In a parallel world where the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace holds sway as one of the Five Sacred Grounds, follow the journey of a new protagonist navigating a world of geniuses and turmoil. Experience her quest through a powerful realm where destinies are forged and secrets are unraveled.
just leaving my review, while I see if any manga yuri came out a new chapter, or any "oneshot", whenever I'm interested in a story, I forget to comment, but if I support with stones, I'll be checking if you update.
I was looking for stories that interest me, and by chance I found something that is worth "Gold", I say it because there are few who dare to write or draw something related to yuri. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
more chapters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello, this is from the author. I will be shameless and post a review of my own work. I know that the book lack a lot of proof reading and editing as I used my phone to write and posted it right after I finished the chapter draft. I apologize for any inconvenience to readers and supporters of my humble, inexperienced storytelling style. I hope some of you stay with me through my journey as I complete this book and I also hope that you all will like my loyal MC and her disciples, their fluffy times and smut moments.
more chapters , please ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
I like this book I don't know if the translation is good because I myself am zero But I look forward to the chapters what day do you put them?
Reveal Spoiler
more chapters please. 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
by chance I found your story, only that while I read, I fell short, it left me wanting more to know what's next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
solo dire que me gusta a donde va esta historia , y ojala tenga a todas las principales chicas del palacio de la nube congelada , ejjejee. -----------------------------------
more chapters........... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------