67. A speed to speed strike-out!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!]

Tsukimi got tired of waiting and jumped towards Yasue in an immediate jump. Luckily for the defense, Yasue stepped back and quickly cut forward. Both swords slammed into each other and in rapid acceleration and defense, Yasue jumped into the air and raised the sword above her head. With a glowing darkness emanating from Yasue's sword, it lengthened and swung down quickly.

"Who are you?" Ayuka gave her best to keep Myles behind her so he wouldn't get endangered. It was a boy with grey spiky hair and yellow eyes, he seemed to have been dressed into white jacket and jeans, one of his hands was as well on the hip and his smile was showing the sharp teeth of his. "Entertaining...." Those were his only words.

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Western), Friday, 7:20 p.m.]

"Entertaining...." Those were the guy's only words before now. Ayuka was in a prepared but uncertain situation. "Identify yourself already... who are you?" Ayuka continued her protection on Myles. "...." The guy became serious but immediately smiled with closed eyes. "I am..... a part of Terror Shades.... go with my public name, Eito Kaitai." Ayuka became quite unsure of his words once hearing the name. "Terror Shade? Who are they?" Eito just grinned. "Not sure myself.... all I know is... that I'm a member...." Eito stepped to the side with his intimidating smile. "You should know if you're part of them?" But Ayuka's words just weren't cared by Eito. "I wanted to ask... do you think these people look better than what they were before?" Eito's voice accent was quite britih based on his talking. "Why have you killed these innocent people?" Eito just giggled and fixed his front tip of the hair. "My, slow and steady, I cannot keep up with all those questions... let's talk one at a time, so now, why don't you go first with the answer? Do they looked better like this or when they saw the world?" Eito put his right hand onto his hip when looking Ayuka sidely. "You psycho! These people were much better when they were alive! What have they done to you?" Ayuka asked righteously but very angered. "I haven't done anything... I only slurped their tasty spirit.... see. " Eito drew her left arm forward and then showed a bright light, filled by souls of people. "You're wondering... what do I need these souls or spirits for? Quite an easy task to be answered, so we can continue making copied...." Eito immediately raised his left arm with the right one in his jacket pocket. "Courage or not, they'll be free again!" The Souls from the brightness spread out and blasted in the air like falling comets after hitting the floor and creating duplicates and several copies of the killed people. "Isn't this army a beauty? One after another, soon we'll grow a gigantic army to tear people and you... Ginkenians, erasing you from this world would be a plenty excitement..." Gigglish voice was outgoing when both Myles and Ayuka listened. ("This isn't bright at all, controling these Souls of people... more than several days and they'll intensefy their existance!") Ayuka thought as she and Myles faced at Eito. "My turn again... would you consider of giving me your Soul? And if the case is no, then I'll just force it out of you~" Eito smiled quietly and calmly. "Keep dreaming, I won't be giving you my Soul, not without protection at least!" Eito grabbed his forehead and looked into the air. "Ah.... then... we'll play dirty!" Eito pointed the long arm so Ayuka saw his palm. "Go on then." The Shades who were controled by Eito lunged at Ayuka and Myles. "Ayuka! This is not good! Not good! Do something, please!!" Myles loudly shouted.

A group of lost souls ran towards Ayuka. Ayuka prepared quickly and tried her best not to let these souls get close to Myles. "Stay behind me!" Ayuka quickly took a step when the first soul had already swung towards Ayuka. Ayuka dodged with a crouch, and quickly kicked her knee into the body of the soul, at which point that soul immediately halved and doubled. "What the?!" Ayuka jumped back and crossed her arms, the twin souls swung their sharp fingers at her, she quickly found out of the sharpness and Ayuka quickly avoided. She quickly stepped to the left side, and swung her next kick and drove her knee into the stomach of the soul, forcibly bouncing the soul aside but halving it again. The next pair of souls appeared from both sides and surrounded Ayuka. She looked around with a worried look and quickly hit the face of the next soul, bounced it away and then quickly turned around, kicking towards the head of the next soul and quickly bouncing it aside, but those souls continued walking towards Ayuka.

"What a dummy! You can't kill these Souls, they are already dead!" Eito laughed while Ayuka continued her attacks and defenses at and from the Souls. ("If I was Myles, I'd probably be unable to hit them away! How am I supposed to charge through if they keep duplicating...avoiding is also not an option since nothing would happen.... darn it...") Ayuka ducked against the next swing and leaped backwards back in front of Myles. ("Wait....") Ayuka finally came to an idea.

