66. Tsukimi's offense! Yasue's defense! Unknown enemy?

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

"Wait, give me your scarf if you might?" Tim reached into his pocket and grabbed the scarf. "Hey! Watch it! Don't be so tight! Are you trying to make me unconsciouss from such heavy pull." He compared the ripped piece of the scarf with her, but there seemed to not be any kind of rip in her scarf. "W....Where have you gained that?" She confusingly asked when Tim dropped her scarf. "It was covering one of the 'liquided tentacles' in the ground.... but it is also a proof that it wasn't you actually... the rip would go with that scarf but there isn't any.... the only way that could be yours, if you had a copy of the scarf and switched it with another, very exact to this one."

With Tim's serious set up face, he stepped to the side and faced at Yasue, however, they were busted. "There she is!" A female shout came roaring behind Tim and Yasue. Tsukimi came jumping over the wall with her prepared Ginken. "Back away, Tim!" Tsukimi was on a hunt after she sliced down at Yasue. Yasue quick-drew her sword once sweeping it forward and immediately blocking the cut. "Tsukimi! Stop!" With hopes of preventing the hunt, Tim yelled.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Northern), Friday, 7:10 p.m.]

"Tim, don't be stupid! We've seen what this girl has done to those policemen!" Tsukimi was pummeled backward after her offensive strike and landed in a crouch on the top of the wall. "That's not her! You don't understand the situation, especially now without giving me a chance to explain!" But like Tsukimi spoke, her trust in Yasue wasn't high enough. "Tell me after I put this girl to a long-gone rest!" Yasue who was still in defense, hoped to listen but because Tsukimi just wouldn't quit, she reached for her katana and sliced her katana directly to the right.

Tsukimi got tired of waiting and jumped towards Yasue in an immediate jump. Luckily for the defense, Yasue stepped back and quickly cut forward. Both swords slammed into each other and in rapid acceleration and defense, Yasue jumped into the air and raised the sword above her head. With a glowing darkness emanating from Yasue's sword, it lengthened and swung down quickly. With a proper but quick attack, she released a dark crescent that flew towards Tsukimi. Tsukimi jumped back into the air and dodged, at that moment the darkness also lined the floor and bounced off the wall. Tsukimi quickly jumped over the walls, and stabbed her sword into the wall, releasing the pressure of the water that forced into the wall and when the sword slid down the wall, that wall collapsed and cracked with a fall against Yasue. The quick reaction from Yasue came to her aid when Yasue crossed both of her arms. Her body quickly darkened as the bodies between Tsukimi and Yasue switched, Yasue used this technique to avoid and landed in that space where Tsukimi had been before. But behind Tsukimi it was different, she looked up into the air and noticed stones from the wall falling towards her. "What? She switched with me?!" Tsukimi summoned out to quickly release the next pressure of water, which then swung into the air, cut through the stones and cut them in half, but at that moment, Yasue grabbed her belt and pulled out throwing stars, which she threw around Tsukimi's body. Not understanding, these throwing stars exploded into dark energy, it also covered body from Tsukimi.

"Hey! You two! Quit it! This is no time to be fighting! Tsukimi, just hear me out!" But useless.

Ignoring Tim's words, Tsukimi dashed out of the dark energy, quickly running towards Yasue, who was standing on the wall, and quickly stretched her sword against the wall. Tsukimi continued her treadmill as she quickly stepped to the left. Yasue threw the next throwing star but at that moment, Tsukimi immediately avoided with a crouch. Tsukimi continued to run with a long step forward and wrapped her sword behind her back. By jumping to the side, Tsukimi quickly released the water pressure and then disappeared using Vanishing Dash. Yasue lost her but felt a rustle behind her and quickly turned around. Tsukimi cut forward towards Yasue's neck, the water pressure also forced out but with a guess back Yasue leaned and saw a sharp sword cutting over her face. Tsukimi quickly cut with a swing down at that moment, but Yasue quickly grabbed Tsukimi's arm and kicked Tsukimi into stomach. Yasue quickly pulled back and pulled Tsukimi from the wall over her to the floor, then jumped into the air with a twist and stretched her leg. Yasue fell towards Tsukimi's back and prepared a kick, but Tsukimi rolled across the floor to the side and caused Yasue to hit the hard floor. Tsukimi quickly stood up and prepared to go back into offense, the two girls looked at each other.

Tsukimi then immediately ran towards Yasue and swung, but, the moment the water squirted, Tim jumped forward and swung his sword down. Tim defended Yasue as fire and water both raged from the middle of the sword. Tsukimi's sword was bounced back and because of that, Tsukimi also stopped.

