62. Mysterious girl! Seek of the Shadows!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

[Turbulent Fiend's Assault Arc: 3]

Tokyo City was found out in a troublesome collection. Many people have been injured and many people have died thanks to the Turbulent Fiends. First attack on Tokyo City was quite a short one as Tsukimi who is another Ginkenian faced and defeated on member of the Turbulent Fiends. Unfortunately because of her being targeted the next Turbulent Fiend arrived and nearly killed Tsukimi who was already injuerd from the fight before that, however, Codey Katorishi entered and with his windy throw rescued Tsukimi, because of the two weaklings falling the rest of the members wanted revenge, their goal to revive and return Fiends from hell began, they targeted Tim Shinkaku as well whose Ginken " Nensho" has some sort of the ability, they wanted such Ginken to fulfill their goal. Meanwhile after Tim's training he came to conclusion of different power, his Ginken appeared to be a Pyro Type and with revenge against Pyro Releasers.... Sayori herself attacked Tim, luckly it ended in a friendship. After the training, Tim came across a family and another Turbulent Fiend who forced a Demon outside the father of that family. Tim was in must needed situation and had to fight the Demon who had two stages. After another Turbulent Fiend forced his way forward with a very confident attitude Tim befell and even lost his courage, Codey whom seeked Tim also helped. At the time that Tim went after his enemies his unknowing Idenity awoke.. A Fiend truly inside his own. After an aggressive injury of that Fiend, he luckly escaped and Tim's real emotions returned. While Tim rushed back to others, the rest of them came to face against a duo, Fumio and Fukashi who was found out to be the leader of Turbulent Fiends. Soul Callers that trained Tim fought as well and struggled but several minutes later, Tim and Codey finally arrived, rescuing Ayuka who was almost killed. After their step in, they each fought the two Turbulent Fiends and because of several evolutions of Fukashi, Codey's anger and Half-Demon awoke, putting everyone in danger that have looked into his deadly eyes. After Codey's snap out and return, Fukashi increased his power even further and luckly for Tsukimi and Ayuka, Fumio fell and the final Fiend stood before them. After another Tim's achievement of a Fiend, he injured his enemy but forced his way back to normal, after another drop of power after his healing recovery, Codey hoped of helping but ended up in fail, insisting Ayuka rushed in and helped. As for Tsukimi and Tim the two two them fought after Tim's friends figured out a way on how to defeat a Turbulent Fiend. Sayori was in very weak state and needed to stay behind and watch. After Tsukimi's plan, the fight came to an end. By burning and evaporating the Fiend's aura, others won their dedication... the Turbulent Fiends have fallen...but... now.... another threat is on their way.

[Seek of the Shadows Arc: 4]

[10 days later after prevail of victory]

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Friday, 11:07 p.m.]

Girl whom seemed to have been running from something slid on the floor and leaped in the air. With laughs behind her ears she faced. A bursting darkness and shadow chased her while she seemed to be quite worried of herself, but based on her look she seemed to be rather confident too. The Shadow bursted from the floor when her sight became pitch black, after finding herself in a dark room she listened to noises. "My, my... you're rather in a hurry.... what's the bother.... I'm not that scary am I?" The male voice answered while giggling. Stating her stance and keeping well quiet, the followed girl reached on her back and grabbed a handle. Her red coat and scarf waved in the wind when a male shadow appeared behind her. With a quick-draw of her katana, she sliced backwards, but the sword bursted through and phased. "Hahahaha! That won't work! Don't you see my body isn't physical... there is no way you can harm me, not by sweeps like those!" Laughed another voice. The girl covered her mouth with her red scarf and started to focus. "Oh, what's the matter, have you given up... then let me help you with that!" As soon as both, the male and female voice shouted, the girl closed her eyes. With a quick sweep, she unleashed a menacing slices through the air which even blew away the darkness. With the female and male voice screaming, the darkness faded and backed away. The girl whose sword was sweeped faced around but then she immediately rushed forward.

