Chapter 24. "Daddy".

By Aaron.

I am in the company in a meeting like every week, since I arrived a month ago more specifically, they were every month but I changed like this in order to have better control and to be able to meet the rat that is inside this company and makes fun in our face.

To my right is Carlos who is just as attentive as me but inside I would like to be somewhere else, our faces and looks do not show anything we keep a cold and emotionless face, we always look at the person who exposes, no matter if they are bad or good news we keep our faces intact, we do not let anything distract us, we have spent an hour and it is still not over, each of the department heads is here until the cleaning department, I think everyone should know what is going on in the time that I am here.

Each one of the departments exposes their disagreements, I see that all have passed and none are missing, so I close the meeting, I detain the head of security and accounting, I wait for everyone to leave so I can speak.

- Gentlemen, I would like you to say anything strange that you see on cameras or in accounts to Mr. García and to me, to no one else, okay? - I ask since I notice Mr. Galicia in accounting nervous, what is he hiding? It's something I have to find out, I see how they both nod at the same time.

- Well, you can go Mr. Galicia, have a good day. - Carlos says, I see how he leaves without even turning around, he closes the door tightly.

- Mr. Cortes, please sit down.- Carlos invites you, he with his serious but nervous face nods, we imitate his action, I turn to see Carlos since I don't know what he wants to say to him.- Well, how we talked about it in the meeting, You will be provided with a budget for the maintenance of the cameras and everything you need, Mrs. Jiménez already knows, she will send it to you later, I also wanted to tell you that you are one of the oldest workers so we know you are very faithful and Responsible, you have all the things to be able to our ears and eyes in the cameras, we do not trust anyone but you.- you pause and I know that is when I should speak.

- We also wanted to tell you that they will put new cameras, especially in the stairs and bathrooms as well as men and women, we suspect that in those places is where rats talk about their steps, so they will be very small cameras almost imperceptible, nobody more than you and we know about it, so if someone else finds out you will be fired and accused of complicity for theft, it is not necessary for me to tell you what would happen to you or yes? - I see how he shakes his head, he is a man very serious, he speaks very little, only when necessary, so I hope he is not one of the rats, because it would be a shame to cancel him.

- I understand gentlemen, thank you for your trust, I will be very careful so that no one suspects.

- Very good Mr. Cortes, that would be all you can withdraw, we will be in contact.- he gets up, says goodbye and closes the door silently.

- You have to have them watched Aarón, to end this at once. - Carlos says after waiting a prudent time when Mr. Cortes leaves.

- Yes, the good thing is that our offices and meeting rooms are soundless, because otherwise they would know what we are talking about and it would be more difficult to catch the traitor.

- And tell me Aaron, how is Lina doing? After what happened, what do the police say?

- Lina ... uff is furious, puzzled, she has no idea who could have done that, when the police asked her if she knew a certain H, she said no, and the truth is I don't know what to believe, because I don't know someone who I could do something like that.- I see how when mentioning an H he frowns. It will be that he does remember someone.

- But what exactly did the message say?

- He said "YOU MISSED ME, H" as you can see, it doesn't give much to look for. The security guy didn't see anything, the cameras didn't show anything, neither did the elevator, and the truth is that the building is too high for him to climb, so we think he went up the stairs.

- I understand why you suggested that we put cameras on the stairs, it must have been someone we know but if I'm honest I don't remember anyone, but I'll keep thinking and I'll talk to my parents to see if they don't remember something. Stand up and go to the door, I imitate his action.- Well, you bastard, I have to keep working, you think if on Friday we are going to have a drink, I need it.

You are right we are very much in that we have not gone out alone and with the news of Natt's pregnancy, and the problems that have arisen these days have us very stressed.

- Yes, it is fair and necessary.- We went out together, Carlos tells me what he wants to do for Natt's birthday and he asked me to help him to prepare a surprise.

We say goodbye when we arrive at our offices, his has a Christmas wreath on the door that Natt gave him, mine has a plaque with my name and a drawing of wedding rings a gift from my little girl.

By Carlos.

