Jake met Tyler

Lanie delivered the sack of carrots first before she went to her small store that was located in the middle of the market where most of the fruits and vegetables stores were located. She saw Mona selling cabbages to one of the customers. 

"Hi, Ma'am!" Mona greeted her as soon as she arrived at their spot. She smiled at her before she took a look at the goods in her store. The vegetables were almost running out. Sometimes some of the people in Rencontrer are going to the market to buy vegetables and fruits since the source of living there is almost connected to fishing. The market of the Paisible Province almost has the things you can buy for people's daily life so people were really saving time to go to the Paisible market. 

"How's the sale?" she asked. 

"It's great, Ma'am! Many people are coming here from the Rencontrer since it's the weekend." Mona answered. Lanie nodded.