking a few bones.
That black smoke engulfed me once again and the last thing I heard was Victoria screaming for me and her father and Adonis laughing darkly.