Finding 50 yuan in her bag they took it throwing her to the ground before taking a pen out of their bags and writing something on the bill.
"See this name now it is sister Zhi Lan's money."
"I hope you are aware goon number 1 that marking a bill intentionally is a federal offense."
Saying that Ying Yue stood up from the ground where she was lying and put her self defense skills to use beating each of them until she was satisfied. Looking at the time in her wrist watch she whispered,
"Just about time."
Soon they all heard the siren of the patrolling police car. Ying Yue started fake crying loudly to catch their attention.
The police car stopped and the two officers came out, seeing the seen they asked the crying little girl what happened.
"I was ju.. just go.. going home f... from school when.. when I saw these b... big sisters fig... fighting among them... themselves. I tr... tried to st... stop th.. them but b.. but they took my money and wrote their na.. name on it." With that Ying Yue finished her fake stuttering speech.