"I already gave you my answer, I will not be spending time, dealing with your progressive work, especially not when I have to deal with final exams!" "Well, there is no other choice, so then! Hurry, we've got a detection of a Demon, she showed a wrist watch to front of Tim's view. " I told you! I am not going to-" Before he finished the sentence, Ayuka grabbed the back of his clothes and rushed forward. "Hey! Hey! Pony girl! Stop it! I told you!" Yelling while he was pulled behind in the floor, the two of them roamed through the hallway, students seemed confused. "Let me go!!!" "Can't do!" Yamato and Taro faced. "They... sure got along well rather quick." Taro promoted his words. "Damn you Shinkaku! First time meeting her and you're already getting 'handy' with her! I'll make you pay! You won't steal girls from me!!!!" "Shut up Yamato, calm down... let them do their thing." Taro giggled. Yamato collapsed on the floor, when becoming completely faint and white into skin. "So unfair...."
[Couple of days later]
|Tokyo City - Mainichi Street - Wednesday, 11:50 p.m.|
The moonlight overcame Tokyo City's area effect, with a passenger of Taxi being let go, the woman thanked by paying and walking aside, quickly driving away the Taxi driver turned to corner. By the looks of it, the woman seemed to have been drunken, however she was well consciouss to her view. With a calm walk out, the woman quickly past through the street, because of a late evening night, there was barely anyone on the roads and most of the people were inside asleep. With a woman's walk, she tried to search her keys to her apartment. Quiet shadow observed the woman while the body was accepted as a male. Cloaked behind, in black clothes, the man reached onto the belt which held his pants and coat together, when saying a word, the woman, forced in fear, turned around, however a thin blade struck forward and cut directly through the female's back. Blood splashed down the road, when the female's body dropped to death quicker than a truck, when the person forced a look, a shiny stone quickly slipped down. The man grabbed it. With the corpse being hidden, he escaped through the frontline of the street and quickly disappeared from the spot.
[Next day]
|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Thursday, 3:15 p.m.|
"Ah! Perfect!" Tim happly reached for the fridge when reaching for a food plate. "What's up? You seem really hungry." Myles rather confused of a certain moment quickly moved his feet forward. "Hey! A teenager like me has to eat! So don't ask such random ass questions!" "Aww, but come on! Shouldn't you be rather hungry for girls... if you won't go for it, you'll never get the chance to get what you want!" Myles winked with a creepy giggle. "I told you! Quit making me look like a lone-wolf! Honestly! You need to study higher amount of manners than anyone from my class!!" "Why yes! I am only 7!" Myles laughed when almost falling and putting his feet on the table. "Don't do that! Drop your feet down the table immediately!" Loudly in anger and annoyance, Tim shouted while pointing toward him. "Why? This is my home as well! I can do as I please." "Not true! You're only here because your parents have been killed!" Myles became a bit upset. Tim slowly noticed a tear. "Wait! Don't cry! You can have those feet up there! Just please, don't cry!" ("Yas! Perfect, crying will always work on this dude!") Myles laughed while thinking in his mind. Suddenly something came boosting through the window shattering it. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" Myles, blinked multiple times and wondered. "Shinkaku, time to go... there's been a murder." "Wha-wha-what!? Why my windows! You have door to knock on!?" "Forget about the window! Go! Ready your-" Before Ayuka spoke her words, she froze on the spot and quickly gambled her thoughts, slowly facing down, she noticed Myles, hooked up to her body and squeezing her breasts. "This is an average size of the breast! No! It's a bit bigger! This is awesome!" *squeeze* *squeeze*. Completely red into her expression of facial view, Ayuka trembled. "Get of me!!!" Trying to pull him down and away, Ayuka struggled. "Damn it! Myles!" Tim quickly grabbed and reached for Myles, he spun with a twist and threw him towards the sofa. "Once again???!!!" Still in shameful look and frozen body, Ayuka kept heating out. "Tim you didn't tell me! You had such a 'waifu' and yet you kept it away from me? How cowardly... too bad..." "Myles!!! I would never ever sit my way around with her or cloak around her body, especially not with this attitude of hers. Do you know how crazy she can be!?" When softly but loudly shouting, something came flying at Tim's back, pummeling him to the ground the wooden chair broke. "Crazy?! How dare you! You're such a fool!" "You just broke my chair you hotheaded-" Before finishing, Ayuka immediately grabbed Tim's clothes once pulling him behind her back and throwing him through the window. "Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!" Dropping at high and full speed, Tim landed directly in the garbage when squiggly in his view, followed up with bunch of stars. Ayuka immediately jumped after as Myles looked in confusion. "Wow...their relationship.... sure is.... 'different' than any normal human... boy, he's gotta pick better people." Scratching the top of his haired head, Myles stretched. "But this means! Now that they are gone! This apartment is all for me! Wahoooo!"
