Finally bandaging her hand, Carissa reached for the water and cleaned her left hand. "Alright. All good, now, back to Thiye. Carissa unlocked the door once entering the room, heading for the living room and arrived, but at surprise, she froze, seeing a human in front of her. Thiye as a baby was held in his hands. "W....what... are you-" "You won't mind me borrowing me this child, cutey... will you?" Giving his final laughs and giggles, Catissa withstood a superior shock.


|Tokyo City - Tsukaku Street - Thursday, 4:18 p.m.|

With fearfull look and surprise, Thiye was being held by the humanoid body. "W...Who... are you... a... and what do you want with Thiye?" "Oh! So that's his name, I was surprised. I didn't need to force it out of you, but, if you'll be nice and a good girl, I'll let you live.... just lemme have this baby." Laughing quietly the human spoke. "What? No, that child isn't mine!" "Oh, so then you don't need him...ha ha ha..." The man spoke. "No! That's not what I said, just give it back!" ("I can't let him take him...I gotta get Thiye back, one way or another. Maybe I should start by asking, what's the reason...") "Why do you need that poor baby! He hasn't done anything, he's only 7 months old!!?" "Yes, I'm aware... but you aren't... this child possess an incredible power, it must be our tool to become who we are..." "W...what do you-" "Let me include a quick message to you... my name is Kaien Arayuko...and I'm a Grade 7 Demon." With an observation, Carissa overshot her fear forward, cloaked man was revealed with  blood red eyes and black sclera... ("Grade..... 7.... D....Demon? W....wha-") "Let me guess, you're shocked, now you know, that even if you try to protect this baby... I'll devour you first!" The Demon laughed when pointing his long and sharp nails at Thiye's eyes. "No! Stop! Don't harm him!" Quickly preventing any excuses, she quickly relaxed her words when in hopes that nothing would happen. "Aw... don't worry, I have no intention of killing this important yet precious baby...." "No! I told you to-" Quickly stopping Carissa, the Demon pointed forward. "Let's make a deal..." Demon slightly and quietly spoke. "Huh... what's the deal..?" Worried for her safety, quickly Carissa questioned. "I'll give this baby back, only.... if you strip down naked...." Carissa immediately became stressed. ("He... he isn't serious....") "What? Why would I do such thing to a stranger...." In issue of her anger, Carissa was worried in shock. "Do you want this child to stay here, or do you want him back?" Paralyzed on one spot, Carissa made a step back. ("I won't... I can't... damn it...") "No way! I won't do that!" Quickly she reached for a kitchen knife, when it slipped from the counter, quickly catching it and running towards the Demon, she was ready to kill. "Oh my... what a stubborn girl... then I'll just kill you!" Demon immediately swung a slaughtering knife, giving Carissa a shock, the slow reflection pointed and stabbed forward, toward her, presented her with a fearfull look, however, suddenly from out of no where, the knife which was held by the Demon, flew to the side and spun down into the sink, seeing a feathered cloth in front, Carissa withstood shock and her paralyzation, seeing a well familliar face and hair colour, her eyes shook. With an unpredictable occur, Tim showed himself in front of Carissa, standing between them. "Is... that.... you... T...Tim?" With his head looking behind, Carissa was overwhelmed, seeing her friend, standing before her with the most uncertain look. "It.... is... you, what's... with... that... s...sword?" She made a gulp after her words. "Oh my! I see the previous Demon failed to kill the only Ginkenian in this city!" Demon held Thiye in his hands, he grabbed his own mouth. "...." "Hm? What's with that quiet expression, you seem rather conflicted..." "You're wrong... the previous Demon succeeded in killing this city's Ginkenian.... however.... his powers.... have been inherited by me... I am the one who you people call a 'Ginkenian'." Tim exposed his words, once hilting the sword on the neck of Demon. "Let that child go..." Demon, looked down at the sword's hilt with shaking eyes and smiled. "No thank you-" "Is that so? Then I'll force it out of you!" Recklessly, Tim prepared a slice, however the Demon, whose names was Kaien. Kaien immediately, twisted around when speeding towards the window, however, a shadow dropped before the window, once his eyes shook. "Now, now... where do you think, you're going...." Ayuka processed her body, blocking the window. ("Cornered, what... damn... I have nowhere to go... I cannot fight two Ginkenians at once.... damn... it....") Kaien hoped his best to figure out a solution on how to escape, turning left and right, back and forward. "There is no way for you to go, you're done for, Demon!" ("They are right.... but even if I let go of baby, I'll still be chased... so the only way for me to escape is....") Giving a seriously creepy smile, Kaien immediately spun a slaughtering knife from the belt when throwing it towards Ayuka. "What?!" "Watch out Ayuka!!" Tim loudly shouted in fear when he prepared a dash, the knife stabbed at Ayuka's shoulder which forced her to lose balance, she dropped back, down the window when Kaien immeidately slipped between the window, Ayuka's serious and painful look followed up with an arm swing ahead. Before dropping all the way to the bottom, Ayuka's arm was grabbed. "I got you!" Pulling her back up, Tim looked at the Demon. "Damn! He got away!" Ayuka took a slight breath, when Carissa called out Thiye's name once more. In hopes of Tim trying to chase down the Demon, he jumped on the window's edge. "Wait!" Facing back, Tim looked towards Ayuka. "W....what?! I have to go after them! That baby is in trouble!" Holding her shoulder, Ayuka faced directly at Tim. "Don't worry... He isn't getting away, when I fell, I threw a sticky detector onto his back, we can hunt him down... my Zero Watch is connected to that item... he cannot escape us...." Listening to Ayuka, Tim faced down at the floor. He backed toward her. "Alright... if you say so..." Tim aimed his eyes to look at Carissa. "...Carissa... I'm sorry.... I'll explain everything to you, once we're finished...." "Yeah.... what or who you are doesn't matter... we have to act quickly... your friend here, is injured...." "Oh. It's just a small injury... I'll be fine." Ayuka precisely spoke and smiled. "Doesn't matter what you say or think... I'll still take take care of it...." Once Carissa's words were heard, Ayuka quickly became surprised. "She's right... even if it doesn't hurt much... it still has to be taken care of... the wound is pretty deep." Tim agreed when putting his sword on the back. "You can explain everything when I take care of her...." "My name's Ayuka Kirashito, you don't have to call me as in third person...." "Very well, Ayuka... I am Carissa, now let's finish this quickly.... please sit down..." With her words let out, Carissa hurried to the bathroom when Ayuka held her palm on top of her wound. "I'm.... sorry... if I just have killed him before he would of have been able to escape... this wouldn't happen.." Heavily upset, Tim struggled but faced at Ayuka. "It's fine, you did a great job... this way I was able to put on a detecting device... we'll go search for that child as soon as possible."