A pair of two souls attacked Ayuka again but with a quick hit in the face, Ayuka quickly allowed one of the souls to double, but due to the quick reaction, Ayuka disappeared and both souls were crushed in the ground. Ayuka slipped between the middle of the souls and looked back. Both souls were gone. "I got it!" Eito was surprised too. "If I use my speed, I am able to strike the soul in that singular instant, that way they won't have enough time to duplicate!" Ayuka quickly slammed her palm into the ground. "Freezeburst Shock."

The icy spikes grew and quickly began to freeze all of the lost souls. Those icy spikes even stabbed through the wall as Ayuka quickly ran forward, pushing herself into the air with her right hand ready for punch as Eito looked up. "Of course! She has to have something that is an advantage to these Souls!" Eito quickly smiled but quickly recovered, reaching for his back and pulling out a sharp dagger that reached at least 50 inches in distance. While Ayuka was falling towards Eito, she quickly froze her hand and swung down. The dagger and the icy hand shook but on swinging the ice immediately collapsed, so Ayuka landed in a three-step landing, and disappeared from the spot and at her incredible speed disappeared even forced the clothes from Eito to roll through the air. With a slip behind Eito, Ayuka hit Eito at the back, but Eito quickly disappeared from the spot so Ayuka swayed the wind, Ayuka felt something cut through her knee, forcing her to fall, but with a quick catch and deduction in air, Ayuka landed in the distance but in pain as she was cut through a bleeding knee. Eito appeared in front of her in the distance with a smile. "Aren't you a speedy girl? Maybe you should slow down a bit or you might get hurt even more!... Oh wait, that doesn't really make proper sense? Oh well, who cares."

Eito quickly leaned forward and with a quick step disappeared from the spot appeared in front of Ayuka but she reacted quickly and avoided, squatting and then disappeared, she appeared in the air and quickly spotted Eito already swinging towards her. Ayuka rolled through the air, and quickly disappeared, Eito swung but because of the speed, Ayuka quickly appeared behind him. She kicked him in the back and pushed Eito forward. Eito turned quickly and waved his hand, throwing his dagger, which flew towards Ayuka's head, but with a quick wink to the side of the head, Ayuka avoided and the dagger flew past her face behind her, Eito teleported to where the dagger flew and landed quickly in the air on one hand, he cut down towards her, but Ayuka quickly kicked back with a twisted movement and hit him in the hand, knocking it away from Eito, she turned quickly and punched Eito in the stomach, both quickly disappeared and appeared higher in the air, both were similarly fast. "How long can you last! Haha!" Eito cut towards her but Ayuka crouched and quickly slid to the right, the dagger from Eito quickly cut sideways towards her head but luckily she caught his hand in front of her face and wrapped it around, kicking Eito in the stomach but doing so Eito also disappeared and quickly appeared behind her, cutting towards her but Ayuka jumped into the air. With a quick air-dash, Eito cut forward and jumped. Ayuka was upside down in the air and kicked but the dagger was hard enough to defend her kick. They both landed on the other side and turned with a fading acceleration. They appeared in front of each other and both swung their arms. Ayuka avoided the dagger so it overstepped the approach and struck forward, but Eito dropped the dagger, which was now spinning behind Ayuka's back, and crossed her arms, but Ayuka noticed and reached for her back and caught the dagger, with a rotating notch, wounding Eito in the arm and pushing hin away, she quickly threw his dagger but at the same time Eito also caught it and rolled over by the force, then he appeared forward and stabbed forward to Ayuka's stomach. She jumped to the side and somehow dodged, but a small sharp part cut the jumps of her clothes along her hip-and-side and showed her skin. A moment after this event, Ayuka froze her hand and punched Eito's face, bouncing him backwards and against the wall, but Eito slid through the air and let out the dust, they both stopped and looked.

"I'll admit, for having no Ginken at all, you're agile, fast and skilled! But... I can see you're slowly running out of stamina!" Eito looked at Ayuka who was breathing heavily. ("He's right... this keeps up and I'll lose because of tireness...") Those were her thoughts while watching Eito who was spinning his dagger, throwing it up and down, recatching it.

[A fearsome fight between Ayuka and Eito is on the way! Based on spectations, Ayuka struggles with her stamina, quickly getting tired. Meanwhile others are still searching! Myles however is afraid and worried about Ayuka, will everything work out?]

To be continued...