
Tyler held Lanie's left hand and brought her to the sofa. He silently got her phone and put it inside her bag. Lanie was stunned at Tyler yet curious at what he was doing.

"Now, focus on me. Focus on me, only, Kitten. Do you understand?" He darkly and sexily said. Lost in her thoughts, she nodded. Tyler smirked. Good, Kitten.

"Do you really can't recall what happened last night? Or you just act like you don't know because you are embarrassed at what you did?" He asked her directly. She was taken aback. She was speechless.

"Don't you remember me? In your dreams, Kitten?" he said, teasing her. Lanie frowned. What the hell is he… her eyes grew wide when a scenario suddenly popped up on her mind like a movie. Her hand flew to her mouth. Don't tell me… that was not a dream?!

Tyler smirked at her reaction. "So, you often think of me, huh?" he said while slowly coming closer to her. Lanie slightly moved away.

"And you are curious about me? About what, Kitten?" he continued while still coming closer to her. Lanie was about to move away again from him but she already reached the end of the sofa.

"Why are you moving away from me, now? You were so clingy last night, baby. Where is your bravery now, huh?" He seductively said as he cornered her using his both arms. Lanie doesn't know what to do, she was so sure that her face is like a potato right now. She was panicking inside. What the hell are you doing Tyler?!

Now, she was more embarrassed because she finally completely remembered what happened last night. Tyler really has his own way for her to remember. But, did she really remember it all? Did she say something after that?

"Kitten," Tyler called. What's with the kitten? Do I look like a cat to him? Lanie thought.

"I-i am not a cat." she answered back. A ghost smile appeared on Tyler's lips. "Yes, definitely not. You are not a cat because you are still a kitten, a baby cat." he teased. Lanie gave him a glare. A deep laugh echoed in the whole unit. Lanie was looking at Tyler amused. This is the first time he saw Tyler laugh. He… he was breathtakingly beautiful, especially this up close. When Tyler noticed that Lanie was staring at her for too long, he quickly became serious.

"Tyler," she called her name while looking into her eyes. Tyler also looked at her. They were intensely staring at each other not minding their sensual position. They were just staring at each other's eyes as if they were talking using those. Tyler's eyes look at Lanie's whole face then, to her nose until her pinkish lips. What do those lips taste like?

"Tyler," Lanie said again. Tyler looked at her eyes again. Her eyes glimmered with familiar emotions and… lots of questions.

"Yes, Kitten?" He said in a calmly voice. He traced the side of her face and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Can I ask something?" she whispered. Lanie wanted to ask him. She wanted to take this chance to ask him. Ask him the question that was bothering her since she talked to Jeybi.

"Hmmm." Tyler moved so close to her and at such speed, Lanie was already on his lap. She was straddling him to be exact. Tyler was holding her back while Lanie's one hand was on his shoulder and the other one was on his arm.

"What is it?" Tyler asked while looking at her flustered face. Their position right now was too much for her. She couldn't look straight into his eyes. But, she gathered her courage to look at him and ask him the questions she was dying to ask him. She must ask him.

"Who is Tyler Lancaster?" Tyler stopped for a second before giving her a loop smile. This kitten is slowly having courage, huh? Good for her.

"He is your boss." He playfully answered. Lanie shook her head at him, she tried to stand up but Tyler was holding her firmly so she gave up and stayed at that position.

"I want to know the real Tyler Lancaster." Tyler looked at her confident eyes yet he saw the fear she was trying to hide behind those confident and brave eyes.

"Then, stay." He seriously answered.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lanie answered, wondering what he said.

"If you want to know the real Tyler Lancaster, stay, Lanie. Stay and don't ever leave."