|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Thursday, 3:45 p.m.|
Tim and Ayuka were walking besides each other once Tim withstood his sighs. "So what the hell is this all about?" "Yesterday at night, a woman was murdered at the Mainichi street. It my have been a Demon." Mainichi street? But that's near my high school. So, how was a murder there?" Tim wondered with confused thoughts. "Demons can be anywhere... and currently that was the only murder this week. That woman was without any guardful body.... and she was decently drunken.... so she had no other ideas of what hit her.... but there is one confusing part... if that was a Demon. Why would that Demon hold this thing?" She showed Tim some sort of a cutting item... this was found near her dead body." "So, how the hell could you have known about this anyway... didn't the Police Force take it over? That is their job anyway." "They did look at it, I met up with the group of Police Force." Ayuka begun explaining.
[A few hours earlier]
|Tokyo City - Mainichi Street - Thursday, 8:20 a.m.|
I was heading through the street of Mainichi from school since I was heading for store, I came across the case area.
Ayuka came past the corner when seeing a bunch of tapes around the area. ("Huh, what's going on over here?)" Curious and confused, Ayuka closed in to the case. The lights of the police cars were beaming through the day with Police around. "Uh, excuse me. What's this, what happened?" "Young lady! This place is no place for you to be..." A manly police officer spoke with his arms holding the belt. "Wait. I'm sorry, but can I at least ask what happened?" "I suppose.... There was a murder yesterday at around 11 p.m. This woman drank a bit much, and was killed, her body and the killing weapon were found by a citizen in the garbage, once she was taking the trash out. She reported this murder. This woman you see on the floor... she was cut from behind by this knife, she has a deep wound through her neck which caused an immediate death, her heart ratio seems to have fallen as well, it's probably from a surprise attack, because of the fear. We've also searched further and found a string of her bracelet, it seems that it was seperated from the holding item, it's a high chance that the deliquent has stolen her 'holding' item from the bracelet... seems that they were after that thing all along." Ayuka procceeded her looks toward the knife. "A surprise kill? At night?" ("Sounds something that a Demon would do.") "Excuse me again, can I take that knife... I might be able to help?" "Hm, firstly this knife has to be thrown under research to get more evidence." "Yeah! I know, but please, I have seen such events before... I might get a better clue if I look into it deeper... please, I know I can do this." Confidentlly and seriously she spoke with courage. "Well, okay, if what you're saying is true, then go ahead..." Giving Ayuka the knife she smiled with a nod. "Thank you! I'll ask my friend to help me out as well." "Of course, just be careful, such events should not be done by underaged high school students." Quickly agreeing, Ayuka proceeded with a roaming sprint.
[Present time]
|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Thursday, 3:50 p.m.|
"But... don't.... Demons use their body as weapons?" Curiously and a bit suspiciously Tim questioned. "Yes, that's right, that's what I was telling you, fool, however, there are other 'Grades' of Demons.... maybe it was one from a higher grade...."
To be continue...