Unprecedented Attack

"Miss Claudia, you better take a rest. You look exhausted from the ride." Candice suggested after we get inside my father's private property.

My eyes wandered around the place. The yard is wide and the house is surrounded by long fences, as tall as the gates. It was a long trip from the Triad Palace and this view is all new to me. I have never been here before but this place is relaxing to look at and soothing to feel.

The road to this destination is narrow and uncultivated, like both sides of the way are forested.

I unwarily took a look at our driver who's busy getting our baggage from the back of the car. He looked so serious while speaking to someone over his phone and looked around the area, too.

He threw a sideward glance at me.

Immediately, I withdrew from our eye contact and stepped on the stairs of the veranda.

"Can you inform me about the floors of this house?" I changed the topic. I slept halfway earlier, no need for another rest.

"There are five rooms in total, Young Miss. On the last is the master's bedroom. All of the bedrooms are on the second floor. The office and the library are on the third floor. There's also a mini gym and a mini bar on the third. You can also go up to the rooftop. There are intercoms in this house. You can just call if you need anything." She elaborated, following me walk inside the living room.

This house is very modern yet elegantly simple. The walls are painted white, silver chandelier hanging on the ceiling like someone superior looking down on me, and gray furnitures. Those are the three domineering colors that blend well with its interior design.

"I'll just wash up. Wait for me in the office. We have something to talk about."

I let Jesther handle our things. I need to fix myself first.

Candice said the master's bedroom is the last. I went that way and opened it. The same colors filled my eyes. White walls, white bed sheets, silver bedposts and tables, gray curtains and floor mat under the king sized bed.

This room is wide. There is a mini sala and a television set, the bed on the center and two side tables, a walk-in closet, comfort and wash room.

This is more than fine. Except that I'm with the new bodyguard.

"I need to get fully recovered just in a week." I almost sound like I'm begging.

Resting my back on the swivel chair inside the office, I arranged the thoughts in my head.

"According to the president, we will be staying here for three weeks, Miss." Candice reminded.

I know.

"Where's the doctor?"

"In his room slash laboratory. He requested it himself." She answered.

"On the second floor?"

"Yes, Miss."

"You're his apprentice, right?" I asked. I looked around before leaning close to my table, wary of somebody that might be hearing us from outside. "Please fill me some information about the labyrinth."

Again, she looked hesitant to say a word.

"Look, Candice. My grandfather was able to use the labyrinth. How did he do that? Who was its vessel?"

"I-I don't think I am at the right position to break those information to you." she looked down.

"Please help me. I'm telling you, I don't believe that the new guy in the Presidential Team comes from the Global Security Agency!"

Candice knitted her forehead. "How did you know, Miss?"

I motioned her to sit in front of my table. "That, I don't know. I cannot prove that..." I trailed off as I saw her getting confused. "But he looks so familiar. Like I just saw him days ago."

"Weren't you asleep days ago, Young Miss? Maybe you dreamed of him or something?"

"Huh? No, I don't know. I was dreaming about when my grandfather took me to a place somewhere far from here. I certainly have no affiliation with that man named Jesther. At least that's what I believe. But he somehow looks and feels familiar. I just can't tell how and why."

We stayed thinking for minutes.

"Anyway, about the information you want to know, Miss..." Candice interrupted my line of thinking. "Your grandfather wasn't proven to have used a vessel for the installment of the labyrinth, as I've heard from Dr. Herrera's conversation with the president."

"Then what? I haven't really seen what the labyrinth actually is until I was experimented for it."

"Former President Julius Carbonel let himself be ruled by the labyrinth. I don't know what exactly happened during his reign but I heard that he went out of control after being overwhelmed by the labyrinth. Your father was able to get a hold of the labyrinth before he won the presidency."

I went silent for a moment. Grandpa wasn't able to control the labyrinth because it was the labyrinth who controlled him! I'm getting afraid about myself. Is this why my father presented me for this? Because he's also afraid that he might end up like his father if he use it on himself?

