64. Terror Shades! Yasue's production hunt!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

"Yeah, but hold on... how can be sure that, this girl has anything to do with this?" Tim asked and pointing his finger on the paper work. "It should be obvious, as said.... the 'Shadow Mist' was near that area... and everytime a human goes by there, they just don't return... and... I believe that Demons have nothing to do with this, nor Fiends... but I could also be wronged...." Ayuka exclaimed with her finger squashed onto the paper work. "Yeah, but what do you want me to do about it... search for whoever is doing this or what?" After leaning back, Tim crossed his arms behind his straight back. "Well, certainly that's another option... but, I say we should search for the girl first...."

"Damn it... we've searched for two full hours and got zero evidences... there has got to be some kind of lead!" Ayuka angrly spoke, but Tim then noticed. "Wait... what's that?" Tim walked forward and picked up what seemed a red part of a wool and beneath it, there existed some sort of a plant... but not truly a plant, a black wiggly tail of some kind. The two Ginkenians became extremely surprised.... finding some sort of a liquid in a shape of a tail or a tentacle.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Thursday, 10:05 p.m.]

"Squad 4, Number 301! We've came across another body, over." A man over a microphone chip spoke. "Squad 3! What's the status commander Ludwick, over?" A female asked when in the street, searching for any evidences. "Right away! We've come across a humanoid body, cut from neck to hips... status, death, seems to have been killed by someone, however, there are no evidences requiring to acomplish death by weapon, what shall we do, over!" Commander Ludwick answered. "Damn, no evidences providing of a weapon.... alright." The woman tapped the chip's button. "Take it with the others! Over." Answered the woman. "Yes! Understood ma'am! Over!" The chip call ended when the officers around the woman began saving any people that were still alive and injured. "How can there be a murderer without any proper contact.... what's this trickery.... lieutenant Andrew!" Andrew was called out. "Yes ma'am, what's your request?" "Proceed with recovery then~" But before finishing her sentence, they heard waveful clothes at the front. "Who's there!" The woman called as the group of officer faced and readied their guns. The silouhette before them stayed quiet, no movement nor answer. It appeared to be a woman with a long scarf. She reached behind her back and grabbed the handle of a katana. "Everyone! Fire out!" The woman called, the bullet went blasting at the woman, but the woman jumped high in the air with a flip as the bullets struck the wall, the girl pulled her katana out when a darker aura bursted from the sword, the woman disappeared and one of the officer's has been cut to death, then the woman landed at the top of the car as the bullets kept blasting at her, however the woman jumped into the air when the next few bullets flew, but with a sweeping gut she sliced and bounced the bullet away, she disappeared and in a singular struck the officers began falling onto the floor. The girl landed on the floor behind the officer woman. In fear but brave attitude the officer woman asked. "Who are you? Identify yourself, now, or you'll be shot!" The officer woman already had her pistol aimed at the back of the woman, but the girl disappeared and appeared next to the woman, terrifiying her. The female officer was frozen from her surprise, but something was heading their way but the woman slid on the floor. The woman officer seemed to be out of reality and stood frozen, lights from the cars kept glowing away. The girl shook her katana for no further evidences. With a serious expression, the woman with the scarf turned behind her after seeing darkness following her. The woman rushed forward with many laughs behind her, every officer that fell was swooped inside of the darkness..

[Tokyo City - Furó Street - Friday, 6:30 p.m.]

"Yesterday in Hàto Street, at approximately 10:05 p.m., a group of well trained officers befell from the unknown attacker who wore a red scarf around the neck and a sharp katana-like sword. Based on the camera spectaculations the assassin appeared to be a born female, most strangely, this morning the officer who fell seemed to be unharmed, but their memories have been somewhat disperse. The attacker had avoided any further murders and at the end, there was spotted a dust of black mist chasing down that girl. Here is one of the officer's explanation in the attack." The officer came to talk. "All I remember was an assassin trying to assassinate the entire group of our comrades. Everything else was not seen by me and could not have intentionally knew what happened." The officer explained." It switched back to the announcer once Tim shut down the television. "Man... what was that girl's goal? Was she trying to kill them or something... and that black mist... it almost looks like the liquid we found." Tim faced directly into the capsule in which a tentacle kept wiggling, disgustingly. "That scarf! With Rachel we saw a girl sitting near the running track, that was the same scarf too... but... she seemed innocent... do you believe she isn't?" Asked Tooru after explaining her explanation. Tim stood in the corner, with Ayuka sitting on the counter. "Well, if it is her, I believe we should immediately set out and find her..." Tsukimi spoke, sitting on the sofa. "Yeah, comfronting her could be our way of figuring out just what the Hell is going on..." Codey sighed when leaned onto the table. "It's worth it... but, how are we supposed to find her?" Tim faced at Codey and Tsukimi with a very unknowing attitude. "Well...that girl seems to have been roaming around Hàto Street for a few days now... and mostly at night, we should start by looking there..." The rest agreed but something was bothering Tim. ("Yeah... this is definetly strange... if this really is the girl who I talked to... and that she is another Soul Caller.... attacking these officers might be reasonable... but even if it is... what's the goal for her achievement.... and still, why does she see me as an enemy....?") Tim wondered with his finger leaned near his lips. "But, may I ask, why is my house the place for our 'date'?" After Tim's question, the rest became unamused and ignored him. "Let's first try normally and if that won't work, we'll have to come up with a plan." As Ayuka looked at others, she gave hopes up. "Of course! Why not ignore me! Just what I wanted!"

