63. Hiding liquid! Search of new discovery!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

The Shadow bursted from the floor when her sight became pitch black, after finding herself in a dark room she listened to noises. "My, my... you're rather in a hurry.... what's the bother.... I'm not that scary am I?" The male voice answered while giggling.

Rachel and Tooru were both running on the track.

Both of them faced when the girl whom they saw wore a red scarf, she seemed to have been looking at a cape and the rest of her clothes were quite different, black ripped pants and a tank top. Two of them hurled towards the unknown girl. "Hello! Sorry to bother but you seem like another Ginkenian, based on your outfit of course.... has something been going on?"

The girl was glistening and listenining to his spoken words. "Just know this.... you ARE my enemy... with that Fiendish aura inside of you... stay away and get lost." The girl turned around and ran into the distance. "W.....Fiendish Aura?" Tim looked into his own palm, well confused and unsure.

[Tokyo City - Furó Street - Wednesday, 3:25 p.m.]

As Tim sat behind the table, Ayuka arrived and smashed her palm onto the table. "W...what? What are you doing exactly?" Ayuka moved her hand away and allowed Tim to see the newspaper. "Read this... you might want to look into it." Of course, Tim curiosity overwhelmed him and even made him confused. After picking up the newspaper, he read through it. "Terror Ruckus? What does it mean!" Tim asked after facing at Ayuka who had her arms crossed. "Basic statement.... there have been people long-gone disappearing... there was also a girl spotted up at the Clock Tower... you can see her on the photo, some people took it. " Zooming his view onto the person standing at the top of the Clock Tower, Tim proceeded to scratch his ear. The photo wasn't colorful but the scarf around girl's neck was extremely obvious. "But... what does it mean, exactly, any clues on the who's done such thing?" Ayuka began explaining. "Not perfectly... but people have been disappearing in a dark mist, they refer to it as a 'Shadow Mist', it could be made from some dust that forces its way into wind... but it's only active at night...." Tim faced at Ayuka. "Sure... but is that all we know, because... without any leads we won't be able to come to the end of this statement...." "Information about it, doesn't exist... all we know that there were a group of policemen drawn to a cable sight and then they disappeared, that girl seems to be also behind this...." "Yeah, but hold on... how can you be sure that, this girl has anything to do with this?" Tim asked and pointing his finger on the paper work. "It should be obvious, as said.... the 'Shadow Mist' was near that area... and everytime a human goes by there, they just don't return... and... I believe that Demons have nothing to do with this, nor Fiends... but I could also be wronged...." Ayuka exclaimed with her finger squashed onto the paper work. "Yeah, but what do you want me to do about it... search for whoever is doing this or what?" After leaning back, Tim crossed his arms behind his straight back. "Well, certainly that's another option... but, I say we should search for the girl first...." Tim directed his look back down at the paper work and wondered. "You know.... there was a girl, simmilar to that one at the top... she also had a scarf... but... she mentioned and called me out to be her enemy... well, disclaimer! She said specifically that Fiends are her 'enemy', it could also mean, she might be working something out... but I really can't be sure..." Tim answered and explained serenity of things. "You talked to her in person... any clue of her looks?" Ayuka gave a curiosity look. "Well.... she had black long hair with red scarf and blue eyes... she also seemed to have a case for her sword... when I walked by her, she said she was a Soul Caller... or...that's what I at least felt like...based of her Aura... and pressure when busting past her." Tim explained with a simplefied look. "That can't be real...the last few Soul Callers have been killed by Fukashi and his Fiendish aura.... the only Soul Caller, skimming on the spot is you... there cannot be others...." Tim and Ayuka both framed their mind. "Well... her aura... won't lie... it was legitimatley simmilar to the ones that Gintoki and others have been pressurizing... and not to mention, Gintoki spoke about a missing Soul Caller and believed that she was killed.... so, honestly.. I have no leads onto her... just feel like she might not actually be our enemy..." Ayuka was quite interested into Tim's average thinking. "Then... I suppose we should search deeper into it and make sure that she isn't our enemy.... so basically, we'll head to that street..." Tim agreed but asked a question. "Well, I wasn't there before... Hàto Street... there were several rumors of some uncomfortable accidents... so it could be true.... alright, we'll head there~" Tim was interrupted after becoming unamused. "Not yet... we'll wait until dark...but for now, we can search for some clues in that Street...." Ayuka answered with an agreeing attitude. "Tsukimi and Codey... these two are close to that area maybe we could ask them, if they noticed anything strange.." Tim reached for his phone and gave it to Ayuka. "I know you have Zero Watch, but you should type down their phone number into your own phone too, who knows, might come in handy..." Ayuka gave a nod. "Right away..." After operation of adding Codey's and Tsukimi's phone number to the phone, she proceeded with a call to them. Luckly for her, Codey answered immediately. "Uh... this number, don't know.... hello, who's calling?" Codey asked after leaning the phone onto his ear. "Hey! Code! It's Ayuka.... can I asked you for some leads about the missing people around your area... of course, that is if you can give me some...." Codey faced at the announcing news on the television and faced back at the window. "Well... I haven't been really in contact with what was going on and I also have zero clues onto what happened, the only strange accent about it is... there were some weird noisy and daisy calls last few nights... but they sounded like chihuahuas..." Ayuka became quite unamused of his way of calling them a chihuahuas. "Yeah.... sure...let's go with that..." Ayuka agreed. "The strange part though... whenever I looked through the window... all I saw was pitch black and street lights...that was awfully all and intimidatingly strange...." Codey explained. "Wait... by