"Tim?! What are you doing! You're protecting an enemy!?" But Tim prevented her words. "She is not our enemy! Will you just listen!" Tim called and then leaned his sword onto the shoulder. "What do you mean? She was seen, killing a group of policemen?" Tsukimi asked quite intensely, but dared to listen. "Yasue here is another Soul Caller! She is not the girl who attack that group of officers! In fact, she is here to try and prevent the 'Shadow Mist' from assaulting the entire city! Look!" Tim pulled out the ripped scarf. "This is exactly like Yasue's scarf! But if you didn't notice, her scarf is completely attached! The one who forced those officers into death was her copy! And she explained everything on how these copies are made! The 'Shadow Mist' is an infection and absorbtion, if breathed in by a somebody, the mist will simply just recreate that same body! Does this tell you enough, or do you want me to go deeper into detail?!" Finally after Tim's explanation, Tsukimi agreed to listen. Yasue sighed in and drew back her weapons. "And how on Earth have you even come to this spot? How did you know?" Tsukimi scratched her eye and thought with her hands on her hips. "Fortunately I saw one of the policeman heading in here, I wanted to see if I can get any details on where he was going, but as lucky as I am, I got zero answers... speaking about him... where did that quack go?" Tsukimi faced around the area and wondered. "He passed by, he's wanting down Yasue..." Tsukimi was confused but also well told on what Tim was talking about. "Tsch.... fine... sorry, now if you would mind to explain what the hell is a 'Shadow Mist' and other things about the enemy?" Tim gave a nod and let Yasue to explain everything once again. "So... you call them 'Terror Shades', they bring nightmares when their mist is breathed in, so technically we're having two enemies...the 'Shadow Mist' and these 'Terror Shades'... however... you say these Shades are made from that drawn in mist.... these creatures are heavily supressed if we haven't come across any..." Tim quickly outspoke. "So far, we've only seen one... or, at least I only saw one...." Tsukimi quietly participated in listening to Tim's interesting explanation. "Before meeting Yasue... she was chasing one down, thanks to her I didn't get killed by that Shade... just like you... I believed that Yasue was the enemy here.... not that man." "At least, now I understand why you saw me as an enemy...." Yasue added when Tim and her both faced at each other. "Now, I would say that... Ayuka and the rest have also been searching for her, so if that's correct... where is she currently?" Tim asked carefully to unlock some other ideas. "Ayuka and Myles are both searching in the Western Side of the Shoujin Street.... Codey and Sayori though, search on the Eastern side.... I was sent to the Northern side...." Tsukimi explained with now crossed arms. "What? What does Myles have to do anything with that?" Tsukimi followed up with a sigh. "I bet it's just to twack around his 'beauty' or as he calls her 'Breasted Monkey'.... that's pretty much my feeling..." Yasue rushed into squiggly look but for Tim... he became rather unamused. "Well.... if that's the case, we may as well look for them together? Agree?" Tsukimi faced at Tim. "Well, then... maybe you both should go to Southern side... you do seem to have better idea, plus if somebody clues out...you have support..." Tsukimi faced to the front of Yasue. "Yeah, it's better to split out." Each three of them nodded.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Western), Friday, 7:13 p.m.]

"Christ... this is a death park... these bodies haven't even been found yet... how is that possible?" Ayuka was standing in the middle of an almost cemetery of corpses. "I....I'm...." Ayuka faced at Myles who was insanely scared. "If you're going to be a coward, you may as well leave, now... nobody asked you to come along." Ayuka angrly called when facing behind Myles. "No.... but... there is one question.... this must mean that these corpses....they are fresh and nobody have found then yet... it... could mean that whoever has killed them isn't far anymore...r....right?" As Ayuka listened to Myles's wording, she pressed her finger onto the lips and faced around. "Yeah... it could also mean, that the enemy isn't invisible... but is rather hiding and attacks where there is at least some shaded area.... and.... attacks where no scouts are...." Ayuka impressed of the action spoke, she twisted her body and crouched down to a killed man, listening to his heart beat. "Yeah... he's dead... even the officers who patrol around this area have been outrolled to the abyss." Myles was grabbing Ayuka near her bottom after she stood up, since he was scared. "Let go! I told you so many times to~" But before finishing, Myles pointed in the front still holding near her bottom. Somebody stood in front of them and now Ayuka even ignored the touching and became serious. "Who are you?" Ayuka gave her best to keep Myles behind her so he wouldn't get endangered. It was a boy with grey spiky hair and yellow eyes, he seemed to have been dressed into white jacket and jeans, one of his hands was as well on the hip and his smile was showing the sharp teeth of his. "Entertaining...." Those were his only words.

[A menacing and strange boy stands on top of a fallen rock, watching down at Ayuka. Who is he, what is he trying to do. Meanwhile the rest of our heroes are being complexed around the Shoujing Street, world sides.... Tim and Yasue, heading for the Southern.... Tsukimi follows her on Northern while Codey and Sayori lurk around Eastern side!]

To be continued...