Chapter 14

He leaves me like a statue with those words and a chill runs down my spine.

- I love you, marry me.- What! Are you crazy? but what?

- You're crazy! How am I going to marry you? Eeh, you and I are nothing anymore, go with your fu… with that one, because I don't love you anymore.

- Do not be a liar, I know very well that you are jealous and that is why you behave like that, and let me tell you that I love that, that is how I like you angry, jealous and frustrated.- but it will be an idiot.

- But what nonsense are you saying.

- It is not nonsense, it is the truth, now please let me pass, because we are giving a show.- I look out and see Mrs. Domínguez (who is my nosy and gossipy neighbor), well.

- Okay, come on.- I just hope I don't water it. I close the door and when I turn around I see Carlos making love to my cat, a treacherous mental note not to give her envelopes for a month.

- Well you've come apart from making a fool of yourself.

- It's not making a fool of myself when I come to tell the woman I love to marry me.- I see that with each word she gets closer little by little, while I go back until I hit the wall.- and that you say my LOVE , Will you marry me? When you want and at the time you want?

- Hahaha, don't make me laugh, I know very well that you're in love with that one, so don't come to bother me, now that you've said what you had to say, you can go, I don't want to see you again.- They are lies, but what can I do? do if he doesn't love me.

- So I will show you who I love.- and without being able to avoid it he kisses me and it is not a delicate kiss, it is one of those that steals your breath, and even makes you lose your mind, without asking permission, he bites my lip to introduce his tongue, that when making contact with mine I feel like my legs falter, and a sigh of relief comes from the depths of my being.

I do not leave my marriage until I feel the softness of my mattress, but how did we get there so fast? Without taking his lips off mine, he laid me down very slowly, with all the care in the world. When I feel his lips on my neck, I come out of this bubble full of good sensations.

"Wait Carlos, please wait." Hearing me, he stops abruptly and gives me my space. When I can observe him, I realize that he is not wearing his jacket and tie that he was wearing, the first buttons are undone.

- What's up heart. - he tells me with agitated breathing, just like or more than mine.

- Looking into my eyes, tell me that I am for you, without lies, for God's sake do not mine, I could not bear it, not for now.- I ask you for favor, because I would not know what to do after tonight.

- Looking into your eyes I tell you, I LOVE YOU, you heard well I love you, as I have never done in my life, you will be the mother of my children, of course if you accept me, so tell me my love, do you want to marry me?

Oh my God, what can I tell you, Holy Mother of God, what can I tell you, by whom I let myself be guided, by reason or by my feelings. Oh God I hope I'm not wrong.

- Yes, my love, if I want to marry you, the sooner the better, or what do you say? - I see how his eyes light up with the answer I just gave him.

- In three months, what do you say my love?

- Yes I accept. - I kiss him without being able to control myself anymore, I won't slow down anymore and whatever happens happens.

The next morning I wake up so relaxed, like I haven't been in a long time. I slowly open my eyes and see a man's back, at first I get scared but memories come to me, of the best night I have spent in a short time. I allow myself to carefully detail each part of her back, I can see that the sheet covers from the hip down, thank God otherwise I would die of shame. I am so distracted that I do not realize that my love has awakened, until I feel kisses on my neck, her breath tickles me, and even more so to realize that I am not wearing underwear.

- Good morning my love, how did you sleep? Because I slept wonderful.- he says while giving small but wet kisses on my neck.

- Good morning, I woke up better than ever, next to my fiancée.

- Speaking of which, when would you like us to get married? In what church? And most importantly, where would you like to go on your honeymoon?

- With you wherever, so surprise me.

- Ok then surprise will be.- We kiss quietly, enjoying the rose on our lips, we are about to reach more wing when a phone rings.

- Who will it be? - He asks with annoyance reflected on his face.

- It's Aaron, what does he want? - I see how he answers and little by little I see how his face turns into one of happiness.

Narrates Aaron

Two months ago my little girl and I were in Carlos's apartment, talking about our wedding, thanks to the fact that our mothers are very happy because finally they are going to see their two children together in marriage, they do not fit in the happiness that it causes them, to accompany Lina to her wedding dress fitting, which is almost ready, the wedding meal will be breaded steak with mashed potatoes and spaghetti. The next day there will be a wedding barbecue, with white rice and beans for lunch and dinner, tacos al pastor, steak and longaniza, on Sunday it will be poisoned tacos, drowned cakes, pork rinds and toast with homemade sauce.