Today in the morning we had a very important meeting, it is the beginning of the trap that we use together with the security and some policemen who are infiltrated to catch the thief, Cortes does not know everything nor Galicia, we are sure that they are accomplices of the thief but we do not know who is behind this, it must be someone powerful so that for a year they have stolen and we did not realize it, although I do not know if trusting Aaron's pope is a very serious, traditional and hypocritical man, my Father, before he traveled to Spain, he talked to me and he told me not to trust him too much, Aaron is my lifelong friend and I know that he would not be capable of such a thing but his father, well, I can't say what same.

Also since I found out that I will be a father I feel such great happiness and a lot of fear, because he will be a very small, fragile and defenseless being I would not want to do him any harm. When Natt told me it was an unforgettable night, I organize a romantic dinner, with music and a cake, I still remember it as if it was yesterday.


I am arriving from the company, all I want is to rest things are not going well, there is someone who is obstructing the investigation. When my father said that they would send us to Spain to solve the theft problem, I never thought it would be very complicated.

There is noise in the kitchen, along with a "noooo", so I calmly go in that direction and I do not know whether to laugh or keep my face blank, I find a Natt fighting with what appears to be a knife and beef raw, I can see that the stove is also stained with what I think is milk as well as the floor and it smells like burned, hahaha there is love! I wait until she turned around alone but two minutes have passed and nothing so I decide to make myself notice .

- Ahem, my love, the beef was already dead because so much courage. - Hearing me, it jumps and screams while turning with the knife in attack position.

- There is a son of your ...! You scared me. "he says with a frown.

- Forgive my life.- I tell her as I walk towards her, being on her right I kiss her on the forehead at the same time that I hug her around the waist.

- Tell me why did you arrive so early? Wasn't the junta with the Turks today? Or is it already eight o'clock? - He asks me, at the same time that he stops what he was doing to check the time on his cell phone.

- It's six o'clock, the meeting is canceled, I see you're making dinner, do you need help? What is lacking?

- Oh, I was already scared, you help me to cut the meat, it is very hard and I can not and how was your work? - he says while putting a pot of water and adding spices along with half a tablespoon of Salt.

So we continued from one side to the other until dinner was ready, when entering the dining room I can see candles on the table and the light from it dim, all with a romantic air, in the background music by IL DIVO, I help my wife to sit down When I take a seat I notice that she does not drink wine but water, when offering her any alcoholic drink she gave me a refusal, which is strange to me, however she did not comment on anything.

We both enjoyed the food that by the way we had been delicious.

When it was time to clear the plates Natt wouldn't let me help her, she said to wait to taste the cake she had learned to make last week. I'm glad that you like to cook and learn pastry, since in the kitchen I don't give up anything, I hear my cell phone ringing and it's Angelique ever since I got married she doesn't stop dialing me or sending me messages which I delete so Natt doesn't know anything. I swear to her that it would be past and she was my present, I can see how a message arrives, I turn to the kitchen to check that Natt does not come when I see that he does not, I open the message.

"My love, your daughter and I miss you, when are you coming?"

But which daughter? With this I am 100% sure that that crazy woman, I do not know how I could trust her in England, it was a serious mistake that I hope does not damage my life with Natt, I decide to ignore him like the others, which Natt comes blocked my cell phone and left it in table.

It brings a medium-sized cake with chocolate frosting and pieces of chocolate strawberries, and written with strawberry jam it says something that makes me shocked and a chill runs down my spine, "HELLO DAD."

I turn to see a Natt with a T-shirt that says "congratulations, you'll be dad" and an image of an ultrasound, my gaze stays on that image of what I think will be a baby, I get up so hard that I throw the chair, Natt jumps in her place and I can see the anguish reflected on her face, without her expecting it, she will hug her very tightly and give her many kisses on her face, looking into her eyes, smiling, I tell her.

- Will we be potatoes? but how? When? When did you find out? - I say it all so fast that we both let out a laugh at the same time.

- Yes, we will be parents, I think I don't have to tell you how it happened, I found out before Christmas, I got pregnant on the night of your bachelor party.- when he says the last I remember that wonderful night, that night I made the decision to leave for always to Angelique, we would no longer see each other, no longer, that would be past.