"Ayuka and the rest will take care of them, while I'll be helping you out." Tim's eyes became surprised. "You're thinking of sending my friends to fight?!" "Not exactly, Ayuka and my group, Sayori should be a big help too. Your classmates however, will stay with Zeek on watch." "And if all of you fail???" "Then I'll fight them on my own, we won't let them get near you, not until you're finished training." "I don't care if they come across me! I dom't want to put my friends in danger!" Tim loudly called with clear throat. "We won't let that happen! Based on what we see, you should be able to study your Ginkenian powers very quickly, it should take at least a week."


|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Thursday, 10:08 a.m.|

"So, this training? What is it all about? What will you put me through?" Slowly questioning his frontline person, Tim wonderfully asked. "The training? To become a 'Soul Caller', you must first learn and study your Ginken. It is a connection to your body so forming a habitat through your mind is very important." Gintoki explained slowly. "So, what will you put me through to achieve such thing?" Tooru and the rest who've listened to such conversation, became confused as well. "But, are you sure that Tim will be capable of learning such thing?" "Currently, we're quite sure he is going to manage." "And for you, you do not need to stay here, you aren't locked so if you would like to go some where, you may go." Explained Gintoki while carefully speaking to them. "We know that, we weren't just going to stay here like a bunch locked up animals.. besides, he should have as much peace as possible." Quietly explained Tooru. "Will you please take care of Myles, Ayuka?" Ayuka became unamused. "I guess I have no other choice than to stay with that little perv. But if we want to get you buffed up, then sure, I'll waste my time on him." "Thank's a lot!" "Hold up, speaking about Myles... where is he?" Once Rachel asked, everyone froze on the harden floor. "..."

"Oh crap!! We must have left him in Zero Dimension!!!"

[Several seconds later]

"I'll return with him right away!" Bursting heavy speed, Ayuka rushed down the stairs and quickly decided to hopefully return to Zero Dimension. But without knowing, a visitor, spying on her prepared his body, when spinning what seemed to be a blade in a shape of a fang. The man reached for a rope which was attached to that Ginken, spinning that Ginken and quickly wrapped it around the wrist, he followed up with a quick chase.

|Zero World - Hinomaru Area, C.A.C. Arena - Thursday, 10:10 a.m.|

As the others begun their investigating and training in Japan, Codey just merely avoided an attack from Joe, once a crystal overgrew beyond his front eyes. With a twisty spin off, Codey flipped, when landing on both of his feet and followed up with a slide. He launched his right handed boomerang forward and increased its speed by gathering the wind, Joe clapped with his fist once the crystal wall appeared, growing in front of his eyes, gazing ahead, Codey suddenly came whirling behind Joe and giving him an eyelash surprise. With his right foot and leg stretched, Codey outkicked the back towards Tanaki, however, massive defense of Tanaki blocked most of that attack, when Codey's leg was sequally grabbed, spun around behind Tanaki. With a whirl forward and a throw, Codey was sen flying from the backline of Tanaki and because of such force, Codey smashed his head into the ground, once he went sliding backwards on stomach, cutting his clothes and almost ripping them in half, to stop such tremor of speed, Codey used his palm and fingers, because of that move, his fingers and plam heated up, which caused his skin to bleed, but quickly following up with a twist over his back, Codey slipped to the side, once the boomerang came flying behind his back, reaching and outstretching his arm outwards, Codey caught it, when quickly unleashing a wave of wind sideways, the wind that gazed around and blew, decreased the temperture to colder and inhabited wind of the area prevent people from seeing perfectly, force of it was too much for the spectators to withstand and some of them were almost blown away. Tanaki quickly rammed his both arms into the ground, once the floor shattered, crystals of hardened stone begun crawling and growing towards Codey once again. Quickly surrounding his feet in wind, he quickly blasted in the air, once the full force blow, cancled the hard crystals and somehow able to destroy it, the wind that was unleashed made Tanaki paralyzed because of high force, he was in need to cover his eyes. Meanwhile Codey continued falling from the air the backhand of his jump. Using his chance he threw two seperate boomerangs forward at Tanaki, which went flying at insane speed and were forced to spin extremely quick, Tanaki was unable to block that attack and was slammed into both sides of his stomach, knocking him backwards with a flinch, Codey dropped down and leaned forward, sliding his right foot backwards, quickly sprinting forward, Codey begun sliding his right hand on the floor, once gathering wind, he swung his right arm forward and upwards, the beaming wind, somewhat like hurricane was unleashed directly at Tanaki, once targeting him. Caught in the tremendous wind Tanaki opened his palm, when using his own crystalization to shield his body and make it heavier, Codey however, quickly opened the palm when grabbing the right arm and stretching it forward, unleashing one more wave of wind, to double the force of first wind. Because of such highly skilled control of wind, the wind surrounded Tanaki and exploded, blowing around the area and almost even knocking Rez the announcer off the spectating platform, Tanaki withstood such wind and immediately released his arms from crossing. ("This is some sort of joke, is he invincible to my wind or what? I barely do any damage to his Zero Shield?") Thinking while focusing on his opponent, Codey made a step forward, however as soon as he did, the ground underneath him shattered in a crack. Codey was sent into a shock, once a crystal came growing from under his foot and giving him an impact into his bottom foot, because the crystal landed only on Codey's foot, it forced him in the air, however into a backflip. In the middle of the air and backflip, Codey noticed a movement in front a few meters away and realized. A crystal came growing from the right side of the wall once Codey quickly twisted his body with crossed arms and defended the attack. Being in the middle of the air made Codey unable to stick on one spot and was knocked back on the top side of his back, he bounced of it, into a roll back, once the boomerangs finally returned and dropped besides Codey. Feeling some sort of pain from the damage, Codey still breathed extremely and heavily. The crystal that hit him a few seconds ago shattered into sparkles and pieces of sharp shards, Codey immediately looked and noticed that the flying shards surrounded his body, Tanaki gave him a laugh when in a ram of palm unleahsed the shards, Codey quickly made a twsited cricle in motion, when unleashing a strong wind from his body, the shards were redirected outwards and stabbed into the wall in a line, Codey stopped spinning by sliding his left foot and quickly regained his focus on Tanaki. "Will these two finish any time soon, there is not much time left for them to duel and if the wind boy doesn't figure a way to deal more damage to that crystal guy, he is going to lose, I bet that the wind guy is all out of tricks." Spectator female answered when giving a gasp and a sigh. ("I see the timer is nearing an end,.... however, if I want to win in a time limit, I gotta at least deal more damage to him than he to me.... damn, what else can I do..... think..) "..." Suddenly realizing, Codey made a smile. "That's it!"

Codey struggling to defeat Tanaki while the timer is nearing an end gave him a quick realization, what kind of strategy is he thinking of using, will he be able to defeat Tanaki in the set time limit or will he lose in the second round of C.A.C. Mean the time, Tim's training has begun and Ayuka went searching for Myles, everyone is spread oout while the Turbulent Fiends still exists as a servicing enemy and problem...

To be continue...
