65. A wrongly proven attack! Yasue's wanted existance!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

"Yesterday in Hàto Street, at approximately 10:05 p.m., a group of well trained officers befell from the unknown attacker who wore a red scarf around the neck and a sharp katana-like sword. Based on the camera spectaculations the assassin appeared to be a born female, most strangely, this morning the officer who fell seemed to be unharmed, but their memoried have been somewhat disperse. The attacker had avoided any further murders and at the end, there was spotted a dust of black mist chasing down that girl. Here is one of the officer's explanation in the attack."

"Crap! Crap! She's going to get me!" However, before the girl could slice him, somebody appeared behind man and a sword clashed between the girl. The girl pushed forward but then leaped backwards and landed on the wall, her scarf waved. The poor boy dropped on the floor after him being rescued. "Run, immediately...." Tim spoke when facing the girl, however, she became surprised. The man behind Tim made a creepy grin smile when he reached for a knife. "Watch out! Behind you!" The girl shouted, because of Tim's quick reaction, he turned around and noticed the man attacking, from surprise he blocked the tiny knife and pushed the man away.

"My name is Yasue, and Shades are a known as the Terror Spirits...."

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street, Friday, 6:50 p.m.]

"Terror... Shades, what's that name foretold anyway?" With a surprised question, Tim faced at Yasue who drew her sword back inside of the back case. "Terror Shades.... they are nightwalkers and are ritual spirits that possess nightmare-ish violence. They are forgotten and dead spirits. Whomever they strike or cut, their possessive powers acts like infection and sicks other people, by far as well. They have been created by a doctor, who goes by the name Jennifer Irigato.... she used her science to perfectly control darkness, somewhat like puppets.... once the people who are ambushed by that 'Shadow Mist', they lose their memory, the power of that darkness works, like erasure... however, after such events, the spirits of those humans duplicate and leave that body, then it becomes a Shadow which is put through a heavy evolution, after that, they become Terror Shades and with an absorbtion, they bring nightmares to reality.... that's why they have 'Terror' in their names." Yasue outgave her intense explanation. "But... if the spirit leaves a human body... doesn't that mean... they die?" But from Tim's confused perspective he was unable to be given a perfect answer. "The reason to their existance and how they survive the absorbtion is not known by me either.... but as I said, the human soul or spirit duplicates, creating an abnormal spirit that leaks out and has a physical body, also it is able to be seen by people... but because, light erases these 'Shaded Creatures', they only attack at dark, they are simmilar to Demons but extremely active in shaded places or at night...they are also flesh-eaters which raises their existance timer by far, one human counts as 15 days of additional days for those Terror Shades to survive..." Tim was quite confused and graced of her speech, but agreed with a nod. "I see.... so they are basically..... Nightwalking Demons, ain't that right?" Yasue gave Tim a nod. "There is another question... what was your goal to achieve yesterday? You fought and killed those officers.... or.... you left them alone, but then, today they found to be gone... only one of them survived.... and yet, that policeman has no clue of what his conditions are..." But onto Yasue's look, she seemed confused. "I haven't killed anyone.... nor have I attacked anyone, I only rustled my way after this Shade...." But Tim immediately pulled the phone and showed the taken video. Her eyes were surprised in a shock. "That... isn't me, I haven't been roaming around that are, not yesterday not today or before that." This gave Tim quite an observing confusion. "It's gotta be a mistake!" But then.. "So, you're saying that this isn't you?" Uncertain of her actions, Tim asked with a point onto the girl. "No. If you believe me or not, that isn't me...." Tim soon remembered that he found a poece of a red scarf. "Wait, give me your scarf if you might?" Tim reached into his pocket and grabbed the scarf. "Hey! Watch it! Don't be so tight! Are you trying to make me unconsciouss from such heavy pull." He compared the ripped piece of the scarf with her, but there seemed to not be any kind of rip in her scarf. "W....Where have you gained that?" She confusingly asked when Tim dropped her scarf. "It was covering one of the 'liquided tentacles' in the ground.... but it is also a proof that it wasn't you actually... the rip would go with that scarf but there isn't any.... the only way that could be yours, if you had a copy of the scarf and switched it with another, very exact to this one." Yasue pulled her scarf behind her neck. "Don't even try to say that, this scarf was given to me by my brother, and ever since his death, I'd had this scarf with me, every where I go, I am not planning on losing it!" With her trustworthy reaction, Tim gained a somewhat of a realization... "Is it possible that the girl who attack those officers was your fake copy....?" Tim was quite in approval by his words. "So... now you're saying, that there is a Terror Shade that copies my body, but I was never absorbed by~" But then, she immediately remembered.