[In the next few minutes, Ayuka was carefully taken care by Carissa]

|Tokyo City - Tsukaku Street - Thursday, 4:30 p.m.|

Carissa was putting on a first aid kit. "So... uh... do you know anything about that baby?" Tim followed up in confused question and curiously proceeded with his arms crossed. "Yes... Thiye Imaru.... that baby has a power of a Demon...." The friends besides Ayuka became surprised.

Thiye was firstly revealed to be a Demon, 100 years ago. His powers were different than any other Demon, as a baby.... he was already intelligent, but that changed years after his birth. His appearence hasn't changed since then, because he was sent to ZERO DIMENSION at such young age, his powers included all the perks, high intelligence, strong physical body and incredible manipulation of different types. His powers allowed him to control anyone from people to Demons, however, because he is still young, his body was never perfectly capable of possessing or controling somebody, nor just that, his powers all were a key to opening gate to Hell where most of the Demons live. That was shown one time when he was attacked by a human, he was forced to fear that human which awakened his powers... 100 years ago... that was the moment the Gate of Hell openened widely for the first time. Grade 1 Demons begun attacking people and animals, these unknown beings started to spread out and Ginkenian's new job was to determine a Demon's death. Many people died and many people survived, but for that specific reason, this child was sent to a new World... he was transfered to Planet Earth and it seems that he was then found by a family. Demons were sealed once again after several years, but like anybody else, these Demons want freedom, just like us, people and Ginkenians.

"Huh, hold up... you said 100 years ago... so why is Thiye still a baby?" "That's because, once a human is met with Zero Dimension, their aging and looks become locked, they are invulnerable to die by age or any sicknesses... however, I'll explain why Zero Dimension works like this in future... right now we must focus on finding Thiye." Ayuka explained while her wound was being taken care of. "One... more thing... about the reason, what do Demons want from this baby?" Ayuka closed her eyes gently. "Remember, the Gate of Hell... Demons.... are sealed down there... and this baby has a power to open it... I'm pretty sure that these Demons want to release every Demon that is sealed away and give them freedom.... and that baby, Thiye, is a key to that...."

To be continue...



- Thiye Imaru

- Kaien Arayuko