[Tokyo City - Furó Street - Tuesday, 12:05 p.m.]

Tim's alarm just went off once he stopped it and then sat up uncovering. "Man.... have I really been sleeping that long? Great... I should hurry up and get something for my teeth." After standing up in his tank top, Tim walked to the closet to get ready and dress when he froze on the spot, his eyes began flinching. "Gah! Isn't this thing just the cutest! So puffy and interesting! I just want to keep hugging it! Hahaha~" But then, Ayuka faced towards the right with squiggly eyes and a plushie toy in her hands. Quickly hiding the plushie, she pushed away. "What?! What are you looking at you fool!" She loudly called with squiggly eyes. "I swear... I told you, to stay out of my closet!!!!" Tim loudly shouted and even the neighbours heard it. "How many time! I have no where to go!" Ayuka out called with her crossed arms and looking up at Tim after finally standing up. "Then get a hotel or something!" Tim annoyingly called with his behalf attitude. "No way! I'm not a person to waste money on hotel if I can just stay here for the time being!" Ayuka called as she faced away with her hair waving behind. Tim sloped and clapped the door and trapped Ayuka inside. "Hey! Let me out!" But with ignorance, Tim walked away. "Do me a favour and stay there and shut up...." But, Ayuka declined such 'offer' and kicked the door open. "You fool!" Tim immediately became unamused. "No! You are a fool right now! Why the hell did you break my damn closet door!?!" Two of them began arguing. "Because!! I am not going to just stay in there as if I was a dog or something, you ignorant idiotic fool!!" "The door was freaking open! They weren't locked! You could of have just walked out gently!!!" With Ayuka becoming squiggly into her face she gave. "Oh... I don't care! You still pushed me in! You even dusted my clothes! See!" Ayuka pulled her right sleeve to show the dust with a red mark of anger on her forehead. Tim leaned backwards with annoyance once again. "You can just blow it off! It's dust!" Tim outcalled when the two of them kept on arguing. "They are new ones, of course I'll~" But then, Myles came opening the door. "Will you two idiots just shut up!! Someone here is supposed to still sleep!!" But after Myles called, he faced at Ayuka and made innocent look with a wiggling butt. "Oh! My lovely Ayuka! So good to see you!" He rushed in at Ayuka making her surprised. After digging his face between Ayuka's boobs she became overly embarrassed and immediately smashed him at the floor. "Quit doing that! You're even more foolish than Tim! You stupid perv." With her feet on Myles's face as he layed on the floor, he spoke. "Come on, it's just a 'hello'..." Myles added when showing a thumbs up, she became more embarrassed and pushed down. "Hey! Hey! Hey! It hurts!!!" As the two of them fought, Tim left the room after taking daily clothes and entered the kitchen, following into the bathroom. "Won't even bother dressing up with these two in my room." The door shut as Tim kept hearing gasps, yells and calls behind his room.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street, Tuesday, 12:25 p.m.]

