Codey was sent into a shock, once a crystal came growing from under his foot and giving him an impact into his bottom foot, because the crystal landed only on Codey's foot, it forced him in the air, however into a backflip. In the middle of the air and backflip, Codey noticed a movement in front a few meters away and realized. A crystal came growing from the right side of the wall once Codey quickly twisted his body with crossed arms and defended the attack. Being in the middle of the air made Codey unable to stick on one spot and was knocked back on the top side of his back, he bounced of it, into a roll back, once the boomerangs finally returned and dropped besides Codey. Feeling some sort of pain from the damage, Codey still breathed extremely and heavily. The crystal that hit him a few seconds ago shattered into sparkles and pieces of sharp shards, Codey immediately looked and noticed that the flying shards surrounded his body, Tanaki gave him a laugh when in a ram of palm unleahsed the shards, Codey quickly made a twsited cricle in motion, when unleashing a strong wind from his body, the shards were redirected outwards and stabbed into the wall in a line, Codey stopped spinning by sliding his left foot and quickly regained his focus on Tanaki. "Will these two finish any time soon, there is not much time left for them to duel and if the wind boy doesn't figure a way to deal more damage to that crystal guy, he is going to lose, I bet that the wind guy is all out of tricks." Spectator female answered when giving a gasp and a sigh. ("I see the timer is nearing an end,.... however, if I want to win in a time limit, I gotta at least deal more damage to him than he to me.... damn, what else can I do..... think..) "..." Suddenly realizing, Codey made a smile. "That's it!"


|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Thursday, 10:20 a.m.|

Tim and others were inside of the apartment, however, there was some sort of a special room, in which the few of them stood. "What exactly is this 'deserted' area doing inside of the apartment???" With questions asked, loud and clearly, Tim faced around with the others. "It's not inside of the apartment, the door frame is just a seperate door to this dimension, my friend, this dimension is where we were able to learn Soul Calling, it's also good training grounds to teach somebody how to fight in a one on one battle." Explained Gintoki when snapping with his fingers and then turning his thumb to point it at area, the area was shiny and sunny, there were mountained hills and many walls. "Seperate dimension, but it looked as if it was a part of the building." "That's a truthful yes, however, we prefer to keep it hidden, it could possibly come to problem if somebody were to find out about such thing." Gintoki explained while standing before everyone else. "It could have been at least more cuter" Issa added up with her words at the sidelines. "Yeah, why exactly must it be desert, it's kind of hot in here, y'know?" Tim spoke, leaning sideways on his feet and having crossed arms, "It's heated right, that means, hotter, harder to train and easier to get tired." Said Gintoki while being calm. "Great, can somebody at least back me up, stay here or-" Before Tim spoke, he gave a look behind and noticed his friends slowly backing away together. "Sorry Tim, I just remembered that I have to grab something for my mother!" Rachel called with a clap. "Wait! Rachel!" But before Tim called, Rachel ran. "Chapple! At least-" Tim was stopped "Same here.. but I forgot to bring some cabbage!" Chapple spoke with a clap. Unamused and stressed, Tim's arm flinched. "Tooru?" Tim asked carefully and quietly, waking up with a flinch on the spot. "I just remembered, I need to use bathroom! See you!" Followed up after Chapple, Tooru quickly escaped too. "Wait! Come on!" "Your friends sure enjoy leaving you alone, don't they." Nagisa asked with his gaming console being used. "Shut up. In fact, I prefer to be alone..." ("Just not here dealing with heat."). "You'll start your training with Issa, the rest of us will be sticking around you, don't worry we'll keep an eye out on you from the screen." Gintoki answered while turning toward the stairs. "....Not keeping an eye out on me would work better." Unamused, Tim finally turned toward his training 'partner' when already sighing. Issa reached for a book w hen spinning it on the leash, catching it right after, she grabbed her pen. "What the hell is this all about, a book, you aren't going to make me read a book, will you." Once again, Tim spoke unamusingly."....Not exactly." "Hah, so you're saying, I'm going to fight it, trust me I can rip that book with my bare hands." Joking around, Tim crossed his arms. "Exactly that." "Whaaaaaaaaaaat?!¨" The book was thrown in the air once a pink aura surrounded the book. The book began growing in a massive size, once arms and legs started to grow, the book was given big eyes with red pupils, while it spun in the air releasing pink air, with perfect gentle smell, the book landed it's big body in front of Tim and kept Tim on the spot. His eye on left, flinched, while looking at a massive book. "I see you're confused and shocked but this is my friend Bookie, he helps newbies like you-" Before continuing her speech, she noticed Tim almost laughing. "What's so funny? Did shockness and confusion, made you giggle?" "I'd rather say it made me dissapointed" "It did what! How dare you say something like that!?" She bursted in front of Tim, pointing her finger at his face while Bookie behind her began dropping tears. "I was expecting to fight somthing, but not an endtable book" Tim answered while blinking in a jitter. "What! You're saying you're that tough that you can defeat Bookie! And just so you know! It's a notebook, not an endtable book, you idiotic fool!" "Hey! How was I supposed to know, it seems like any normal book to me, besides, the sword can cut a book like that in one go!" Tim shouted back with a louder call. "If that's what you think, than test it!" Issa backed away once she began to stand in front of a boulder. "With pleassure!" Giving a determinded smile, Tim called out his one Ginken, once preparing him. "Alright, you big book of crap! Time for you to be cut down!" Making a step forward Tim quickly abducted his stance and began running, once nearing Bookie he quickly jumped in the air with his sword raised up, when making a smile, Bookie was Quite a prankster so he was acting to be scared. "Yeah, be scared! Next time, they should give me real opponent!" Tim shouted, finally nearing and swinging downwards. "Die!" The sword slammed at the top of the book, however, Tim froze on the spot when seeing that he was unable to cut through the book at all, instead it bounced back. Triple dot emoji appeared above Tim's mind, once still looking at Bookie. "Sorry matey, but I'm not an ordinary book!" Bookie laughed, he grabbed Tim's Ginken when spinning him at twisted circle. "Woah! Woah! Woah!" Loudly yelling while being circled around, Tim went blasting into the air. He flipped upside down, once waving with his arms. Dropping down, Tim quickly slammed the top of his head into the ground, once making a headstand, his body flipped backwards, with his bottom leaned back, his body finally dropped down on the back once Nensho came flying and stabbing besides his head. "Yikes!" But soon as he called, he felt as if something was burning, soon realizing hat the floor from desert were unordinarly hot, he went launching in the air and screaming loudly. "This is unfair! The sand makes it hard to move! I lost my balance, this is why I was unable to cut you!" Turning around, Tim yelled while pointing at Bookie. "Sorry matey, but it's obvious you're too weak! You can't even handle heat!" Laughed Bookie. "That's because I prefer cold! You stupid leather!" "So what, I'm made of leather? I'm a leather type that cannot be cut down by a sword, you one-eyed human!" "I have two eyes, if you're blind, I'll make sure I'll give you a taste of what really is being blind!" Tim and Bookie began arguing, reaching for Nensho, Tim wielded it in his left hand. ("Did he really not realize?") Issa wondered unamused. Meanwhile, while the others watched. "He hasn't realized yet." Answered Gintoki. "Huh, what do you mean, did something happen, that we missed as well?" Rachel worryingly asked. "Not exactly, Ginkens only target a real Ginkenian or a Demon, but they do not target other livings, the attack that Tim did was not controled by Nensho, in fact it was his own doing. he was unable to cut through Bookie, because it was him who actually attacked, not... Nensho"

To be continue
