A human boy was sitting on the edge of the rooftop at the top. "My, my, my. I see, what a fine event I suppose our plan worked., very interesting, how come, it was this easy just a little more and Shinkaku's blade will be ours." Watching throughout the globe of some sort, in the boy's hand, the person gave a smile when fixing his traveling hat, four others, standing behind this person, proceeded to look and watch down at the sleeping city. "...We're almost ready to go....." Saying another Word, the boy spun the globe while using it to spy on the Soul Callers almost like some sort of camera.... "This entertainment has almost begun, let's see if this Ginkenian has got what it takes to find his composture."


|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Thursday, 10:05 a.m.|

"Is... this some sort of joke... they are in the same apartment as me?" Spying up at the top floor, and standing besides Ayuka, Tim quickly grabbed his forehead. "Guess it is, I'm surprised I was incapable of sensing their symbolism..." Ayuka answered, but with Sayori behind and quiet. "Oh, right. Why exactly did you come with us?" "None of your concern..." With a facial annoyance, Tim stepped in front. "This girl's always so serious... and she hides a lot... damn..." "Alright, get yourselves together we didn't come to complain, we must see if these Soul Callers are able to help out." "I thought you'd know them, I thought you were a Soul Caller yourself." "I am not... besides, I would need a Ginken to perfectly use Soul Calling..." Putting his hands on hips, Tim wondered in confusion. "Whatever you say..." Their words aside, someone called. "Tim! Over here!" Rachel, Tooru and Ayuka hurled ahead and ran towards them, quickly taking a slight breath, while focusing their eyes on three people in front. "Good to see you too Ayuka!" Tooru followed up estaticly when giving her a hand wave. "Direct it toward yourself too... good to see you." Ayuka smiled with her right hand quickly getting put on her hip. "And... who is that chick?" Sayori became unamused when she heard Chapple calling her a 'chick'. "She's just someone... kind of insane though." Quickly interfering, Saypri wrapped her both arms on Tim's left, when pinging him at the ground, she began to squeeze it and pull it, with an intimidating look. "Hey! Hey! It hurts! Are you trying to break my arm!!!???" "Fix your words...." "Sorry! Sorry! You're not insane! You're actually really nice and gentle person!" Loudly yelling backwards, Tim continued being squashed and had a body sitting on his back. Pulling his arm again, Tim almost screamed. "I said sorry!!!" After the loud yell, Sayori moved away to stance and crossed her arms, the ones who watched such event became completely squiggly and unamused. "He finds the strangest people and friends..." ("Damn, she may be a girl, but she grabs like a man...") Tim thought when holding the half-hurt arm. "Anyway, I guess you know why I haven't been to school much last few days...." He grabbed his face when giving a roaring sigh. "Of course, but what was the point of hiding it?" Rachel gave a question and reached for her shoulder. "Well, I didn't want to make you worried.... that's the reason why I was late to the final exams...." Tim's friends listened to his conversation. "Man, you have got to be less insecure..." "Sorry, but I wasn't being insecure, I thought. If I put your mind through my knowledge it could end up badly... and currently, things are bad as well..." Tim answered, preciously and seriously, when putting a step sideway. "Just bring me to where I have to be... I don't want any more corpses lying on the city streets." Once agreeing to his request, the six of them walked to apartment 308. Tim entered and came across some people. "Here he is, Gintoki." Gintoki made a smile and stood up, walking toward Tim. With quiet eyes, Tim became confused. "Shinkaku Tim... Good to see you, I am Gintoki, the person who talked to Ayuka over Zero Watch. The rest of them are a my comrades, Issa, Zeek, Nagisa, Dilan and Yuki." "Gintoki! What the hell! You're saying this bald teenager wields the Ginken?!" Issa shouted once pointing at him. "Hey! I'm not bald! In fact, I have the longest hair from males inside here! You that blind to see it?!" "How can I see, they don't have time to fix the lights in this crappy apartment! Zeek! Give me the flashlight! I want to see this guy up close and shiny!" She was given a flashlight and pointed at Tim, once seeing his face she immediatelu froze.  Tim looked away because of the brightness once his hair waved to the side. ("He si hooooooooooot!!!!") She dropped onto her knees when falling flashlight slid on the floor. "Hey, what's with her?" Tim wondered when looking at someone. "She probably has attraction." Once Zeek answered, Issa quickly hurled up to her feet. "I don't have any attractions! I was just extremely upset on his looks!?" "My looks?! What's wrong with my looks?! Is it my hair?! If so, you can forget about me working with you!" Angry face of comedy appeared on Tim as a red mark dropped down, before saying, he was smashed into his butt from a kick. "Hey!" Tim reached back for his bottom because of pain and unamused face. "That hurt?! What was that for anyway?!" "For your stupid complains, and I just wanted to hit you." Sayori approved and forced Tim to accept the kick. Ignoring the rest but continuing to feel unamusement, Tim faced back at Gintoki. "Now, speak.. you wanted to help me, with what exactly apart from 'training' me?" Following a question of words, Tim faced direct. "Yes... your training will include some additional time if you fail." "No offense, but even if I do train with you, who'll take care who'll take care of those 'fiends' that you told us about, they can strike at any time and if I won't be finished... everybody could get hurt!" Angrly but with annoyance Tim asked determined to hurry. "Ayuka and the rest will take care of them, while I'll be helping you out." Tim's eyes became surprised. "You're thinking of sending my friends to fight?!" "Not exactly, Ayuka and my group, Sayori should be a big help too. Your classmates however, will stay with Zeek on watch." "And if all of you fail???" "Then I'll fight them on my own, we won't let them get near you, not until you're finished training." "I don't care if they come across me! I dom't want to put my friends in danger!" Tim loudly called with clear throat. "We won't let that happen! Based on what we see, you should be able to study your Ginkenian powers very quickly, it should take at least a week."

To be continue...