Rachel and Tooru were both running on the track. "Come on, hurry up! You look like a granny with that slow motion run!" Tooru called with a gigglish annoyance. "Hey! Unlike you I don't have as much stamina to be dealing with daily run... you're even lucky that you made me do that....." Rachel added with her expression swiping out. "Sure I have... but this way you'll icrease that... so hurry up." When Tooru called she noticed someone sitting at the seats. "Wait..." The two of them stopped. "Hey, what's up?" Rachel asked with her short pants waving in the weaker wind. "Look at her." Both of them faced when the girl whom they saw wore a red scarf, she seemed to have been looking at a cape and the rest of her clothes were quite different, black ripped pants and a tank top. Two of them hurled towards the unknown girl. "Hello! Sorry to bother but you seem like another Ginkenian, based on your outfit of course.... has something been going on?" Rachel asked and noticed that the girl looked at them confused. Staying quiet the girl stood up. "Uh... hello, is something wrong...." But the girl leaned the cape on her shoulder. "Hey! Don't just walk away from us!" Angry enough and well annoyed, the calls from Tooru added. "Hey! Tooru... calm down, no need to make the girl stressed." The girl moved away behind the seats. "Stressed?! She ignored me and walked away! That attitude disgusts me!" Tooru shouted as she pointed into Rachel's eyes. "Yeah... but~" Quickly interfering her speech, Tooru called again. "NO buts! I'm going to teach that girl a lesson!" With a dash behind the seat she readied to grab. "Tooru! No! Wait up!" But as the two of the came behind the corner, the girl that they saw disappeared and was no where to be seen. "W....Where did she go....?" They sticked confused after Tooru's questioning and kept looking around. Such reasons made Tooru look around extremely quickly and outwillingly confused. "Well... she might even be a Ginkenian of some kind... seems like a calm girl, though...." Rachel striked a wording answer while still yet focusing on the frontline. "Ah! Forget it! Let her go, not like I care! Rachel, let's keep running." Rachel unwillingly sighed in her bother. "Come on, let's just stop for today." But Tooru didn't have any of it and they kept running.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Tuesday, 3:55 p.m.]

The girl who was still not known was walking through the street and even in luck walked by Tim, each of them felt a surprising pressure which surprisingly terrified the girl, but Tim decided to stop and look at the girl confusingly. "Wait..." As Tim spoke the girl covered her mouth under the scarf with her hands in her pockets. "You~ aren't you another Ginkenian?" She decided not to turn around and nevet exchange looks, but at least what she made was a word. "None of your concern..." After her outraging words, the girl continued walking away, but Tim became heavily annoyed and unamused. With a rush behind her Tim reached for her shoulder. "Hey! Answer me!" But the girl quickly reacted and grabbed Tim's right arm with her lefty, with a twisty pull, the girl turned around with a spin and forced her feet under Tim's legs, she forced him to slip and made him fall onto the ground. "Don't force and touch me, I gave you my answer..." The girl said as she immediately walked away. Tim stood up with a scratch under his bottom. "Don't be foolish... I know you're another Soul Caller..." Tim added up and forced the girl to become shocked, quicky she turned away and grabbed Tim's collar. "What are you refeering to? How do you know what I am.... I can execute you right now, it won't be a burden to me... tell me Ginkenian, how do you know about Soul Calling, many of them have never heard of Soul Callers, only a few know about us...so how you a random Ginkenian like you know this?" She asked with angered expression. "Why? Because I'm a Soul Caller myself." Further shocks of the girl arrived as she let go and backed away when holding her left arm, that even made Tim aware of what was going on. "You're hurt.... your arm is injured... what happened?" The girl's mouth shook from her thoughtful anger. "I asked you a question and don't even dare to act innocently... Soul Caller or not, you're not my ally to be worried about me and even th~" Tim rushed into interference. "I'm not your ally? So what am I then? An enemy? If that's so, I'd already be here crushing you down these hard and rough floor... besides, all I know is about some Ginkenians that are up here in Tokyo City.... and for your knowledge... I'm not a Proper Soul Caller... I'm more of a switch-in-power Soul Caller, I wouldn't become something with the name of this if I haven't been given Giovanni's superb powers.... and Ayuka or none of them have never mentioned about the fourth Soul Caller, struggling and roaming around Tokyo, maybe you're the enemy here." The girl was glistening and listenining to his spoken words. "Just know this.... you ARE my enemy... with that Fiendish aura inside of you... stay away and get lost." The girl turned around and ran into the distance. "W.....Fiendish Aura?" Tim looked into his own palm, well confused and unsure.

[A girl who seems to see Tim as an enemy, roams around Tokyo City. No knowledge about her, Tim and the rest are left in shadows and no clues, who is this girl and what's her reason of being here....]

To be continued...