{Girl whom seemed to have been running from something slid on the floor and leaped in the air. With laughs behind her ears she faced. A bursting darkness and shadow chased her while she seemed to be quite worried of herself, but based on her look she seemed to be rather confident too. The Shadow bursted from the floor when her sight became pitch black, after finding herself in a dark room she listened to noises. "My, my... you're rather in a hurry.... what's the bother.... I'm not that scary am I?" The male voice answered while giggling. Stating her stance and keeping well quiet, the followed girl reached on her back and grabbed a handle. Her red coat and scarf waved in the wind when a male shadow appeared behind her. With a quick-draw of her katana, she sliced backwards, but the sword bursted through and phased. "Hahahaha! That won't work! Don't you see my body isn't physical... there is no way you can harm me, not by sweeps like those!" Laughed another voice. The girl covered her mouth with her red scarf and started to focus. "Oh, what's the matter, have you given up... then let me help you with that!" As soon as both, the male and female voice shouted, the girl closed her eyes. With a quick sweep, she unleashed menacing slices through the air which even blew away the darkness. With the female and male voice screaming, the darkness faded and backed away. The girl whose sword was sweeped faced around but then she immediately rushed forward.}

"That time... it has to be... I was able to escape but I was partially absorbed by that darkness... could it be that they were able to duplicate my existance?" Yasue bit her finger while trying to think her way. Tim put the ripped scarf part back inside of his pocket and recalled his Ginken, returning to his clothes. "Speaking about copies... then...the girl that I met, who looked exactly like you, called me an enemy... this doesn't mean it was you, was it?" Yasue directed her look at Tim's face. "What? Come on, don't be ignorant... this is my first time seeing you.... and while we're here, could you introduce yourself a bit more?" Asked Yasue polietly. "Right.... I'm Tim Shinkaku a Soul Caller and I believe you're also one of the Soul Callers that have been missing..." Tim said with his intimidating but serious and polite look. The girl was shocked. "What? How can you be a Soul Caller?! There are a total of 6 of us... and I never knew about you... and firstly... how can you know I'm one of the Soul Callers too?" Tim scratched his nose. "That's quite simple.... Gintoki and the rest told me about a missing Soul Caller, must be you... and if you're wondering...I just became a Soul Caller a while back.... Gintoki and the rest have taught me, everything describing a Soul Caller...." Tim explained once his hoodie waved in the light wind. "Gintoki.... I suppose I should as well ask, what happened to them?" Tim sighed. "They... were all wiped out by murderous Turbulent Fiend... I remained at life and luckly we were able to cleanse this world of that Fiend..." Yasue was interestingly surprised. "Killed? I see.... damn those idiots... why were they thinking....?!" Yasue angrly asked with her shakeful arm. "Now, back to where we were... if you're a Soul Caller, how come you gained that power, aren't you supposed to be an ordinary human?" Tim gladly began answering her question. "Not exactly, I had ability to see Spirits..... from when I was born.... I also seemed to had the ability to see others while they were in Ginkenian State.... one day, a few days before the final exams, I came across another Ginkenian, since I was in rush to help my friend, Myles, that's where it all began.... just know this, Giovanni passed his powers over onto me... and I've been keeping Demons away from more murders happening....that's everything, that you should know...." With Tim's serious set up face, he stepped to the side and faced at Yasue, however, they were busted. "There she is!" A female shout came roaring behind Tim and Yasue. Tsukimi came jumping over the wall with her prepared Ginken. "Back away, Tim!" Tsukimi was on a hunt after she sliced down at Yasue. Yasue quick-drew her sword once sweeping it forward and immediately blocking the cut. "Tsukimi! Stop!" With hopes of preventing the hunt, Tim yelled.

[Tsukimi launched herself from out of no where, attacking the innocent girl who goes by the name Yasue! Tim's hopes to prevent the fight between them, keep gazing out, will he be able

to figure a way on how to stop Tsukimi and prove that Yasue is innocent?]

To be continued...