"Huh, hold up... you said 100 years ago... so why is Thiye still a baby?" "That's because, once a human is met with Zero Dimension, their aging and looks become locked, they are invulnerable to die by age or any sicknesses... however, I'll explain why Zero Dimension works like this in future... right now we must focus on finding Thiye." Ayuka explained while her wound was being taken care of. "One... more thing... about the reason, what do Demons want from this baby?" Ayuka closed her eyes gently. "Remember, the Gate of Hell... Demons.... are sealed down there... and this baby has a power to open it... I'm pretty sure that these Demons want to release every Demon that is sealed away and give them freedom.... and that baby, Thiye, is a key to that...."


|Tokyo City - Tsukaku Street - Thursday, 4:45 p.m.|

"What... you mean, they want Thiye to use him and open the Gate of Hell?! But... won't that just destroy Thiye's body??" Tim wondered with confusion when surprised from Ayuka's explanation. "That's right... the only reason why we need to hurry and get Thiye back, if the Gate opens... we're bound to wake up the sealed Demons, nor just that, we must face them... and there's only a couple of us..." Ayuka explained the number 'couple' because, Tim and Ayuka were the only two Ginkenians protecting the city. "Before you two go... Tim... please... could you explain what is with that huge knife?" "This?" Carissa questioned in confusion, after Tim raised  the handle. "I'm.... not exactly sure myself... but it's called a Ginken Weapon... it requires a high spiritual aura to be controled by somebody... however, the sword you see is not at full power... it would need a spirit/soul for it to be at full power... I inherited this Ginken from a brave Ginkenian... his name was Giovanni.... he was killed by a Demon... so I took over.... I'm sorry, I tried to hide it from you and the others..." With his sword faced aside, Tim quickly sighed. "You....that's... something I would never expect...." "Anyway... Ayuka... how's the detection?" Tim calmly faced towards Ayuka when she looked at her wrist. "It seems to have stopped moving... we should act now... we need to hurry." "Right! Carissa, see you later, don't speak about this..." The two young Ginkenians both launched their sprint through the window when bursted into the distance. "Be careful!" At the end, Carissa leaned over the edge of window quietly worried. ("Please.... save... Thiye....")


|Tokyo City - Tensho Street - Thursday, 4:55 p.m.|

Kaien reached his feet inside of a building when making his final check around the area. Thiye's mouth was covered by a tape to make no sound, quickly going inside. ("Finally, we'll be able to open the Hell Gate... Demons will finally overtop the world!") Kaien thinking throughout his thoughts quickly entered inside fully, shutting the door behind him and heading for the middle. Walking through and through, Kaien finally arrived to his destination when he was greeted by a group of 8 Demons. One of them at the distaned wall. "Sir! I've brought you the kid you've asked for!" A tough and strong Demon had his head leaned onto the palm with his facial expression locked at Kaien. "Ah... Kaien.... are you sure that's the right child?" "I'm sure... his name is Thiye Imaru..." "Very good, I'm proud... has somebody followed you?" "No sir! No followers..." However, the 'leader, Demon seemed to have a human shape, he was a powerful one and seemed to have not believed Kaien. But, without realizing... the Demon who kneeled, Kaien.... was clueless. "Very good." Hiding the truth from the moment, the Demon closed his eyes. "Kaien... put this child near that wall..." "Yes sir! I will do as you order." Kaian agreed with his movement following towards the wall. "Dear lord... I feel like, poor Kaien actually was followed." A Demon in group giggled, meanwhile outside, hidden and quiet, a cloaked person landed at the top of the roof's edge, standing still and determined, they seemed to have some sort of dagger on the belt. The hood, waved above the silouhette when the person quickly dropped down. "Not a really nice hideout... makes this much easier for me." And then in an instantanous rush, Ayuka and Tim arrived to the hideout that the watch brought them. "This is it... that grey building... this is where the red dot shows our target...." "Hey... Ayuka... who's... that?" Quickly and curiously, Tim asked while looking at a humanoid body which was cloaked. "Seems like that person is here for something as well... but their Spiritual Symbolism is no where near Demonical.... has to be a human..." "What? Why would an ordinary human be here... and besides, don't you see... that person down there has a belt full of daggers!" Pointing with a finger, Ayuka quickly followed them. "You're right... and it's not a normal shape! C...Could it be!?!" Tim proceeded to look at Ayuka from confusion. "Could... it be what?" "That person's daggers... they must be a Ginken! They are a Ginkenian!?" With forceful shock, Tim's eyes became squiggly. "What do you mean a 'Ginkenian'! You said the only Ginkenians on Earth is the two of us! Make your mind up woman!!" Waving his hands up and down, Tim almost cruised out. "I was certain... but... even if that's true... there is no way, Clan Captains! They always only allow two Ginkenians keep a lookout on one City." "Yeah... but... maybe she is counted as the second... my powers... these aren't mine... and Ginkenians... they probably do not know about me..... unless you spoke to them..." "Maybe so... I guess she might of have been sent here by the Captains... however... there's also a chance, she isn't even from a Clan, she could be a lone-wolf!" "Why are you assuming that the person before you is a female?" Tim questioned his task. "The body shape.... no doubts about it... she's a short one as well..." With unamused expression, Tim looked at Ayuka. "Honestly, you really face your thoughts over some looks..." "It's facts..." "God... whatever... let's just get moving." Tim answered once Ayuka agreed. The female rushed inside of a building when quickly sneaking her way through the alley, Tim and Ayuka then followed right after. During the time that the girl who ran, moved with developed speed. She quickly jumped into the air at the top of the wall as she quickly climbed toward the window that was open. The girl checked to see if anyone was following her and then jumped and rolled on the floor. She looked around again, and progressed by running. As she hurried through the stairs the girl noticed a went. She quickly removed the plates, and crawled through. She progressed somehow quickly and finally got to her point, hearing the words moving through the air. ("There they are...") The girl who was sneaking around, noticed a baby at the wall. Kaien was now sitting around the middle with the rest. "As we know, this child possess an incredible power, developed by the birth... our goal must concern everyone here and must be successfuly approved... with his power, we'll finally be able to regrow our Demon population, then... Demons can finally be free, we can wipe out the human society and then rule over... I'll need all your help..." "Sir... I have a question." "What is it, Jikako?" "This child... even if he has such power, how can we be sure it will work...?" "Do not worry one bit, this child will open the Gate.... mark my words. " Heh! This better work or I've wasted my time at this hideout group!" A Demon who seemed rather suspect and a crazy type spoke. "And... how do we intend to unleash his power, sir?" "That time will be unproblematic... once we enter the Zero World... we'll make sure, that my 'son' does his job... he and Thiye are our keys to opening the portal..." The leader explained when smiling, he seemed as if he was avoiding to spoil the name. The sneaking girl, was shocked on his words. "Hm.... that can work out very well, but how are we going to get him to do such thing... isn't your son a bit, against us, he even dislikes fighting humans." "Oh, don't worry, his memories were erased, he won't have any idea of who I actually am." "So how will we get in contact with him?" "That's pretty simple... we'll-" Before the leader spoke, the went at the ceeling broke and dropped down. With surprise, the female came slipping down in the middle and surrounded by Demons. "Huh?! An intruder!!" The girl's eyes shook, once turned around to look. "Well... well... well... seems you've been listening our conversation, I suppose we must eliminate you." The girl's hood dropped down, once her eyes seemed rather serious and deadly. The girl stood before them with orange short hair and green eyes. She was trapped... no escape, no exit....

To be continue...