Just imagining that day comes gives me the satisfaction of knowing that soon my wife, my Woman, will be mine. In these two months that have passed, everything is incredible with her, every day we have dinner together or go to the movies, and there have been nights that she stays in my apartment, of course I have respected her and nothing wrong happens. In two weeks I have a surprise prepared for her, I hope she likes it.

Lina narrates.

Two and a half months have passed, which have been incredible, a month and a half ago I was able to return to my normal routine, thank God I was able to return without any repercussions. My wedding plans are going great, two weeks to go, I can't believe how fast time passes, and I know that soon I will be Aaron's Wife, and we will be happy forever. He and I against the world, and in a few years to have children, when imagining a mini Aaron or a mini me, it is something that excites me too much, the joy of having him in my arms for the first time, to be able to kiss him in there is God Own! I still don't have it and I already feel that emotion corrode me completely.

I hope that Natt and I get pregnant at the same time, and so our children will grow up together as almost brothers, they will live together all the time at Christmas, they will ask for the dead together, they will go to the same kindergarten, elementary school, high school, etc. I hope they are best friends, like nail and dirt.

I would have loved if Carlos and Natt agreed to marry the same day as us but no more. My brother is who radiates light and love, he always quotes my sisters and me, he no longer makes us deny, and he even gives me and my love a paid trip to Turkey, as a honeymoon.

I am on my way with Natt, María and Irina, we will go to the cafeteria to talk about the events that have happened in recent months. When we arrive at the agreed place we see Arturo a classmate arguing with his girlfriend Alejandra, it is a pity that Irina could not overcome it because it is her ex-boyfriend, for a year, who cheated on him, with more than half of the Campuz girls, but hey, that's another point.

- Lina, do you know when the Anatomy test is for? - Irina tells me, glancing at the aforementioned, poor me, baby, she still hasn't forgotten her ex.

- If it is for Thursday at seven in the morning, and then we have a presentation with Infante.

- Ash, well, since, I just hope not to fail because if I will not have to unsubscribe, because I do not want to continue with the demands of my parents when studying something that I do not like.

- And why don't you enroll in psychology as you long for. - Natt says.

- I would if my parents and I did not have a contract.

- Aah that contract.- says María.- If I were you, I would pretend not to sign anything and I control my life as I can.

- It's easy for you to say Maria, your parents let you do whatever you want, you Natt your father is so loving and understanding that the way he treats you is enviable and your Lina your parents are excellent, the way they treat you is admirable They arrange to work both and that you do not feel alone or abandoned. On the other hand, I had some parents who got married just because they ate the cake before recess and my grandparents forced them to marry, who only out of obligation take care of you.- That last thing he says breaking into tears, I approach to comfort her and give her that security that she lost since she found out she was not a desired daughter and to top it all her silly ex thinks of cheating on her the same day.

- Haber Irina, I am not to blame that you feel a sea of ​​emotions and do not know how to control them, so I leave them, see you when Irina does not get her starts.- says Maria standing from the table, putting on her leather jacket and grabbing her purse and without adding anything else she leaves.

- It is incredible as always in trouble she runs away, instead of staying to try to help you.- Natt says, puzzled but angry at the same time, and she's right Maria's specialty is running away, she always does it no matter what, in storms she runs away .

- But she's right I'm sorry, I'm a crazy depressive, there's my god! What is happening to me I was not?

- Hey quiet, turn a deaf ear, you are an incredible person and the most important thing is like my sister, you know that my parents love you as a second daughter, so get that thought out of your head.- I try to cheer her up with my words.

- Lina is right, her parents and mine love you very much, so don't take those words into account.

- You're right girls, but there is! Seeing this idiot makes me out of control, I'm sorry, I didn't want to make her feel bad, but well forgetting this bad time, tell me Natt. What do you need for your wedding? Well, there's a week left, right? - My brother had the splendid idea of ​​marrying a week before us, and going on vacation for a week, returning for my wedding and on Monday, going on honeymoon again to I don't know where, because I don't has meant.

- Wonderful, everything is incredible and your Lina? How are you?

- Excellent, nothing is missing, just that the day comes.

- I'm happy for you, good for both, I just hope that love comes to me too one day, and that I can stop thinking about the unnameable.

- Yes, it is true, but I have to go Carlos and I will watch movies all afternoon, so bye.

- Goodbye, good luck pillina.- Irina and I say in unison.

- Protect yourselves, I don't want to be such a young aunt.- I yell at him to listen to me, as he ran to his car.