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street, Friday, 6:35 p.m.]

The girl from the yesterday's video walked through a street when covering her mouth. She seemed to be having a hood over for other people to not figure who she was, but as she walked, something made her look on the opposite side, she became surprised when the man faced at her. The man began running away, but the girl didn't let the chase go away. She rushed over the street fence and sprinted ahead, a driver shouted and almost crashed into her, but she disappeared and immediately landed on the opposite fence, with rush forward on the fence, she reached onto her back and prepared her katana. People were looking at her. "That's the activist on the video! Report away!" People shouted, but the girl was unable deal with them since she needed to keep an eye on the man. She kept sprinting on the fence after seeing the boy swinging to the side. Policemen began crowding and aiming their guns at the girl. "Stop immediately or we shoot!" But the girl just ignored them and the bullets began firing out, she disappeared switched her position, between crowd. "Crap! We can't shoot, too many civillians that could be harmed!" The officer shouted so he decided to rush after the girl. The girl couldn't lose the sight of her prey when she wad easily catching up to the man. The boy rushed with fear after climbing the wall, the woman however ran on the wall and zig-zagged with jumps between buildings to close in. "Crap! Crap! She's going to get me!" However, before the girl could slice him, somebody appeared behind man and a sword clashed between the girl. The girl pushed forward but then leaped backwards and landed on the wall, her scarf waved. The poor boy dropped on the floor after him being rescued. "Run, immediately...." Tim spoke when facing the girl, however, she became surprised. The man behind Tim made a creepy grin smile when he reached for a knife. "Watch out! Behind you!" The girl shouted, because of Tim's quick reaction, he turned around and noticed the man attacking, from surprise he blocked the tiny knife and pushed the man away. "Damn it!" The girl lashed her body forward after spinning and slicing through the man, Tim became surprised after the man disappeared in black sparkles. Confused enough already, Tim looked down at the girl. "W...what's going on here?" The girl spun her katana and drove it back into her case. "What was he, why was there no blood when you~" He was rustled away and interrupted. The girl swooped her scarf down her mouth. "He was a 'Shade' a dark-made puppet from the shadows... are you stupid enough to face it on without a cover over your mouth?" She asked in annoyance expression when facing behind. "W...what do you mean, and what are the 'Shades'?" "No wonders you tried to help it... a Shade is a Spirit made from the shadows after a human is absorbed by a Shadow Veil! Shades are a trickery for humans since everyone can see them..... coming in contact with them requires a great item to cover your mouth, if one of the mists flies into your body, you're bound to end up in the Shade-Skim World... that's where people disappear after they are overtaken by the Shadow Veil... but you are a physical idiot and helped it, what were you thinking?" The girl asked with a heavy annoyance up her neck. "You need to give me a better explanation here!" "Fine, if that's what you want!" But before she began explaining, the police already shouted. "She went somewhere this way! Find her!" Called the officer. Tim and the girl rocked out in surprise as Tim noticed an officer climbing over the wall. The two officers looked at Tim, confusingly. "Hello! Young man, have you seen a girl running past here, with black hair and red scarf around her neck, she is being wanted, any knowledge?" Tim was unamused and annoyed. "No sorry, nobody was here." "Where could she go of to? There is only one way leading past this alleyway. Anyway, thank you, you should hurry up along then and return home, it's very dangerous." Spoke the officer. "Oh! Yes! I'll do that right away! Sorry!" The two officers ran past Tim once he finally stepped away from the wall. The girl dropped from above in front of Tim after fixing her scarf. "Now that I've helped you get away, mind telling me more about these creatures you call 'Shades'? And please! Mind introducing yourself!?" The girl nodded and finally it was the moment of truth. "My name is Yasue, and Shades are a known as the Terror Spirits...."

[Tim finally meeting the girl's name! Finally being introduced to so called Shades! What is Yasue after! Is she an ally or an enemy? Will she continuesly be hunted down and will Shades finally be explained, who they are?]

To be continued...