Chapter 38

Chapter 38.

María José narrates.

I see myself in the mirror and I'm surprised how well the dress that my mother gave me fits, I never thought I'd wear such fine clothes, the truth is that I see myself in the mirror and I don't recognize myself. I just hope that this happiness and fulfillment that I am feeling with my family is eternal, that there are no more stones in the way, that this man no longer messes with us, I am in my thoughts until they knock on the door.


-Who? – I ask as I approach the door.


- I love. – says my mom opening the door. – You look beautiful my sky, is it ready? The guests are already arriving.


- Yes, let's go.


We left the room in the direction of the backyard where the party will be, on the way we ran into my sister who was waiting for us to go out together, when she sees us she smiles.


- Wow you look very beautiful Marijo.


- Thank you, you are not far behind. – We greeted each other with a kiss and a hug.


- Blessed God my daughters are beautiful, well dear, it's time to go say hello, come on dears. – He says all this while he takes us by the arms and leads us with a group of people.


The next 15 minutes are talking to people I don't know, fake smiles and nods every time others do it. I'm looking at the door waiting for my brother to finally come in so I can get rid of this. I manage to see Ricardo who makes me signal if I need help with the situation, I find myself in, I nod slightly while sending him a look pleading for his help.


- Good night Ladies. "He" he says once he comes to the rescue. – Excuse me, but I need my sister for a moment.


- Good evening, of course dear, no problem. – answers Mrs. García (if my memory serves me correctly)



- Keep enjoying, ladies with permission. – I say while taking my brother's arm. We walk towards the snack table in search of something refreshing that does not contain alcohol. - Thank you, I owe you a big one, you don't know how bored I was.


- Haha, I'm glad I was of help. – He, he takes two plates to have a cheese canapé with quince paste. – I wanted to ask you, how are you doing with your beatings?


- Well, I took something for the pain and matter was resolved. – I have a canapé of cold meats, another of cheese with guava tea and a lemonade. – Hey, I wanted to ask you. – I stop because my father interrupts us.


-It's good that I found them, Marijo, your mother is looking for you, she is with the Del Conde gentlemen, she please go. She-she says it but at no time does she see me, she just looks at my brother with anger, I'm not sure whether to obey or not.


- Father, I don't think... - Ricardo interrupts me before finishing the sentence.


- Go sweetheart, we'll talk later. – I just nod and without further ado I go to look for my mother. By the way, my father didn't tell me where she was.


I am so focused on my thoughts that I do not notice the person in front of me, with whom I collide, there is not another fall, no, I wait for the blow, but it does not come, I feel arms surround my waist and shoulders.

- Are you ok? – I hear a manly voice and not to mention when I open my eyes, his hazel eyes, his fine nose and his profiled jaw, and not to mention how delicious that man smells.



- Holy cow, Marijo, are you okay? – I hear the mother's voice which makes her react.



- Yes mother, I'm fine, thank you. – She answered as I straightened up.


- I'm glad, daughter, I want to introduce you to Mr. Fernando Cabrera, his wife Julieta, and his children Leandro. – the young man with hazel eyes who smiles flirtatiously at me and kisses me on the hand. -Ana. – Which she greets me politely and apparently she is my age. – Lucas and León. – who are twins who seem to be 13 years old, it is obvious that they are very mischievous and charismatic.


- Nice to meet you. – I greet them all with a small nod of the head and a handshake, when I reach Mrs. Julieta she hugs me.


- It is a pleasure to finally meet you dear, how I wish you were my daughter-in-law. – She says looking at his son Leandro. – I think, dear, it is time for me, Leandro and Marijo to meet and who knows?

- It's true, dear, Marijo, why don't you go for a walk and talk to get to know each other better, Leandro and you, come on love. - They don't let us talk since they push us both slightly.

- Do you want to go Marijo?

- Sure, let's go. – We are gradually moving away from our mothers, who apparently want to marry us, or well that is the intention.

We arrived at a bench where we sat down to talk, the truth is that I feel nervous since I am not used to being with men or well, strangers to the family, well so close, I try to look somewhere other than him since I feel his intense gaze on me, I hope Aaron arrives now.

- I hope we'll be friends. – Leandro says into my earlobe, which gives me chills and at the same time I feel a current throughout my spine.


- Eeh, how? – I say nervously and hoping I heard wrong. I can see a lopsided smile on her pink lips.


- I hope to be your friend, the truth is I'm interested in getting to know you. – She says it without taking her eyes off mine. – If I can be honest with you in the future I would like to become more than your friend.


