"But... don't.... Demons use their body as weapons?" Curiously and a bit suspiciously Tim questioned. "Yes, that's right, that's what I was telling you, fool, however, there are other 'Grades' of Demons.... maybe it was one from a higher grade...."


|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Thursday, 3:50 p.m.|

"W....what do you mean... 'higher grade'?" Tim followed up with a significant question. "Oh, I suppose you don't have an idea.... Demons are ranked by Grades in power.... there are in total of 8 Grades, each of them have different power ways."

First is a Grade 1 Demon, these Demons mostly berserk around the smaller areas and feed on the Human's blood, they are rather short than the other Demons and do not have any intelligence at all

Next is a Grade 2 Demon, these Demons have ability of manipulating their body as a weapon, just like the Grade 1's.... these Demons have no any other proper intelligence and roam around alleys.

Then, a Grade 3 Demon, the one you fought before, their senses and intelligence are much more increased than the other two Grades...they can only use their body as a power boost and some can have special body parts.... these Demons can also be seen to roam around massive cities like Tokyo.

Right after is a Grade 4 Demon, the Demon which is ranked at 4... is a beast like Demon so we sometimes call it "Beast Demon" they have a shape of an animal, giving them all kind of different abilities, however their weapons are unfairly weak, they cannot talk but are quite intelligent

Grade 5's are titans, these Demons can reach from 4 to 8 meters in height, they are just like Grade 3's and are much superior than to anybody else, they have ability to manipulate their weapon from any part of the body.

Grade 6's... these Demons... usually pronounced as the 'Winged Demon', they are a flying Demon whom seek their prey from above and are very smart compared to the others. These Demon's are much quicker and impressive fighters.

Grade 7's... this is a Demon and are shaped like people, they are even able to carry Ginkens... of course, these are mostly called 'Half Demons', because their personalities do not change on transformation. Currently we don't know much about these 'Half Demons', but we know they are also enemies to our race as a Ginkenian. This is also the rank that I think killed that woman, this looks like a Ginken to me, however it doesn't explode my body... enough of that....

Finally, there are Shadow Demons, these are the most wrecking and forceful humans, they have multiple stages and have ability to manipulate any sort of abilities, they also have a specific type toward them, most of them are extinct and cannot be found at all. However, these Demons.... have unpredictable power, it's a fusion of a Ginken wielding and a type control.... such as fire.... or water... or wind... these types are rather rare and only a few people have this power.

"That's all the Demons we have come across..." "I see... but what did you mean with 'it doesn't explode my body'?" Tim confusingly asked. "Ginken is like a token to the human and is binded to one person, anyone else that touches, will have a high chance of injury or even death, that's why Ginkens are binded to the one duelist, they have unknown power that not everyone should have, this prevents Ginkens from being stolen from the wielder... of course, stealing Ginken is against the law in Zero World, so the ones must be punished with imprisonment. You should also know, that not every Ginken is happy with their wielder and will do anything of killing them, the powers these Ginkens possess, are, death, life or revenge... every Ginken has to be filled with a fallen Soul which was killed, of course the person must be very close to them, only then the Ginkens will unleash their full power.... Fallen Souls are like a trigger to a Ginken's power, so it's impossible to unleash full power without it..." Ayuka explained. Tim standing at the front with unamused squiggly eyes, spoke. "Stop whining, the explanation is long....." "So what!? You need explanation to have any clue of what you do!!" "Yeah! Yeah, but what did you mean that the 'Ginken' in your hand is a token for us?" "Right. We can use this Ginken as a token if we run out of choices... if we destroy it, we'll be able to find the murderer...." "No logic, so why do you need me?" Tim carefully asked. "Why. You ask? Because, you are currently armed while I couldn't be able to take out the Demon with only hands. "So, you're using me?" Ayuka quickly made her hands into a fist when stretching them down, near her hip and leaned forward. "That's not what I meant! Fool!!" Tim faced to the side with careless face and scratched his ear. Unable to sense it, a person cloaked listened onto their conversation, it seemed to be the person whom stalked Tooru.


|Tokyo City - Tsukaku Street - Thursday, 4:10 p.m.|

"Aww man! Come on! Why did you do this for?" Carissa stood at the counter when she quickly picked up the bowl. A baby was laughing and giggling. "Why.... I should have never agreed to babysit you." Gently picking up the baby, Carissa started wiggling him calmly. After a couple of seconds, the baby fell asleep. He was put to bed when Carissa gave him a precious smile. Reaching towards the counter, she grabbed the hold of a bowl's sharp broken part. Unlucky for her, the sharpness cut her finger making her flinch. ("D...Damn... great...just what I wanted!") Carissa quickly ran for the bathroom to grab first aid kit, when the blood splashed down onto the ground, suddenly without her noticing. Tiny bubble blood mark on the floor began to flicker it began to shape a body from it.

|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Thursday, 4:11 p.m.|

Tim and Ayuka exceeled with a cruise. They faced the wrist watch which seemed to have been detecting a strange aura. "Tim! Look! It's gotta be it! It has to be the Demon who killed that woman! It's a few meters away from here!" "Let me check!" Ayuka reached with her right arm forward when showing the mark. Shocked from the view, Tim spoke. "That! That's Tsukaku Street! That's where Carissa lives! Hurry! We gotta hurry before something bad happens to her!" "Roger that! Let's hurry up... seems he is a male after all...." Ayuka spoke her words while the two of them sprinted at full speed.

|Tokyo City - Tsukaku Street - Thursday, 4:15 p.m.|

Finally bandaging her hand, Carissa reached for the water and cleaned her left hand. "Alright. All good, now, back to Thiye. Carissa unlocked the door once entering the room, heading for the living room and arrived, but at surprise, she froze, seeing a human in front of her. Thiye as a baby was held in his hands. "W....what... are you-" "You won't mind me borrowing me this child, cutey... will you?" Giving his final laughs and giggles, Catissa withstood a superior shock.

To be continue...
