Wardens mischief and eggs

"Hello." the warden said after picking up the phone. The person on the line with him had yet to answer back but, the warden could hear his breathing. After seconds, which felt like hours to the warden did his superior finally reply.

"Your not doing a good job running your prison Fred, If you don't start working harder and start preventing unnecessary deaths. I will depart here to assist you. One more chance then I will depart for the Prison planet. If the prison isn't up to standard your getting fired." Replied the boss and hung up the phone.

Warden Fred was currently trying to not have a heart attack by the fact that his boss might be coming here. His boss is one of those strict types. Fred witnessed someone get fired for spilling there drink on the floor by accident.

Back inside the hive, Jake was asleep or the closest to being asleep he could be currently. While he was asleep the chestbursters were currently eating the corpses of the guards and growing.

An hour later Jake got up from his position and started walking around the place. He then noticed the chestbursters had fully grown were now walking around the place.

Jake walked back to the far corner of the hive and began laying eggs again as to build up his army of xenomorphs.

Back with the warden he was still contemplating on what to do. Should he attack the aliens and risk being defeated or should he do nothing and risk getting fired. Moments later he picked up his phone and dialled a number and when the person on the other end of the line answered he started talking.

"hi John. Listen, I need some help with an alien problem."

"what do you mean you can't help me im at the risk of losing my job here."

"oh your right sorry about that but tell you what she was exquisite!" Fred shouted as he hung up the phone and throwing it across the room landing on the sofa.

Fred huffed as he got out of his seat and walked to go pick up his phone and put it on charge. Fred sat on the sofa scrolling through different streaming services and found nothing to watch. After about 30 minutes of scrolling he gave up and picked up his phone and dialled a different number.

"Get the best troops you have on stand by and ready to launch when ever I want." Then hung up the phone walking back to his desk to check emails and other things for work.

In the hive Jake had laid a few eggs and was wondering on how to get people here but just gave up and though of kidnapping or spreading the hive. (Cba to write the amount of eggs now as it will get a too high eventually as well as the xenomorph count)

Jake gathered a few xenomorphs and looked at them. like they knew what to do the xenomorphs started to leave and take people.

A few minutes after they had left. Jake decided to have some fun so he walked out too but not to capture anyone but to have some fun.

Walking through the corridors of this area of the prison was quiet a bit to quiet for Jakes liking so he started to sing some songs in his head. he started singing "short change hero" by the heavy. then it went onto just humming the halo theme on repeat. During this whole time he had killed 5 people just for fun 1 female guard, 2 male guards and 2 male inmates.

Finally feeling bored Jake started to return back the the hive. When entering the hive all he could see about a dozen or so people stuck the wall of the hive clearly unconscious.

The warden had just received a report that more people just went missing and he knew that if this continued he would be getting another phone call so he picked up his phone and dialled the last called number and announced the eradication of these pests that invade his prison.

After his phone call he lent back on his desk chair and started to hum "ain't no rest for the wicked" by cage the elephant and started dozing off.

Hours earlier with John.

"That asshole, next time I see him i'm gonna shove my foot so far up his ass that he won't be able to walk straight for a week!!" He shouted before returning to his game and then screaming about killing a flying robot and it dropping a 94%.

(if you know you know. if you don't know your an idiot.)