- I think it's better to be friends, that's a great idea and I'm not so sure about the last thing you said, since I... - I can't finish speaking since you can hear the announcer announcing Aaron's arrival.

Lina narrates. 

We are four blocks from my in-laws' house, I take my cell phone and send a message to my mother-in-law so that everything is in order, she responds within seconds that yes, there is no problem, uff, the truth is that is a relief.


Aaron turns right, we pass five houses and reach our destination. The young man who will be in charge of the cars approaches, we get out of the car and head to the entrance.


- Good night. – We greet the young man who must be about my age, he smiles at us and returns the greeting.

We climb the stairs and enter the main patio, we take the stone path that leads to the backyard, I see the night sky illuminated by a full moon in all its splendor, it is beautiful! I can hear the music playing in the background "The Power of Love". I love this song, it relaxes me, it makes me feel like I'm flying, the voice of my in-laws hugging and congratulating Aaron brings me back to reality.


- Dear, you look beautiful. – says my mother-in-law while hugging me.


- Thank you, you are not far behind, you look beautiful. – I tell him at the same time that Renata comes over to hug me.


- That dress looks divine on you. "She," she tells me as she approaches to congratulate Aaron. – Congratulations, brother, may God give you many years. – She says it hugging and greeting Aaron. – at least 100 more years.


- You too, sister.

After greeting our relatives we continue the way to the table where we will sit next to our relatives, I can see María and Irina talking with some men I don't know, I will talk to them later, I was distracted thinking about my friends when I feel like Aaron hugs me to get my attention.


- My love, thank you for the party. – Aaron tells me looking into my eyes, while he takes my hand in which he leaves a kiss.


- It's nothing love. – I tell him while hugging him.


- Good evening, I will be in charge of serving you tonight. What do you want to drink? We have strawberry and mango margaritas, Cosmopolitan, frozen blackberry tequila, mint tequila, vampiritos tequila, whiskey, coke, Sprite and mineral water.


- Can you bring me whiskey on the rocks please and your love?


- Mineral water please.


- Of course I'll bring them to you right away, excuse me.


- Own. – we say as he leaves to bring our drinks.


- Love, I'm going for some snacks. – I agree to what Aaron says.

I see how he gets lost among the people who congratulate him when they see him, I am happy to have many people around us who love us. Although the truth is I see faces I don't know.

Aaron narrates.

I cannot hide my joy at the party they prepared for me, the truth is that I am happy and I thank God for all the blessings I receive and the greatest is my marriage, I am grateful for a united family, I am grateful for the parents and siblings that he gave me. Since I don't see myself without any of them, I don't know what my life would be like without them.

I feel a very intense gaze on my neck, I turn around looking for the person, but I don't find anyone, I follow the path to the appetizer table where I find Marijo with a young man talking very animatedly, whom I recognize as the eldest son. from the Cabrera family, this is surely the work of my mother, I only hope that my sister falls in love with a good man who loves and respects her as she deserves. I try not to interrupt them, I take what I think is convenient and return to the table, where I see Lina talking with her friends and caressing her belly with a unique smile.

- Good night, girls. – greeting upon reaching them.

- Hello Aaron, good night, congratulations, I hope God gives you many more years. – María tells me while she hugs me.

- Thanks Maria. – She smiles which is very rare for her from what I have been able to see and I see how Irina with a big smile comes to congratulate me.

- Congratulations, Aaron, many more birthdays to come. – He gives me a hug and without further ado they say goodbye and leave.

- Do you like the party my love? – Lina asks me while she takes some fruit.

- Yes, thank you, I love you very much Lina, thank you for preparing this party. – I give her a kiss on her forehead. We continue talking and laughing, it doesn't take long for our relatives to arrive for dinner, after dinner the party continues, we dance so much that I don't think I'll get up early tomorrow. I see how Lina asks my mother something, and she nods and leaves.

- Love, let's go to the track, I want to show you something. – Lina gets up, I nod and follow her.

- I have a surprise for you, the truth is that I didn't know what to give you, I hope you like my gift, I see a painting of the Virgin of Guadalupe almost my height, it is beautiful, our mother is beautiful, I am sure that no painting or statue makes her justice to its beauty, next to it is another painting of our family on our wedding day.

- Wow, they are beautiful, it is a wonderful gift, thank you, love. – I hug her and give her a delicate kiss on her lips.

- I'm glad love.

The party continues until 4 in the morning, the truth is that I was not so happy for a long time, we arrived home after a wonderful night, when I get home the only thing I do is put on my pajamas, help Lina put on yours and go to sleep.