Chapter 39.

Lina narrates.

Two days ago was Aaron's party and I had a great time, apparently everyone had a good time, the next day we had breakfast since our moms and aunts made a red Pozole, and it turned out cake so we already had the dessert, we only added what was missing.

My mother-in-law likes to make a lot of food and give it to take to our homes, so we accidentally had a small party. Well, I think that's what I like most about my family: we get together for anything, even if they aren't big parties.

At this moment I'm about to get up (although I really don't want to get up) since last night I feel strange, I don't know how to explain it, it's like contractions and pain in my lower back. Last night I told him how I felt, since he was the one who asked me if he had something, to which I responded yes, but that it was nothing to worry about. He slowly got up, adjusted the slippers with his feet to put them on later. I (slowly) follow the noise of the shower to go inside and do my morning bath routine.


Good morning love. – I hear Aaron say. - How are you doing?


Good morning, I still have the discomfort and a little pain.



Do you want us to go to the hospital? o Shall we call the doctor? – He asks me as she dries off.


Mmh, the truth is I'm hungry so I would like to have breakfast first and see how I feel that day. He – he sees me not very convinced, but he nods.


Okay, I'll change quickly and warm up, okay? He – hugs me around the waist (or where he is supposed to be) since he was lost during the pregnancy.


- Yes, I just brush my teeth, change my clothes and catch up with you. She – gives me a kiss on the head and leaves the bathroom. When I finish I wash my face and apply cream, I look in the closet I take a loose white dress with roses (red and other pinks) I choose some white huaraches. I see myself in the full-length mirror, I like what I see, without further ado I go out and go to the kitchen.


I leave the room on my way to the stairs, I can hear my sisters singing (little star where are you) or rather shouting since it can be heard on the second floor, I go slowly down the stairs so as not to fall, I feel how my baby is moving, as if Play along with your little aunts. Upon entering the kitchen I see a scene that I would like to frame. Aaron is making Waffles, his apron is full of flour and his head has a big smile, my mother is preparing a milkshake for my sisters, Zenda and Ashley use the plates and spoons as drums. I take out my cell phone and take several photographs for the family album.


Hello, everyone. – She came in smiling and giving my sisters a kiss. - they need help?


 - Good morning sweetheart. – Everyone responds to my greeting, my mother approaches while she gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek. – Come dear, sit down, what flavor do you want your milkshake? Have part three bananas, strawberries, sprinkle the snow and whipped cream, please.


Sure, mom. – I go to the refrigerator as soon as I take the whipped cream when I feel a pain like a contraction but it is not that strong, I take a deep breath and release it slowly. I take the whipped cream and the snow and return to the table and leave things there, cut the fruit and put it on a plate. – ready mom, what else do I do?


Nothing sweetheart, you can sit down now. – I sit next to my sisters who no longer sing, in fact they no longer make any sound because they are eating scrambled egg with beans and a vanilla milkshake. – The party was lovely dear and the food mmh delicious, one of the best parties I have ever been to.


- Yes, it was incredible. – Ashley says that she has a milk mustache on her lips. -When will our niece Lina be born?


-I don't know exactly, but she shouldn't be late. – My mom hands me a plate with egg and beans. - thanks Mom.


- You're right, ma'am, it was a memorable party. she-she kisses me on the forehead while she leaves the Hot Cakes on the table she returns to the stove she turns off the fire and without further ado sits down.


Breakfast is spent in pleasant talks and children's songs by my sisters, my baby has been very active since yesterday afternoon, only stopping to rest when I am eating or bathing. From then on he always moves.


- Ugh love, don't kick mommy so much. – As soon as he hears my voice he gives one last kick as if to say "yes mom" whoever listens to me must think that I am crazy and I confirm it by seeing my sisters who have a face like what the hell, my mom and Aaron on the other hand have a look of tenderness.


-There, honey, I remember when she was pregnant with you, you never stopped moving. -My mother speaks with happiness and a little nostalgia in her voice and gaze. – How quickly time passes, I still remember when you were a baby, when you learned to walk. – She says this last thing starting to cry, I see tears running down her cheeks.


- There's calm mom. - I hug her. – I am still your baby, mommy I will always be your baby. – My voice stops, my eyes fill with tears and I try not to cry (how can you be in control of your emotions and during pregnancy it seems like a hurricane of emotions) so I don't stop the tears they seem like a river afterwards of a storm.


- No, Lina and mom will flood the kitchen. – Ashley rolls her eyes and plays along with Zenda.


- If we have to go for a boat to save ourselves. – without further ado they run off towards the room where they have their toys.

