Presidential Meeting

"It's the usual, President." Axle reported, his accent emphasized.

We are gathered here in the meeting hall of the upper chamber. This is my first time seeing the whole Presidential Team so I need to act like I'm the electronic version of myself.

As the victim of the unprecedented attack earlier, I am compelled to report to the president.

"Whose men were they?" My father asked, sitting on his swivel chair as the head of the table.

"This time, those people were members of a rebellion group." Said another agent.

"Were you able to identify them? Or their group? Location?"

"Nah. If only Claudia is in condition to..." Axle trailed off as he looked at me. He knows my secrets very well. We have been friends since he started training for a position in the presidential team.

Aside from Candice, he is the only one whom I share my secrets with. If there is anyone here who knows about the labyrinth aside from the crew who performs the installment, that's Axle.

Those men who dragged me to forcefully attach the tubes, they were the ones guarding the Triad Laboratory every time the labyrinth will be used or discharged. They are not members of the presidential team but they belong to the confidential personnels along with Candice and Dr. Henry Herrera.

"Considering Claudia's condition and inactivity, they probably took advantage of the situation and tried to capture her despite knowing that they were entering the government premises." The known presidential team leader said.

I remained silent and blank while they look at me, making me feel like it's all my fault and I'm not supposed to be acting this way because they are used to seeing me as someone strong.

My eyes unconsciously went to Jesther who's sitting across me. I just felt like someone is throwing intense glares at me and I need to find it or I'll get more conscious. Our eyes met.

"Fortunately, Jesther was there checkin' the back gate. He immediately got a hold of the situation, President." Axle added.

All eyes shifted on him but he remained looking at me like I'm some sort of puzzle. I knitted my brows and looked away before they could notice our staring contest, but then he implied no interest.

What is he doing? Does he happen to space out in the middle of a meeting? Should I wave a hand or something?

"Jesther..." Dad called, making him cut his deep stares at me. My father seemed to notice where his eyes are fixed. "Did they spill the beans?"

"Nah. We'll gain nothing from them. They're just lowly members of that rebellion group." He uttered in a low and rough baritone. I sensed his suppressed anger on something as he spoke.

This guy. I just hope I'll be able to know his secrets sooner or later.

I think I just found a way to make use of the labyrinth. I smirked at the thought.

"Given your daughter's condition, I suggest you should not let her go outside until she's completely recovered." Jesther raised his right brow as he shifted his gaze from my father to me. He caught me smirking and I immediately stopped my thoughts about the labyrinth.

Axle eyed Jesther, minimal shock etched on his face. I, too, am wondering if he knows something. But that would be impossible, right? Or not? After all, he's from the Global Security Agency, as what they have said. The president may be trusting him.

My father's laugh echoed in the corners of the meeting hall.

"Right. I shouldn't have let her walk around outside." He nodded, acknowledging his mistake. "Jesther, I'm assigning you to a three-week accompaniment of Claudia. I'll send you to the private rest house this afternoon."

"That's unfavorable. Is that even necessary?" I complained.

"Don't start with me, Claude. It's best if you will not stay here. You will just be in danger with that condition."

"But President, that ain't really favorable. Ya know we've got our main force here to protect her." Axle seconded. "It's more dangerous if she's away."

"We have our main force here yet we also attract bigger enemies. What will we do if Claudia is here with that state? It's better to get her away from danger. At least, the rest house is secured." The president retorted. I shouted in my mind.

Is that really his reason? I know I can do nothing about my father's bent decisions so everything I say will be futile. I just need to find a way to take advantage of the situation.


"Are you sending... just the two of us?" I asked my father.

He grinned at me. I saw Jesther's deep-rooted and unreadable eyes.

"No, honey."

"Good. Let me have at least Candice or the doctor and a handmaiden together with me."

"Sure. As you wish."

That ended our meeting.

"Claude." Axle called while I'm on my way to the Triad Laboratory. He secretly followed me.


"I just don't get yar father." He confusely ruined his neat hairstyle.

"Aren't you used to him? I mean, nobody gets him and his way of thinking." I almost laughed in a ridiculous manner.

"Listen..." he gently pulled my arm so I can face him. We're closer to the door of the lab. Axle eyed the hallway for possible eavesdropping before turning to me. "If you arrive at the rest house, do your best to stay away from that man."

My heart skipped a beat. I'm partly glad that Axle is feeling the same way as I am.

"Yar father clearly told me not to trust him. So should ya. Do not get close to him... under any circumstances."

"I know! He seems suspicious for me, too. But I will try to figure things out."

"I just don't understand why the president let him be with you away from us if he himself do not completely trust him." He paused, deeply thinking. "I dunno what he's up to. But while ya're away, I will get a hold of yar situation. Take good care of yah self. Use the labyrinth if ya're in danger." He reminded.

"I know. I have a plan in mind. And Candice is with me. If he tries to make one bad move, I'm sure he knows it will be the end of him."

On my peripheral view, I saw a silhouette approaching. I immediately got away from Axle's hold. Distancing myself from my friend, Jesther showed up, wearing a formal white long sleeves and black slacks.

His messy and illegal hairstyle makes him look tired and empty amidst his alert moves. I said illegal because it's a rule that they should look presentable as members of the presidential team.

That messy and medium length hair covering his forehead is inappropriate. But I remained quiet about it. There are so many things I find suspicious about him.

"Are you done packing your things?" He asked, eyes straight on me. I avoided his gaze for the nth time.

"Not yet. You can just wait for me outside." I said bitterly.

"It's an order from your father." Jesther and Axle exchanged looks. I withdrew from the tension building up and opened the door to the Triad Laboratory.

Candice was already there, loading my stuffs, and getting ready for our departure.

"Where's the doctor?" I asked her.

"He's currently talking to the president, Young Miss. Anytime now, we will be leaving."

Axle helped us in our luggage. The handmaidens were sent first together with the other security forces to monitor the vicinity.

"Is it cleared? We will be leaving soon." I heard Jesther talking to somebody through his phone. That's a government-sanctioned gadget used strictly for work and political purposes. No personal data involved because as far as I know, those are confiscated monthly for the evaluation of records.

I wonder if I have one, though.

"Get in." I turned to Jesther as he put the phone inside his pocket and walked past me. He opened the door to the back seat.

He closed the car door as I got inside. I saw Axle approached him and stared at me through the tinted window.

They talked a bit and Jesther turned to me, too. I tilted my face and looked away from them. The car is tinted but the way they look at the window straight to my eyes, it looks like they can see me staring back at them.

Minutes later, Jesther sat in the driver's seat and Candice got in beside me.

"You better take a nap, Young Miss."

As if on cue, I looked at the rearview mirror and unsurprisingly, I met Jesther's eyes as he started the engine and pulled the gearstick.

Right. I need to sleep off my exhaustion and save my inquiries and plans for later.