alien pests and human pests

After a few hours of egg laying did Jake finally decide to take a break and go to sleep. While asleep the other xenomorphs were either continuing the creation of the hive or patrolling through the area and defending their Queen.

While Jake slept, the warden was busy waking up and calling he prisons pest controll to hurry up. After making the phone calls, he sat on the sofa and started watching some old earth movies and TV shows.

The pest control team arrived shortly after the warden had finished watching pirates of the Caribbean. Trudging outside to meet the group. Walking outside his room he was greeted with a 5 individuals three male, 1 female and 1 robot.

The leader was a tall black man by the name of Requis, next was a skinny white guy names Scott, the last male was named Jeremy. The female was a well build white women who has the name Lilith. The robot of the group went by 3y-br or cyber.

Walking upto the group the warden couldn't believe his eyes, he requested at lot more than this surely but oh well. "so are you going to deal with the threat or" said the warden but was cut off by Lilith before he could finish.

"of course we will, we just need to know what we're dealing with and deal with it accordingly. Also you would happen to have a coffee around would you I need some." Replied Lilith while moving to sit down on the sofa.

Requis spoke up shortly after "What she mean was can I have some coffee please because I'm an irresponsible adult who has sex instead of sleeping. Honestly women."

"right so can you look at what it is, then get rise of these pests please?" questioned the warden going over to the kettle to boil some water.

"Thats is exactly what we will do after asking you some questions, starting with what do they look like, anything will do colour, shape, size." answered Scott as he turned his laptop on after sitting down.

After a few seconds the warden turned to him in deep thought. "I don't know they all looked the same, ummm, they were black had a inner mouth, like a small one inside there jaw. Big heads I guess thay almost look like helmets. Oh and one of them had red eyes." continuing his train of thought he looked around said some more. " we did bring this one guy to the infirmary a week ago I think I cant remember, but after he woke up he was killer but something so it might have been one of those things." answered the warden while pouring some water and making the coffee and giving it to Lilith.

Cyber who was just standing there was accessing different files the pest control had to find a matching description but came back empty. "There is nothing in our data bank matching any creature that has a second jaw, sir."

Scott then sighed and looked up at requis who was now farrowing his eyebrows. Scott then went on the laptop to do a quick search himself, he trust Cyber but he had made a mistake in the past and its also better to be safe.

"and I got one thing but it's not 100% match, so it couldn't be that, so we're dealing with a new species, well isn't that just great." Scott spoke after typing to the computer for 2 minutes.

Back with Jake he was now living life like a king, or a should he say queen he wasn't entirely sure, his brain was still male but body female.

The Xenomorphs around him were hard at work extending the nests walls to the point where they had almost exited the small cave they were in, it wasn't the biggest cave but it made do for now. Moving around the nest was quite easy for Jake though. The other Xenomorphs moved out the way for him so they weren't in the way of their Queen.

Arriving near the exit, he turned to some of his soldiers and ordered them to expand past this point and so they did within 5 minutes the room was theirs, not like there was anybody near them or in the room to begin with.

Sensing something Jake looked at the big double door and a second later it was blown of its hinges and fire started coming in. Jake who was now hiding in the corner saw 4 humans walk in with flame throwers while a robot behind them was holding a huge oil tank that was connected the the 4 flame throwers.

10 to 30 minutes ago:

Requis had just said to his group to exterminate the vermin, the first to leave was Lilith who was a bit hyper from the caffeine, after her it was Scott and Cyber who left after packing his laptop away.

After Scott and Cyber left, Requis, Jeremy and warden Fred were having a quick conversation about payment but that ending very quickly when Fred started begging for them to just get ride of the bugs.

Heading to the van with all there equipment from guns to energy swords to big guns and flame throwers. Everyone picked up a flame throwers each and Cyber picked up the fuel tank.

Walking towards the double doors there was a bad feeling about what was going to happen but it didn't stop them from doing there job so attaching a small bomb to the door and waiting for to explode.

After the explosion took place the 4 humans and robot slowly walked in using their flames to burn the creatures, walking closer to the cave they had to leave the throwers behind due to lack of space.

So each pulled out a different weapon, Scott with a shotgun, Requis with a energy sword, Lilith dual wielding pistols and Jeremy a chainsaw. The robot staying behind to cover them.

Jake who was still hiding in the corner with his eyes shut noticed the lack of sound coming from the humans so opening his eyes he say no one at first glance then saw the robot. moments later heard the reves of a chainsaw and shots from the shotgun.