"Your grandfather went powerless after that. People believed that the glory of the labyrinth goes on within your family but there was no leaked news about how dangerous it might be. The labyrinth remained a mystery to civilians. What happened to the former president also remained confidential." Candice shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

"Is the experimentation still going on? Who assisted grandpa during the installment of the labyrinth on himself? Weren't they supposed to stop him from doing that?" Follow up questions piled up in my head. I'm getting confused because it doesn't seem to be a scope-limited artificial intelligence.

"I have no knowledge about that, Young Miss."

"I'm curious as to who are the researchers and why didn't they give him preemptive measures or even inform him about the effects of labyrinth and how dangerous it might be for personal use? How about me? Will I suffer just the same? Oh my gosh!" I almost fall into hysterics.

"Don't worry, Miss. Dr. Herrera is studying your compatibility with the labyrinth. I'm sure his findings will show the early results or even signs of afflictions visible in your psyche or the labyrinth's metacognition. The last time you were asleep, he was comparing your records and the former president's past reactions towards the labyrinth." Candice added. "We will do our best to help you for possible developments."

She smiled. Somehow, I feel like I am not alone in this fight. I have her. And I thank the heavens for being a bit good for me.

"Wait, earlier you said you want to recover as fast as possible. Why is that so, Miss?" She asked.

"Uh, nothing. I just, you know, I have a lot of things to know about the labyrinth. Maybe I'll speak this out to the doctor. He might help me with this." I can't spill my plans right away. Not now that I'm not so sure if it would perfectly work. I'm not even sure if this plan in my head is really possible. But I have to try.

My talk with Candice ended right after the dusk. I have a scheduled checkup this evening at nine.

After taking my dinner inside my room, I went out to prepare for my consultation minutes from now. I still have time so maybe I can walk around for a bit.

Candice is probably asleep by now. I'm the only one touring around the house. I'm about to proceed to the kitchen when I saw shadows from the open window. The curtains are up so I can see the movements outside though it's not that clear.

I wonder if Jesther is resting? No, probably not. He's a bodyguard, he might be checking the vicinity for possible intrusions. I decided to walk outside the house and take a glimpse of the night sky. It has always been relaxing to look at the moon and the stars overnight.

I have less memories about my life. Maybe because I have always been used for the labyrinth and I have no idea what I did during those times. That makes my memory a puzzle with lost pieces.

I followed where I saw the shadows from the living room. This is leading to the backyard where the fences are shaded by vines, making it look forested. Embracing myself, I almost shake because of the cold weather.

"Holy crap." I softly mumbled. I almost tripped over these small stones scattered around the yard. I hid myself because I just saw Jesther standing like he's facing something. What is he doing?

I crouched over to see him wholly. I am currently facing his back and he is facing the fence. What is he doing here?

Crouching more to see his surroundings, I almost tripped again out of shock. My heart pounded as I see people meters away from him, closer to the tall fence. Who are they?

They seem to be talking. What is the meaning of this?

All of a sudden, he turned around and caught my gaze. I froze, unable to move. What's the purpose of hiding when he seemed to be aware that I'm here?

I did not bother moving at all. I just stared at them fearfully. Who are those guys?

My eyes widened as I pointed him, almost shouting that someone is lunging at him while his attention got diverted to me. The people around him attacked simultaneously.

What the hell is happening? He's alone against the few of them! I remained looking at them. He was able to dodge the first attacker and kicked another one from behind. He expertly dodged and lunged to the enemies. For once, I wish the labyrinth would help me. But that would take some time!

Just like watching an action movie, I stood and prayed for Jesther. That's all I can help for now.

He stepped on the knee of the person in front of him and elbowed that man's nape as he jumped over and kicked the next person's chest. The kick affected that man because of the massive force from jumping.

He caught a glimpse of me as the enemies are lying on the ground. He quickly motioned me to get inside. Still shocked, I managed to slowly walk away from that scene. I just hope he'll be fine.