Chapter 23. "H".

By H.

I met her in kindergarten, it was a rainy day and it was very cold, she was very beautiful, it was like seeing an angel fallen from heaven, all her splendor blinded me, I couldn't see anything more than that, her shine, her angelic face, his beautiful smile that he gave me when he offered me his scarf and gloves to cover me from the freezing air.

My father has taken care of my sister and me since my mother died, it has not been easy for him, he has been dead for a year and it is the same time that my father spends all night and part of the day drunk, he only works In the afternoon, my sister, who is three years old, and I spend the whole day alone at home, my paternal grandmother only takes us to kindergarten, does food and goes home because my father forbade her to take care of us, she Without realizing it, he feeds us and leaves a week's lunch on Monday, the other days he just takes us to school.

I still feel the emptiness that my mother and father left, although I don't know if I can call him that since he only sometimes gave us money, because normally he spent everything on his vice, several times they went to the house trying to take my sister to sell it and be able to get something out of my father's debt, in one of those days to defend my sister they beat me to such a degree that I was unconscious for two weeks, the only thing that consoled me was her memory, her sweet smile, her warmth, Unfortunately I stopped seeing her for years, but thank God I found her, that same day my sister happened, that was the straw that spilled the glass, it was what made me an eighteen-year-old boy mess with people incorrect for life but the most correct at that time.

Arturo my friend was the key point to be able to do what he had to do, unfortunately he did not have that beautiful young woman on the outside but rotten on the inside, a flea that appears to be a being without feelings, disinterested in her friends, a woman who has arrived to the lowest just for ...

I leave my memories, those memories that have done nothing but remind me why I do this, just for her to get her back, to get her away from that man who got into our lives, into our future together.

I see about half an hour after my call, Natt and Carlos leave the building, and I know that this is the signal for me to enter, I know that she is not alone, but work is work, yesterday I received a call from "Zorro" a very person heavy in dirty business, at first when I found out who the victim was I wanted to refuse but he knows my past, so I was forced to accept the job.

I wait for the signal from the doorman that he will go out and dump the garbage as he is supposed to do three times a week. It doesn't take long when I see him, so without wasting more time I adjust my jacket and fix my cap, I check that no one else is there, I advance sure I will make it, I pass the lobby, I choose the stairs so that my stature and profile, it is strange that there are no cameras on the stairs, when I investigated it came out that there would be no cameras on the stairs, the whole building has high security except the stairs, there will always be a weak point in any building of the human being because there is no perfection in things, there will always be a place to enter, you just have to look for it and analyze it.

I get to the sixth floor where the victim is, being in front of the door I can see that it has a security code above the handle, connect a device that could open the door without making noise, when passing I could see a room, to my right the dining room, and on the wall near the television I saw the alarm, so I moved as fast as I could to deactivate it, I walked to what I think were the rooms, I see three doors in front, so I had to decide Which of the three would be the main bedroom, I decide on the first door that is on my left, I advance to it, when I arrive I can see that it is between the open, very slowly I open and I can see a bed and the bundles on it, I approach slowly, but something stops me and it is the typical lavender aroma of HER, and that is when I know how much it has changed, how mature it looks in this time, four years have passed in those four years it developed very well , when I scan it I can see that someone in her embrace and that's when I feel a burning in my chest, that burning only spreads more when I look at her ring on her ring finger, that's when I see that her promise was broken.

By Aaron.

When Lina fell asleep in my arms I felt a little fear, I didn't know what made her faint, what caused her anxiety and her trembling hands, which I could appreciate more closely by having her on me. Natt took it upon himself to change her skirt to a smock below the knee.

After seeing that Carlos was calmer and rested deeply, it was his signal to go home, although he was not very calm and even less Natt who was a bit nervous, which according to Carlos has been his state for several days and more after finding out about her pregnancy, which if I am honest did not take me by surprise because it was obvious that they both wanted it.

However, I hope that this news comes from my little girl, just imagining a little person who is hers and mine steals my breath, it doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy, the important thing is that it will be ours.

I make Lina comfortable in bed, in which I change my clothes, the night is a bit cold but I know that next to my love the nights will be very hot, so I decide to wear only boxers, I make myself comfortable next to her, I try That it is well covered so as not to feel any cold, to make sure that it is better I hug her around the waist, we are so close that we could almost merge into one, the only thing that prevents that is the clothes we bring.

I close my eyes to finally rest after this day, tomorrow will be a new day so I close my eyes to sleep.

The next morning.

I wake up to Lina's screams, I jump up no matter what I run to the place where I hear her crying in horror, when I enter the room in the mirrors on the terrace I can see something written in red letters that makes me feel terrified but at the same time angry, who would dare to do this? What's more, how did they get in? There is not supposed to be a high security system, without wasting time I go for my cell phone, I speak to the reception to report what happened, I am on my way to the living room, to be able to comfort my little girl.

I find her in the corner near the window, I see her hugging her legs with her arms, I can see that she is pale, her red eyes show fear but at the same time courage, I know she is strong but at this moment she has a sea of ​​feelings especially anger, fear and confusion.

I hug her very tightly, I kiss her forehead repeatedly so that I feel close and safe. I whisper in her ear words such as "calm my love", "everything will be fine", "I swear I will find the person responsible", among others, I know that they should not be of much comfort, but I feel powerless because I cannot protect her or in my house.

By Lina.

When I woke up, I was very happy to see my husband's beautiful face, all the joy left my face when I remembered last night's call, I have no idea who there was, that I know I have no enemies, and if it is a joke it is in very bad taste.

I get up I go to the bathroom, I take a shower, brush my teeth and put on a mask to remove pimples, I go back to the bedroom I can see Aarón sleep very comfortably, I see how he smiles, his face is relaxed, and that gives me a lot of peace, So I decide to prepare breakfast for him and surprise him so that I can start the day in a great way, and forget the call.

I leave the bedroom, I can see the sunlight coming through the curtains, however it is not too much and it looks incredible the wall is white so it makes it a little lit but not too bright to be able to reach the kitchen, I go over to the curtains to draw them and the sunlight to enter completely, I stare at the landscape that the windows show me, I can see that life in this city begins very early, I can see passersby walking, the noise of cars, like this that I stop seeing the world outside these four walls, when I turn to the wall to walk towards the kitchen, I see a reflection of some stains on the glass, when I turn around I can see something written, I am stunned when I see that, it is a message in red letters that say "YOU MISSED ME. H ", but what?

A few seconds pass in which I cannot scream I am in shock, I feel stunned, however I can clearly hear my screams of terror, I can hear how Aaron runs upon hearing the sudden noise in the morning, I also hear how he returns to the bedroom Little by little I walk towards the corner to be able to recharge myself and hug myself, since I feel too cold, I don't know Who 'or what kind of person would do this? The words repeat in my mind "YOU MISSED ME. H ", but who? I'm confused, who was it?