saying 'pitch black' do you mean, there was no light at all?" Codey nodded and answered with agreement. "But the street lights....whenever a cold wind blew past, the lights began going wild and losing their light, as if some sort of a Ghastly Symbolism past by, I only believed to be a mistake... but now that you're making me say it again, I really am questioning myself too, now..." "Cracking lights, pitch black... Codey, was there anyone spotted near there?" Ayuka asked with a confusion of the sight. "If I were to tell the truth..one night I saw a silouhette passing by after the pitch black roamed over.. couldn't see it clearly, but when that silouhette turned, the pitch black disappeared, so have the silouhette... like a hollowed out wood in a tree...." Codey explained satisfyingly. "Thank's Code! That silouhette that you saw, might have been the girl on the photo... we cannot be truly sure, just yet.... with Tim we'll quickly scout the area and then wait for the night to befall... stay noted, Codey..." Ayuka answered. "Yeah, sure... I'll be in contact...." The call ended and Ayuka put her phone into the cheek pocket in her jeans. "Alright... get dressed, we're going to search around Hàto Street." Tim roared in sighs. "Yeah, alright..." Tim stood up after stretching out his right arm. Blue Aura twisted around his body and his clothes drastically changed and switched to his newly made clothes, a black trench coat. The cloth bursted behind his and wrapped onto the back, putting Nensho onto his back. "Great, let's move along then!" The two of them rustled and rushed their way forward to the Hàto Street and in several minutes finally arrived.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.]

Tim and Ayuka landed at the top of the Clock Tower to have a better look around the street. "To me, everything seems natural, currently..." Both of them kept looking. "I agree...but... there has got to be some reason to why.... it actually was written in the paper work..." "On what, we've read, it may really be, that the one who we're looking for only shows itself at night...."Tim escorted his words to direct Ayuka. " I agree, but still, we should search for any evidences of something or some kind of pressure..." Tim agreed to Ayuka's explanation and the two of them disappeared by using Vanishing Dash. After appearing at the center of the street, the two of them began searching, luckly for them, people in the area couldn't see them, since both of them were invisible to a human eye, in state of a Ginkenian.

After a mile search, another two hours passed.

"Damn it... we've searched for two full hours and got zero evidences... there has got to be some kind of lead!" Ayuka angrly spoke, but Tim then noticed. "Wait... what's that?" Tim walked forward and picked up what seemed a red part of a wool and beneath it, there existed some sort of a plant... but not truly a plant, a black wiggly tail of some kind. The two Ginkenians became extremely surprised.... finding some sort of a liquid in a shape of a tail or a tentacle.

[Tim and Ayuka came across a strange liquid what might be the cause of awakening... is this 'liquid' a part to their clue or leads.. is the girl somehow connected to this strange events... what will show itself next?]

To be continued...