- But... girls with you and Carlos I never had any of those scenes nor were they so restless. – releases a deep sigh. – my love sit down. – She pulls up a chair so I can sit next to her. Aaron's cell phone rings and from his face I can see that it is not a desired one, he doesn't tell us anything, he just leaves the kitchen. – While you rest, I wash the dishes. What are you craving to eat?


- Mmm, don't lose. What's in the refrigerator?


- There are carrots, potatoes, chard, spinach, pork, ground beef, beef steak, sausages, ham, asadero cheese, fresh cottage cheese. – He keeps saying endless things and I can't stop thinking about who called Aaron and why don't I answer here? Will it be a lover? I'm not going down the wrong path there, he wouldn't do that to me, would he? – Lina What do you want to eat?


- What do you think of a disco? I saw some flour tortillas yesterday, we can make some burritos or quesadillas, discada tacos with red rice, ground beans and a very spicy sauce. What do you say?


- Sounds good to me, you make the beans, they are delicious, the hibiscus water and an orange cake. – mmh orange cake, thank you, Lord for everything you give us.


We continue talking about other types of things, I sew red chili to give color and spicy flavor to the beans, once ready I grind it and stew it in the saucepan of butter that my mother brings, I lower the flame so that it doesn't burn, while I grind the beans, since the chili starts to boil, I add the beans and so on until the ones I considered for everyone are ready, my mom brings me a jug to make the water. Two hours go by talking about different topics until a very angry Aaron enters and says goodbye to me with a kiss on the forehead and a kiss on the cheek.

- Love, an emergency arose in the company, I have to go, see you until tonight, have a good day, goodbye, ma'am.


- Goodbye my child, may God bless you. – you can hear my sisters saying goodbye to my husband.

It's three in the afternoon and we're in the living room watching a Cinderella movie (again). Apparently it's her new favorite movie. I'm sleepy, so I settle into a position to calm the discomfort that hasn't been felt since midday. They calm down, or if there is at that point I'm fine, my mom gives me a blanket since it's raining hard, with this weather I'm craving a guava atole mmh how delicious with a shell stuffed with Nutella and strawberries.


-Mommy. – When he hears me speak, he turns around. – Mommy, I was craving a guava atole with a shell stuffed with Nutella and strawberries.


-Me too Mommy. – says a cheerful Zenda.



And me, mom. – Ashley gets up and goes after my mom to the kitchen. – I put the Nutella and the strawberry on them. – my sister is heard happily.

I feel how they move me delicately, I smell a delicious guava atole that only my mother can make, I slowly open my eyes, I straighten up so I can eat it, we hear the door open, we turn around at the same time and we see Carlos taking off his jacket, we can see a little thinner since the last time I saw him but despite what only God and he know, he has a huge smile, Zenda and Ashley drop everything when they see him and run to give him a hug, he happily receives them.


My love, why didn't you say you were coming? When you came? Why weren't you answering my calls? – My mother comes over to give him a hug with many kisses and snuggles that only a mother knows how to give. I get up to greet him but I couldn't stop laughing when I saw my mother give him a slap and scold him for not communicating, while she cried like a cupcake for hugging her son.


Little one, look how you have changed, you look prettier than the last time I saw you. – My brother and I hugged each other like we hadn't done in a long time since he left, I had also missed him a lot.

- Come son, sit down, I'll bring you some atole with some bread. – Without waiting for a response she gets lost in the kitchen and the four of us wait for her in the living room.

Carlos tells us that he took refuge at work so he traveled to the company's branches to check that everything was in order, how being away helped him put his life in order. At four in the afternoon my dad arrives and is happy to see my brother. I send messages to my husband and he doesn't respond. I call him to see if he's coming to dinner, but he doesn't answer and he sends me directly to my mailbox. We all make the decision that it is time to eat so without delay we move to the dining room to prepare the table.

- Mmm mom, the food was delicious, I missed your seasoning, no one makes rice like you. – The meal ends quietly at the time of dessert we move to the living room to talk more calmly.

- Carlos, we have to play, come on. – My sisters take my brother to his playroom.

- Dad. – He turns around when he hears me name him. -Did you see Aaron at the company?

- I wasn't at the company honey, I was in meetings all day so I didn't see him

- Okay daddy thanks. – Damn now how do I know where Aaron is, I call him two more times but I don't get a response, this is starting to worry me.

- I'll go lie down on the bed. – I get up from the couch heading to my room, when I get there I lie down and fall asleep for what seems like an eternity, I check my cell phone and it's eight at night, I don't have a single message from Aaron which worries me because he never I had done this, I get up to the bathroom I finish, I go to flush the toilet when I see blood