Chapter 13

Lina narrates.

I am arriving at my brother's building, when I cross the door Don Lorenzo greets me the doorman, he is a short, thin man, dark and with short gray hair, always so kind and polite. My mother always invites him to dinner for Christmas and gives him knitted clothes that she makes especially, as every year she gave each of her children something the same, be it hats, scarves, sweaters, gloves and worsted blouses. Just like my grandmother always fills us with gifts like that, I love those gifts. I greet him and he accompanies me to the elevator as always so helpful, I call the elevator and we wait for him together chatting, he told me that his five-year-old grandson is an imp, he also told me that he is expecting another grandson, of his second son Rogelio, who is a cute and a good boy, when the elevator arrives I say goodbye and wish him good night.

Upon entering the elevator I mark the seventh floor and wait patiently until the bell rings indicating my descent, I go down and turn right, I pass the two apartments before my brother's, I open the door and when I enter I see everything beautifully arranged, in light of The candles are on a table on the terrace very well arranged, and in another there is dinner, next to this there is a waiter ready to serve it at the right time, I check my cell phone and I see that it is five minutes to eight, which It means that Aaron is not long in coming. I must congratulate my friends because they did an incredible job, if they were not studying medicine, I would think they are interior designers or something similar. I go out my thoughts when the doorbell rings, I hope it's Aaron to end this one at a time.

I go personally and open it, and I can appreciate his astonished face when he sees me here, when he sees that he does not react, I invite him to come in, when he sees the terrace in amazement, he is encouraged to speak.

- Wow my master ... I say Lina, this incredible place is very beautiful for you, and you look beautiful.- In her eyes I can notice something else and it is not a surprise, however I will not let her know.

- Thank you, but I did not decorate, I will tell the girls that you like how I look, well, would you like to go to the terrace for dinner? - I ask him, I see that he nods, I give him the pass but he signals me first, and I do. When I go to remove my chair, Aarón comes forward and does it for me, I thank him and I wait for him to sit down so I can start the conversation.

Narrates Aaron.

Lina looks gorgeous tonight. As soon as I saw her I felt that little by little the air was leaving me, as much as I try not to look at her cheekily I think I could not because I could perceive in her eyes that she discovered me, so when she invited me to go to the terrace pass as a good gentleman that I am.

When we were seated, seeing that she didn't say anything, I decided to start myself.

- Lina I know I failed you, but I would love to continue being your boyfriend and one day be your husband and father of your children.- I told her

- That was what I wanted to talk to you mainly about, I understand why you didn't tell me anything until later, I understand that you might feel fear, and that is why I want to propose something to you. - He tells me, and I just want to thank God for this.

- Well I'm all heard.

- Well, we never cut, so we are still dating, how long do you have to get married?

- Well, it's July, so we have until November to get married, but if you can before it would be better, but as I said, I don't want to impose anything on you, I really love you, this marriage would really be for me, as if we had been dating for many years Don't worry about having children, we can wait a year before taking that step. I know that marriage is very fast to ask for children very soon.

- In that you are right, but what do you think if we do it the old way?

- How would that be?

- You have to leave it to God, let him decide when and how many.

- As for how many I think not, I would like three, a girl and two boys.

- Okay, I think about three children, and with two against a girl, well we'll see.

- Ok, then MY LOVE, what date do you like for our wedding?

- It seems to me in October, now you gave the day.- I have the right day, it will be the day adding his birthday and mine.

- How about we put our birthday dates together?

- October 23? But that day is Friday, doesn't it matter?

- Of course not, what do you think if we have a three-day party, on Friday it is a very large party, with five hundred guests. The next day it is a Mexican night and Sunday lunch and dinner.

- I look good, do you think if tomorrow we see the food and the cake?

- Of course, I would like it to be two cakes, what do you think?

- It seems to me, I want one to be three milks and yours.

- Let it be red to return.- that cake has been my favorite since I was a child, just like my mother loves it.

- Very well then we already have the date, the days it will last and the cakes, do you think if we change the subject?

- Yes, well mmmmhh, how have you felt? Carlos told me that you had a checkup with the doctor today.

- Yes, I have felt good, just a bit of discomfort when I do certain movements, but from then on I go well, and I feel incredible. And your potatoes with are? I heard my parents who would come.

- They are fine, my father is anxious about the wedding, in fact the main reason for his visit is that, to know how the wedding plans are going. And to know if we already live together, but don't worry we will say that in a month we will go to my apartment to live together.

So we continue talking about what our life will be like from now on. Yesterday I received news from Eleonor, after what happened, she had the nerve to go to my office and propose that we get married, and that they would give me all the children I want, and that we would live wherever I wanted, because if I was left without a girlfriend, she offered to be my wife.

I flatly refused, and ran her out of my office, but before that I activated the blue code, which means to call the police, that code is only for emergencies; So while we were talking, they would arrive and take her to the headquarters, where she would be prosecuted for the charge of attempted murder with a knife, the only thing missing is that Lina and Carlos together with me will go to testify against her.

- Lina, tomorrow we must go to the headquarters to testify against Eleonor, so that a trial can be made and see what happens.

- Okay, what time would it be?

- At ten in the morning, and after that I wanted to know if I can go to your house to watch a series on Netflix, eat pizza, ice cream and popcorn.

- Sure you can, no problem, but what about your job?

- Before coming I canceled all my meetings and told me that I would not be back until the day after tomorrow, so there is no problem.

- Then get ready because my sisters and my mom won't leave you in the sun or in the shade.

- Hahaha don't hurry I adore them so no problem.

Narra Natt

I have not seen Carlos for three days, nor do I know anything about Lina, I know that does not make a friend, but since I saw my mother, I have thought about my past and relived those wounds, I do not know whether to tell Carlos or leave it for later , but I don't want him to get mad and then not want to know anything about me. He has called me on the phone but I do not feel prepared to hear his voice, I feel so insecure, so little, I am beginning to feel listless without wanting anything, in these three days I have not gotten out of bed or gone to Faculty, I just don't feel up to it, the teachers gave me permission to send the homework by email because I said I was sick to my stomach and had a headache, although it is not true, the classes do not feel the same. I am in the living room sitting on the couch next to my cat "Lamy" who is very chubby and chubby, when I hear a knock on the door, Chihuahua, who is it? I hope it is not my mother, and if it is her, but if it is not, then I take a risk. When I open I instantly regret it is Carlos.

- There is no! - I want to close the door in his face but in that he shouts something that leaves me like a statue.