A Little Battle

Jake had just finished laying the fourth egg sack and was sitting on the floor and looked at the other xenomorph who was sitting on the floor too as Jake had commanded it to as it looked like it might die if it kept vomiting on the wall. A few minutes of resting they heard footsteps, so they went closer to it while hiding between the shadows and the hive. Looking forward they saw 5 people coming towards them wearing heavy duty clothes and carrying some heavy guns.

One hour earlier:

The warden had just finished giving his speech and he commanded 5 of the best guards to stay while the rest return to their normal activities. When everyone had left he told the 5 guards present that they would be responsible for killing the things, while also telling them the gear they will be using. The warden told the guards to arrive at the hallway just outside the electric chair room.

20 minutes passed and outside the electric chair room you could see 10 people present, 5 of which were to kill the things and the others were the warden and other members of staff with a high pay grade. Putting the equipment on which took at least 20 minutes the guards started heading towards the back room of the electric chair room.


Looking at the guards Jake gulped in his mind. The guards were wearing heavy armour and each was carrying a different weapon. The first person was carrying a shotgun, the second guard was carrying a assault rifle, the third person was carrying a LMG, the fourth guard was carrying a minigun and the last person was carrying a flamethrower. Looking at their equipment Jake decided to get rid of the person carrying the flamethrower as he was as at the back of the group and chose the others to have a Chestburster implanted in them.

Walking even quieter Jake managed to get behind the guards. The guards had no idea that Jake was behind them. seconds later and Jake had come out of the shadows and attacked the flamethrower person which killed him quickly. When Jake was killing the guard he had made noise so the other 4 guards had turned to face him.

Turning to face him the guard with the assault rifle and LMG started shooting him, While the other xenomorph was moving closer to the person with the shotgun. Behind the shotgunner was the other xenomorph which had knocked him out. Jake still getting shot at by the two guards was about to start getting shot by the person with the minigun as the barrel of the gun was spinning quite fast.

Eventually the minigun started shooting in Jakes direction. The other xenomorph had dragged the unconscious guard to the hive area and stuck him onto the wall of the place in front of one of the egg sacks. The xenomorph then turned around had headed back to where Jake was getting shot at.

The guards had no idea that a guard had go missing as they were to busy shooting at Jake. Jake as riddled with holes in his body, the bullets would have stayed in his body if his blood wasn't acidic. During this time Jake had been thinking as a human and not as a xenomorph, so he had yet to use his blood to his advantage.

The other xenomorph had arrived back at the battle and grabbed two of the guards and slammed them on the floor, the other guard had noticed but he couldn't stop shooting his gun as it would take to long to start shooting again so he hoped he could kill the one in front of him first.

Jake had managed to get behind a rock when the guard was distracted by the other xenomorph but the guard still knew where Jake was, so he kept shooting at the rock. Jake sitting there unsure of what to do, thought as a xenomorph for once and slung some of his blood at the guard which landed on his gun and hand. The guard dropped the gun and grabbed his hand in pain.

The other xenomorph was dragging both of the other guards to the main hive and stuck them on the wall in front of a egg sack and then left when he got back to the fight he say he queen standing over the guard. Walking over to the guard the xenomorph grabbed the guard and started to drag him further in to the hive.

Jake who saw the guard get dragged away laughed in his mind. After he finished laughing he noticed the guns on the floor so with his blood still rushing out of him, he made a few drops fall onto the different weapons destroying them.

10 minutes after the gun shots had stopped the warden was waiting for the guards to return from the room but hey never did, so he started panicking about what had happened to them. So he had ordered that from now on no one is to enter this area of the building. The guards shocked as they had never seen the warden panic or worry about anything.

Jake and the xenomorph were sitting on the floor and were waiting for the guards to wake up because the Facehugger had already attached to them. Jake was starting to worry as he didn't know if another bunch of guards would attack or not.

Hours later guards woke up one by one and started moaning about the fact they couldn't move then they started screaming about the pain which was coming from inside of them. Moments later you could see Chestburster's bursting out of them one at a time. When the Chestburster's landed on the floor they looked around and felt at home, then they spotted their Queen in the corner of the hive.

After the warden had ordered for no one to go to that area of the prison, was now conflicted as he was processing about how the things were made and other stuff. Moments later his phone rang, when he went to pick it up he discovered it to be his superior, so the warden picked up the phone and put the phone to his ear then nervously said "hello."