Ying slowly extends her hand while the tears fall from her eyes, she takes the wallet and stuffs the money back in it. Drying her tears while her mother cleaned her face with wet towel. She put the wallet back in her hand.
Standing up firmer, she pinned her mother with a determined gaze.
"Mom! You don't have to work three jobs a day, from now own. I just want you to rest more and take care of your health. Later we can go together and do some shopping."
"Ying! That's sweet and mother knows you want the best for her but mother has to work. You have to go to a private high school and you should get best things. So don't worry and let mother work as she wants".
Ying adopted an extremely sad expression and looked towards her mother with tear-laden eyes.
"Mother! Tell me who are you doing this all for?
"What do you mean Ying? I am doing all of this for you, my child."
"Then mother tell me, are you willing to leave me behind in this cruel world all alone. Who is going to take care of me if you fell sick? I think we should live for the person we love, don't you think so mother?. Afterall, health is the biggest treasure that allows us to enjoy the beauty of the world while at the same time gives us courage to face bad experiences. "
Hearing all that coming out of her little Ying's mouth she immediately knelt down to her height and engulfed her in a hug.
"When did my daughter grow so much? How did mother miss this?"
Withdrawing from the hug she stood up and gestured Ying towards the breakfast.
But Ying stood firm and told her mother that she will go to a private high school but on scholarship, so she didn't need to worry. Putting her hands on her hip she told her mother to smile.
Yu Yan took in her little girl's posture who was trying to intimidate her and unknown to her was failing badly due to her height and doll like features. She couldn't keep it in and burst out laughing.
Pinching Ying's cheeks she carried her to the table where they both finished breakfast before beginning their day.
Before getting up from the table she asks her mother will she agree with her and stop the extra part-time jobs. Her mother stopped mid way and turned facing Ying.
"Ying, I will drop one job and keep the other two and only if your grades improve will I keep a single job with flexible hours. Okay?"
"Deal mom! But you better keep your word. Pinky promise?".
"Pinky promise. How can I say no when my baby is being so considerate to mommy".
Quickly putting away the now clean dishes. Yu Yan asked Ying what she wanted to do now? and How she wanted to spend the rest of the Sunday?
Ying frowned, drawing her brows closer, chewing her lips and putting a hand under her chin, she started thinking hard.
Trying to contain her squealing, her baby looked so cute trying to act like a mature adult. Quickly grabbing a camera from her purse which she had forgotten, she snapped few pics of her adorable kid.
Hearing the capturing sounds made by a camera, she saw the culprit; her mother. Standing straight, crossing her arms and tapping her right foot, Ying fixed her mother with a disapproving gaze, shaking her head from side to side she tried to convey her dissatisfaction.
Yu Yan clicked few more pics before diving in and lifting her daughter for a spin, all the time she was squealing.
"Oh! My baby is so cute".
Finally putting her down. She asked Ying have she decided on what she wanted to do. Ying nodded.
"Mom! Let's make cookies and fill the cookie bear."
"Cookies! It is then. Let's go little chef."
They both burst out laughing before heading to the kitchen. Putting on the apron and covering their hair with a net they went to wash their hands. Yu Yan took out her recipe book filled with mouth-watering dishes which she intended to pass on to Ying, while Ying ran and gathered all the ingredients before placing them on the kitchen counter. Yu Yan appraised all the ingredients with a critical eye before she moved to gather the missing ingredients.